脚手架操作规程Scaffold Operation Procedure
Shanghai Petrochemical Jinyi Industry Construction Co., Ltd.
一、脚手架搭设一般规定general rule for scaffold erection
scaffold’s edges shall be attached with guardrails, and guardrails shall be 1.2m higher than platform deck. Two rows of guardrail shall be installed, for the lower row guardrail, it shall be installed 0.6m at height above platform deck so as to prevent operators to fall from height through guardrail gap.
chuanyue证脚手板有足够锚固长度,又防止脚手板探头过多而翘头坠落。The scaffold board shall be cured well
with its ends extending 15cm out of bracing, but no more than 30cm. scaffold boards shall be left 15-30cm out for both ends with a view to not only being anchored and also being prevented a scaffold board from losing its weight balance to bring about a falling.
3.所有脚手架用作安装和拆除施工时,平台应满铺板。For all scaffolds,
whenever ud for installation or demolishing job purpo, the work platform shall be laid with scaffold boards in full.
4.所有脚手架应配置一个爬梯,脚手架爬梯大于6米时要设置休息平台,爬梯步距不大于400mm,爬梯步距过大容易导致人员上下时膝盖碰档。All scaffolds shall be attached with an access ladder, and if the length of
access ladder is in excessive of 6meters, a transitional platform shall be provided, and make sure the step spacing of access ladder shall no more than 400mm. An excessive spacing of access ladder shall make personnel’s knee bumping into ledgers on ladder.
5.脚手架与建筑或构筑物之间应设横向竖向不超过4米绑扎固定点,无法固定的应设置抛撑;防止脚手架水平倾斜。Tying joints shall be康熙和乾隆的关系
applied between scaffold and building or structure and arranged within 4 meters both in horizontal and transversal directions. For the ca no tying joints can be applied, projectile supports shall be made to prevent scaffold from lean.
6.所有脚手架在操作层,应设置踢脚板,踢脚板高度不小于20厘米,应绑扎在立杆上,以备操作层并防止使用工具坠落。For scaffold erection, toe board shall be applied to operation deck, and the toe board shall not less
than 20cm in height and shall be tied to upright poles for operation purpo and to prevent tools from falling.
7.脚手架铺板必须采用5厘米厚20-40厘米宽的木板,宜采用30cm;脚手板不得用损坏、开裂,保证脚手板有足够的强度,防止脚手板在活动荷栽作用下断裂破坏。Scaffold planks shall be wooden board
5cm in thickness and 20-40cm in width (30cm in thickness is suitable). All planks shall not be damag
ed or cracked to assure sufficient strength to avoid the planks from being broken up by live load.
8.脚手架基础设置在砼面、沥青路面上;脚手架要求配置15×15厘米钢基础板或用宽大于25厘米厚5厘米长大于二根立杆距离的木板,防止基础变形。The scaffold foundation shall be made on concrete or bitumen
road surface. The scaffold shall u 15×15 steel plates or wooden planks that its dimension shall 25 plus and 5cm in thickness length longer than the distance between two adjacent upright poles so as to prevent foundation from deformation.
9.所有在钢平台上脚手架都要有垫板,加大立杆对钢平台接触面,减少对平台的压强。All scaffold erected on steel platform shall be engage with
foundation pad to increa the contact area for upright poles against steel platform surface and to ea the point pressure upon platform.
10.所有脚手架上不得堆放任何杂物,减轻脚手架的荷载,并防止杂物、材料坠落。No sundries shall be stacked on scaffold with a view to releasing loads against scaffold and also to prevent sundries and materials from falling.
11.搭拆脚手架所有材料不得抛物,防止抛物伤人、机械设备,并使原材料损坏。All parts or materials for scaffold erection shall never be allowed to
toss or throw so as to prevent individuals or equipment from being injured or damaged, and also to prevent raw materials from being damaged.
12.高度大于30米脚手架,除去上部30米的部分,对以下至地面部分立杆要加通长邦杆,邦杆要紧靠立杆并用每米不少于一只回转扣件连接,加强脚手架的强度。If the scaffold is higher than 30 meters, besides the ction above 30m, all upright poles of the below ction below 30m shall be cured
with tie pole, the tie pole shall be clung to upright poles, and one rotary coupler at least shall be ud within every meter so as to strengthen the scaffold.
13.小横杆伸出外立杆连接扣件大于10厘米,满足小横杆和扣件有足够的锚固长度,防止小横杆滑落。The transom pole shall be extended
at least 10cm out of exterior upright pole, which can meet the requirement for anchoring and prevent transom from sliding downward.
45°—60°;所有剪刀撑要沿高连续设置,沿竖向每隔10—15M高加设一道长剪刀撑将各个剪刀撑连成整体。Bridging shall be installed at every 12-15cm at two side ends and
turning joints and middle part of a scaffold. All bridging shall be connected to 3 upright poles and kept a 45°—60°angle against ground. All bridging shall be t up on a continual way, a longer bridging shall be attached to integrate all bridging together at every 10-15M.
suspended scaffold and its deck shall be attached with independent vertical safety anchorage pole. All operators shall hook their safety harness on this anchorage pole during working on deck so as to bring a dual curing measures for operators working on deck.
16.脚手架立杆距离不大于2米,承重脚手架立杆距根据要求另计算;水平杆步距1.8m,小横杆固定在立杆上,这样使重力直接通过立杆传递给基础。The spacing between every two adjacent upright poles shall be
no more than 2m, for load-duty scaffold, the spacing of its upright poles shall be calculated before er
王维安ection, i.e. the horizontal poles shall be at 1.8m, rib pole shall be cured on upright poles so as to pass the load weight to foundation through upright poles.
17.20米以上的大型脚手架,在易燃易爆精密装置工作环境搭设时需专人监护。Large scaffold above 20meters shall be erected under the dedicated supervision personnel within inflammable and explosion-prone plant area.
二、脚手架材料要求requirement for parts & materials scaffold
1. 脚手架所有材料必须符合国家建筑材料相关规定,并符合赛科规
定;钢管外径ф48壁厚3.25~3.5焊管;脚手板采用厚50mm宽250mm硬质松木。All materials related to scaffold should be in conformity with
state regulation upon building materials and SECCO’s requirement. The Steel tubes shall be of external diameter ф48, well thickness 3.25~3.5, welded steel tube. The scaffold plank shall be 50mm in thickness and 250mm in width hard deal.
2. 材料一定要有质保书、合格证。Scaffold materials shall be provided with
祝您好运quality assurance certificate and certificate of conformance.
3. 安全网用小眼密封网。Small meshed net shall be ud as safety net.
三:脚手架的搭拆流程erection and removal procedure for scaffolding
1. 根据施工要求不同处理脚手架的基础treatment of scaffold foundation
according to different construction requirement
1.1 在一般的绿化土、松散石子场地上,首先要对基础夯实平整并
使用过程中承载变形倾斜。In the locality of ordinary soil ground or rubble
ground, a compact and leveling shall be made to tamp the foundation, and drainage ditch shall be made. And then to lay wooden planks to provide sufficient weight-bearing capability so as to avoid from leaning or deformation of scaffold during its application.
1.2 在水泥、沥青路面上脚手架基础用木垫板。If on concrete or bitumen
road surface, the scaffold foundation shall be made with wooden planks.
1.3 在钢平台垫200*200木垫板。If on steel platform, 200*200 wooden
planks shall be ud as pad board.
2:独立脚手架(排架)independent scaffold (in row)
2.1 独立脚手架7M以内如无固定连接点,可以用抛撑固定;高
定。For independent scaffold within 7 meters in height, if no cure joints are