abstract:罐头瓶盖打不开怎么办 for the bridge which is located in denly populated areas such as towns and suburban, the sidewalks, railings, fence and lamp post should be t; for the bridge which is located out of towns other than the few pedestrians, you can not t up the sidewalks and lamp posts, but the railings, safety belts or guardrail must be t. although the facilities are not directly involved in the force of the bridge structure,可乐鸡翅的家常制作方法 they have an important role in the safety of vehicles and pedestrians,青黑色 as well as the aesthetics of the bridge.
明星图片女关键词: 桥梁工程;栏杆;人行道;护栏;灯柱;设计原则
key words: bridge engineering;railings;sidewalk;fence;lamppost;design principles
中图分类号:u44 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-4311(2012)34-0068-02