1500m³ water tank fabrication and installation
1.工程概况Project overview
Overview: water tank belongs to the scope of piping works specialty design drawing.
Project scope: fabrication of 2 t of water tanks, inner anti-corrosion, outer wall anti-corrosion. Fabrication of water tank body and platform stairca of water tank body. Fabrication and installation of some accessories such as manhole, etc.
Project features: the total weight of 2 ts of water tank is 216 ton. The 2 ts of water tanks will be asmbled with some materials such as steel plate, angle steel which will be delivered to the site. the asmbly place is too small to satisfy the asmbly working volume, so that it cannot store too much equipment parts. During execution, to the great extent, u asmbly line to execute. Organize production rationally according to the actual installation progress to relieve the working pressure of asmbly area mostly.
2.依据的图纸、文件及标准related drawing, document and criteria
2.1. 设计院提供的的水箱安装图纸;water tank installation drawing provided by design institution
2.2. DL/T5210.8-2009 《电力建设施工质量验收及评价规程》(加工配制篇);《execution quality and evaluation rules of power construction》(fabrication and asmbly piece)
2.3. 《火力发电厂焊接技术规程》DL/T869-2004;《thermal power plant welding technique regulation》DL/T869-2004
2.4. 《电力建设安全工作规程》DL5009.1-2002;《power construction safety working regulation》DL5009.1-2002;
3.作业准备和条件要求preparation for construction and requirements of conditions
3.1. 作业人员construction staff
3.1.1. 施工前作业人员必须接受技术交底;construction staff must accept technique disclosure before execution.
3.1.2. 作业人员要进行三级安全考试,并且体检合格;construction staff shall get through 3-grade safety test and physical examination.
3.1.3. 特种作业人员要持证上岗;special worker should be working with their special work certificate.
3.2 作业机械准备preparation for construction machinery
机具名称 Name of machines and tools | 数量 Quantity | 机具名称 Name of machines and tools | 数量 Quantity | 机具名称 Name of machines and tools | 数量 Quantity |
25T汽车吊 25T truck crane | 一辆 | 氧气 Oxygen 友情cylinder | 6 | 氧、乙炔割炬 cutting torch of oxygen and acetylene | 3 |
焊接棚 Welding shed | 一个 One piece | 乙炔瓶 Acetylene cylinder | 高考镇 3 | 10T倒链 10T chain block | 10 |
扒杆 mast | 10件 10 pieces | 磨光机 Abrader | 4 | 5T倒链 5T chain block | 2 |
钢丝绳辅助设备 steel wire rope auxiliary equipment | 一套 A t | 钢卷→尺L=50m | 2 | 千斤顶 jack | 2 |
电焊机 Electric welder | 6台 | 魔兽争霸3秘籍配电箱 distribution box | 2 | | |
| | | | | |
4.施工工艺流程图Construction technique flow chart
底板Ba plate→顶盖top cover→箱体tank body→筒体附件安装tank cylinder accessory installation→罐整体除锈防腐the whole rust removal济南社保网官网→外部油漆防腐anti-corrosive→设备验收inspection→交工project completion
5.主要施工工艺main construction technique
由于设备容积大且整体不能运输,故采用现场组装制作。设备制造安装方式采用倒装法,首先在基础上铺设好底板,底板的连接采用拼接形式,然后在底板上组装顶盖,顶盖为拱形搭接式,顶盖制作完毕后再做箱体,箱体为坡口对焊形式,焊接标准参照《火力发电厂焊接技术规程》DL/T869-2004等标准。Due to the big size of equipment and difficulty of transportation, so as to asmbly the materials in site. fabricate and asmble the equipment reverly. Firstly, put the ba plate on the foundation, condly split joint the ba plate, thirdly split joint the top cover on the ba plate,
After welding fabrication of the top,brush lime water inside and brush kerone ouside to execute the leakage test. After inspection, execute inside anti-corrosion of the top cover, in the mean while, paint the outside of the top cover. Inside and outside anti-corrosion of water tank shall be executed within the site.
6.罐体及底板的制造与组装焊接fabrication, asmbly welding of tank body and ba plate.
6.1先根据图纸和材料尺寸,确定块数并进行拼制施工。Decide the quantity of steel plate by drawing and measures of material, then fabricating the materials.
6.2每块在胎具上拼装成型,并按设计要求进行焊接固定。电脑密码怎么破解Each part is fabricated in the mould and welded as per the requirements of design institution.
6.3顶板在安装前应先检查包边角钢的椭圆度,并按设计要求进行罐项板的定位点安装,为防止顶中部的下凹,应采用临时支架。Check the ovality of wrapped edge angle steel before installing the top plate, and install the locating point of tank top plate according to t
he design. In order to prevent the top plate middle part become from sunken, apply the temporary support.
6.4首先施焊内侧的连续焊缝,然后焊接外侧的连续焊缝。Firstly, weld the inside continuous welding bead, condly weld the outside continuous welding bead.
6.5顶板与包边角钢的环缝,应由几名焊工对称均匀分布,沿同一方向采用分段退焊。Top plate and overlapping angle steel ring welding bead shall be backstep welded along the same direction by veral welders.
6.6底板焊接时不可在水箱基础上直接气焰切割钢板,以防止燃着下面的沥青找平层。It is strictly prohibited to execute torch cutting to the ba plate when welding to prevent the bitumen screed-coat from fire.
6.7拼接底板时需要先焊短焊缝、后焊长焊缝,且长焊缝焊接时需要采用跳焊方式,罐体整体焊接时应先焊接环形焊缝再焊接纵向焊缝。Firstly weld the short welding bead, weld the long welding bead shortly when asmbling the ba plate. In addition, weld long wel
高中诗词ding bead with spot welding way. Firstly weld the ring welding bead and condly weld the vertical welding bead when welding the whole tank.
7.罐壁板的制造与组装焊接要求fabrication and asmbly welding requirements of tank wall plate