372-03 T
Explanation of codes: Conditions
1 Unsatisfactory starting condition : - Butterfly switch not in neutral position - Or potentiometer supply voltage is too low.
2 Butterfly switch is in neutral position (according to measured input voltage)加速器在中位(根据测量输入电压)
3 Tiller relead (according to measured input voltage) 舵柄释放(根据测量输入电压)
4 Booster function active (parameter in pathfinder) 助力功能激活(参数在pathfinder中)
5 Butterfly switch, platform, guardrail and prence match pedestrian or rideon mode
6 Butterfly switch, platform, guardrail and prence match the walk mode 在步行模式
7 Butterfly switch, platform, guardrail and prence match ride mode without guardrail
8 Butterfly switch, platform, guardrail and prence match ride mode with Guardrail
9 Power disabled if all microprocessor inputs are not actives 若所有处理器没有输入功率单元禁止
10 Steering angle is out of tolerance 转向角度差过允许范围
11 The controller is in Passive mode 无效的控制器
13 Steering angle (analog or CAN) value is exceed first threshold 转向角度(模拟或CAN)值超过最初极限
14 Steering angle (analog or CAN) value is exceed cond threshold 转向角度(模拟或CAN)值超过第二极限
19 Truck doesn't move instead a torque is applied 扭矩提供但叉车没有移动
20 The belly switch function is activated by the position of the platform, the tiller and the belly switch processor
21 The belly function still active. To ret it turn the butterfly into neutral position
腹部开关功能还在活动. 去复位蝶形开关到中位
22 Truck with platform : Belly function is not active due to platform position, tiller and belly switches. Truck without platform : Belly function is not active due to tiller and belly switches
23 The belly function is ready due to the platform position, tiller and belly switches
24 Butterfly switch 1B1 is not in the neutral position or the belly switch button 1S3 is operating
30 Monitoring of the rotor field depending on the model of the motor 监测转子磁场取决于电机的型式
31 Internal powerpart error 内部功率部分故障
32 The controller can't switch to passive mode 控制器不能切换到被动模式
33 Speed reduction No. 1 is enabled, as input 1X1:7 is not connected to ground
34 Speed reduction No. 2 is enabled, as input 1X1:20 is not connected to ground
35 Battery voltage too low (1X1:15 < 12V) 电池电压太低(1X1:15 < 12V)
36 Mast forks under 0.3m (1X1:21 = 0V) 货叉在0.3M以下(1X1:21 = 0V)
37 Hydraulic pressure too high 7B7 (1X1:39) 液压压力太高 7B7(1X1:39)
38 Forks above 1.5 m 2B6 active (1X1:18) 货叉高于1.5M 2B6 动作 (1X1:18)
大黄花鱼怎么做好吃39 The lift booster function is ready (pressure at X1:40 is low) 起升助力功能准备(压力在X1:40太低)
40 MOSFET temperature too high (>+95癈 and <+200癈)
41 Initial lift buttons or lift potentiometer or mast potentiometer are not in the neutral position at start up
43 The battery is discharged. (measured by external BDI (X1:23 = open) 电池电量低(内部BDI测量,) (X1:23 = 开)
44 Prence switch is not presd (X1:19 > 6V) 在位开关没有压下(X1:19>6V)
45 Motor temperature too high (>+160癈 and <+200癈) 电机温度太高(>160<200)
46 The platform position is down and the prence switch is not presd (X1:19 > 6V, X1:5 < 4V)
站板放下,在位开关没有工作(X1:19 > 6V, X1:5 < 4V)
47 The belly function is active 腹部开关功能激活
48 Initial lift button 2S7 and initial lowering button 2S6 are active at same time. Remark : Relea the button to clear this code
49 Initial lifting forks are at top position (X1:04 = 0V) 初始起升货叉在顶部(X1:04 = 0V)
50 The mast potentiometer is in neutral position 起升电位计在中位
51 Datalogger request : brake active, lifting and lowering disabled 数据器请求:制动工作,起升下降禁止
52 A stop is requested from DataLogger (via CAN) 数据器来的停止需求
53 The truck speed is reduced due to datalogger option (via CAN) 因为数据器选项叉车减速
54 Datalogger request : Speed reduction 数据器来的减速需求
60 The signal X1:6 from LES is not as expected : truck is stopped X1:6从LES来的信号不是所要的:叉车停止
61 LES request : speed reduction or stop LES需求:减速或停止
电子英语62 LES request : stop LES需求:减速或停止
63 LES request : soft stopping LES需求:软停止
64 LES request : speed reduction LES需求:减速
65 Safety-controller didn't finish startup-procedure 安全控制器不能完成起动和序
66 Safety-controller didn't finish startup-procedure completely : - Safety-Relais was correctly checked - Contactor couldn't be checked, becau not clod by Function-Controller
67 Safety-controller didn't finish startup-procedure completely : - the truck-ID is not received.
68 Safety-controller performs disable-tests of digital-valve 1/2 开关阀1/2禁止测试
69 "Steering status" signal from LES via CAN not received 从LES经CAN的“转向状态”信号不能接受
70 Discharging of power part capacitors is in progress 功率模块在放电进程中
71 Main contactor doesn't switch on 主接触器不能工作
73 Pre-charging via "charging circuit" is in progress 在预充电进程中
74 Communication with LES is disturbed 和LES的通信故障
75 Powerpart internal error : decharging problem 功率模块内部故障:放电问题
76 Powerpart internal error : precharging problem 功率模块内部故障:预充电问题
77 Communication with LES is disturbed 和LES的通信故障
78 Communication with LES is disturbed 和LES的通信故障
79 Communication with LES is disturbed 和LES的通信故障
感谢老板的话简短83 Mast forks are over 1,5m (X1:18 = open) 货叉起升在1。5M上(X1:18 = open)
84 Mast forks are over 0,3m (X1:21 = open) 货叉起升在0。3M上(X1:21 = open)
90 Teaching (inclinometer and butterfly switch) have not been carried out yet
91 Truck identification values are different on lift and drive controllers. 起升和牵引控制器ID标志不同
92 Truck type is different from one controller to the other (LAC and LES) via CAN
93 Teaching value of mast lifting/lowering potentiometer (X1:12) is not correct (>58% or <42%).
起升电位计标定值不正确((X1:12) (>58% or <42%)
94 Lift booster switch has been changed or lift booster switch has an invalid tting value.
95 Datalogger tting in controller changed. 数据器设定到控制器更改阴道护理
96 Internal error (SSC-Watchdog) 内部故障(SSC-看门狗)
97 Internal error (telegram-length) 内部故障(报文长度)
98 Internal error (SSC-communication) 内部故障(SSC-通信)
99 Teaching value of mast lifting/lowering potentiometer (X1:12) is not correct on Safety-Controller (>58% or <42%).
small的比较级和最高级在安全控制器中起升电位计标定值不正确((X1:12) (>58% or <42%)
109 Input status change (1 or 0) (except for butterfly switch 1B1) too fast (> 10Hz)
120 Pre-charging via "charging circuit" failed 预充电电路故障
131 Internal powerpart error (Trap flag is t) 功率模块内部故障
169 No Steerstat signal from LES via CAN 没有转向状态信号从LES中来
Trouble codes
201 The supply voltage is too high 电源电压太高
202 The supply voltage is too low