
更新时间:2023-06-20 05:59:57 阅读:48 评论:0

佛教 Buddhism给学生的新年祝福语
Buddhism is one of the world’s three major religions. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama(悉达多 乔达摩)who lived in the north-east region of the Indian subcontinent between 6BC and 5BC . Buddhism was widespread in many countries in Asia. During the Eastern Han Dynasty it was spread from the West to the East into China. Then as a result of the Buddhist influence on and mergence with Chine culture, Buddhism came to be a natural part of Chine civilization, albeit with a unique character. Buddhism has played an enormous role in shaping the mindt of the Chine people,affecting our aesthetics , politics, literature, philosophy and medicine.
Buddhist Immortals and Myths佛教形象和神话
阿罗汉   Arhat
It refers to tho who have attained the goal of enlightenment or awakening and achieved nirvana (涅磐) without being reborn. The difference between an Arhat and a Buddha is that the Buddha attains enlightenment by himlf, whereas the arhat does it by following the teachings of anther.
阿弥陀佛  Amitabha
“Amitabha”is a Sanskrit world literally meaning boundless light and boundless life. He is the Buddha in the Land of Ultimate Bliss(极乐世界),in which all beings enjoy unbound happiness. According to the scriptures, Amitabha posss infinite merit resulting from good deeds over countless past lives. He has forty-eight great vows to establish and adorn his Pure Land. People also recite or call upon his name by the time of dying, in the hope of being born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss with the reception by Amitabha. Amitabha is one of the most popular and well-known Buddha in China.
A introduction of Buddha:
In a broad n, Buddha is a kind of person who n, emotion and ability have been fulfilled to the upmost at the same time. They can lead the ordinary people to get rid of the sufferings in mortal world and to a new level of life.
In a narrow n, Buddha is Sakyamuni(释迦牟尼 ) who created Buddhism and who has fulfilled himlf to be a Buddha.
Features of Buddha NO.1:
Buddha is a human being, not immortal.冬至扫墓
      Buddhism is the only religion that has no gods or goddess. When Sakyamuni was born, his first word was “I alone am honored in Heaven and on Earth ”(天上天下 唯我独尊). Here, “I” doesn’t refer to himlf but refers to all the individuals in the world. Sakyamuni believes that everyone’s life is determined by his own deeds and even Buddha can’t decide who should go to the Heaven and who to the Hell.
Features of Buddha NO.2:
Buddha is a equality supporter
We all know that Buddhism preach “infinitely merciful and passionate ”(大慈大悲), which means holding affectionate love to everyone no matter who they are and considering all the human beings as a entirety including yourlf. Also, Buddhism disapprove that non-human creatures are created to give humans food
Features of Buddha NO.3:
Buddha is not unique, everyone has an opportunity to be a Buddha.
Buddha is a human being, and the only difference between him and the ordinary people is the time of awareness(觉悟时间的先后 ). “Buddha” is a name for all the aware people, not only refers to Sakyamuni.
Features of Buddha NO.4:
  Buddhism does not admit the creator of        all the creatures
Buddhism don’t believe there was a first “start” of the univer. A new “start” is the end of the former affair. The causal relationship (因果关系) is circulating and endless.
What is Buddhism? 什么是佛教?
Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world. The word es from 'budhi', 'to awaken'. It has its origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, was himlf awakened (enlightened) at the age of 35.
佛教是一种约有三亿人信仰的世界性宗教。这个词来自于'菩堤',意思是'觉悟' 。佛教大约起源于2500年前,是悉达多乔达摩(称为佛陀)在35岁时觉悟后所发起的。
• Is Buddhism a Religion? 佛教是一种宗教吗?
To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. It is
a philosophy becau philosophy 'means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as:中美关系正常化
(1) to lead a moral life,
(2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and
(3) to develop wisdom and understanding.
对于许多人来说,佛教超越宗教,更象是一种哲学或'生活艺术' 。说它是一种哲学,因为哲学'意指热爱智慧'。佛教的修行路径可以概括为:
( 1 )引导人们过着高尚的道德生活(戒),
( 2 )教人观察身心注意思想行为(定),
( 3 )通过修行获得智慧(慧)。
• How Can Buddhism Help Me? 佛教对我能有什么帮助?陆游生平
Buddhism explains a purpo to life, it explains apparent injustice and inequality around the world, and it provides a code of practice or way of life that leads to true happiness.
• Why is Buddhism Being Popular? 为什么佛教越来越受人欢迎?
Buddhism is being popular in western countries for a number of reasons, The first good reason is Buddhism has answers to many of the problems in modern materialistic societies. It also includes (for tho who are interested) a deep understanding of the human mind (and natural therapies) which prominent psychologists around the world are now discovering to be both very advanced and effective.

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