受 检 单 位 Inspected Company | 检 查 日 期 Inspection Date | ||||||||||
检 查 区 域 Inspection Area: | |||||||||||
ANY RESPONSE IN A SHADED BOX AREA REQUIRES CORRECTION ACTION 若灰色框内有填写内容则必须给出相应的整改措施 (检查结果符号使用:“○”合格,“×”不合格,“/”不适用) | |||||||||||
类别和项目 Inspection Item | 合格YES | 不合格NO | 不适用N/A | 违规 人数 Num | 整改措施 Correction Action | ||||||
1) | 工作现场HSE程序HSE Procedures on Site | ||||||||||
A | 是否配置了保安人员到位? Are curity personnel deployed and in place? | ||||||||||
B | 是否有配置了现场HSE人员并到位? Are HSE reprentative deployed and in place? | ||||||||||
2) | 个人防护设备(PPE) | ||||||||||
A | PPE是否合格有效并提供? Are the PPE in validity and provided by company? | ||||||||||
B | 所有员工是否配置了基本的PPE(安全帽/上下弹跳防护眼镜/安全鞋)并正确佩戴?Are all the workers equipped with PPE(hard hats/safety glass/safety shoes)and wear them correctly? | ||||||||||
3) | 临时用电 Temporary electricity Safety | ||||||||||
A | 是否遵守“三相五线制”并至少有三处以上的重复接地?Does it comply with “three-pha-five-wire system”and have at least three grounding? | ||||||||||
B | 所有接线板及电线是否有损毁或绝缘层破损及暴露的电线等现象?Are all power cords and extension cords in good condition with no damaged or frayed insulation or expod wiring? | ||||||||||
C | 所有电线是否走向有序? Are all the wires organized? | ||||||||||
D | 所有电器设备之间是否有足够的空间以允许工作人员进入及移动?Is there space to enter and move comfortably in working spaces around all electrical equipment? | ||||||||||
E | 各种用电设备是否有安全护罩并做了有效接地? Are all the electrical facilities equipped with curity guards and have guarding? | ||||||||||
F | 电气系统是否有专人检查/维护?Is the electrical system inspected and maintained by special personnel? | ||||||||||
G | 面板、电器柜、出线盒等通路在不使用的时候是否被关闭?Are openings on panels,electric cabinets,outlet boxes and fitting clod when not in u? | ||||||||||
4) | 高处作业/坠落防护 Working at height/Fall protection | ||||||||||
A | 所有高于下表面2米以上的通道、工作表面是否都有防护栏防护?Surfaces 2M or greater above a lower level protected with a guardrail system OR are employee required to u personal fall arrest system when working on the surfaces? | ||||||||||
B | 通道/工作场所有洞的地方是否有保护盖?(天窗也定义为坑洞) Are holes in walking/working surfaces protected by covers?(skylights are included in the definition of a hole) | ||||||||||
C | 高处作业下面区域是否设置了安全屏障/标志? Are safety barriers/signs t up in the area of works at heght? | ||||||||||
D | 2米以上的高度作业是否100%挂安全带? Are all the workers working above 2m equipped with safety belts? | 白花胶 | |||||||||
E | 系挂的安全带是否符合标准要求?(全身式/双大挂钩)Can the safety belts meet the standard?(Whole body type/double large pothooks) | ||||||||||
F | 防坠落设备是否有人检查并记录? Are the fall protection equipment inspected and recorded by special person? | ||||||||||
G | 使用防坠落保护措施的工作人员是否被培训过如何是正确使用的方式?Are employees who are requiredto u personal fall arrest system properly trained in the u or personal fall arrest system? | 薄的组词 | |||||||||
5) | 移动设备/临界吊装/起重/吊索 Moving equipment/Hoists/Cranes/Slings | ||||||||||
A | 是否使用了倒车报警/视觉信号(指挥人)?If there is a backing warning/visual signal(commander) | ||||||||||
B | 所有操作人员是否具备相应的资质/执照?If all the operators have corresponding qualification? | ||||||||||
C | 每个提升装置的额定载荷是否清晰的标识?对于地面上的操作员来说是否清晰可读?脾胃虚弱怎样调理 Is the rated load of each hoist legibly maked and visible to the operator from the ground? | ||||||||||
D | 所有吊装设备是否具备检测证书?Are there the tests certifications of all the lifing equipments? | ||||||||||
E | 吊装过程中是否使用溜绳? Are taglines ud in the lifing process? | ||||||||||
F | 吊装区域是否设置了安全屏障和安全标志?Are safety barriers/signs t up in the area of lifing? | ||||||||||
G | 吊钩开口处是否比正常开口大15%以上?是否有裂痕?钩体是否有10%以上的扭曲?是否无防滑舌片? Is the throat opening of the hook greater than 15% of normal?Is the hook cracked or twisted more than 10% from the plane of an unbent hook?Is there anti-slip fitting? | ||||||||||
H | 提升索具及其他端部的配件是否有以下现象? Do hoist chains including end components show evidence of any of the following? A:Excessive wear 过度磨损 B:Twist 扭曲 C:Distorted links 连接处变形 D:Stretch 拉伸 | ||||||||||
I | 吊带:是否有不正常之磨损?是否有纤维破坏或切断?是否有变色或腐烂?Slings:Is there any abnormal wear on?Are any fibers broken or cut ?Is there any discoloration or rotting? | ||||||||||
6) | 压缩气瓶/焊接/切割/煅烧/打磨 Compresd gas cylinders/ Welding/Cutting/Calcined/Polished | ||||||||||
A | 所有钢瓶是否正确地固定和分类存放在适当的位置?Are all the cylinder properly fixed and stored properly? | ||||||||||
B | 钢瓶是否戴好钢瓶帽? Is cylinder cap equipped well? | ||||||||||
C | 压力调节器和压力表状况是否良好?Are the pressure regulator and pressure gauge in good condition? | 红酒会过期吗 | |||||||||
D | 是否安装了回火阻断器和止回阀?Are fire arrester and NON-RETURN VALUE equipped? | ||||||||||
E | 是否有专人经常检查压缩气瓶看其是否有损坏,腐蚀或泄漏?Are compresd gas cylinders regularly examined for obvious signs of defects,deep rusting or leakage by specialist? | ||||||||||
F | 气瓶使用或存储时是否都保持直立位置?Are cylinder all in an upright position when u and stored? | ||||||||||
G | 储存的气瓶是否分“已空”或“满瓶”分开储存? Are stored cylinders gregated by “full”and “empty”status? | ||||||||||
H | 是否使用专用气瓶运输车或推车来移动压缩气瓶? Are cylinder trucks or dollies available to move compresd gas cylinder? | ||||||||||
I | 钢瓶软管是否有正确的接头? Is there a correct cylinder ho connector? | ||||||||||
J | 所有电焊工是否持有有效的焊工证? Are all welders certified? | ||||||||||
K | 是否使用了保护他人的遮挡/遮蔽? Whether u other's protection of the shelter? | ||||||||||
L | 焊机电缆和气体软管管理是否适当?Is the control of welding cable and gas ho appropriate? | ||||||||||
M | 电焊机是否经过安全检查并有效接地?Is electric welding machine checked and effectively grounded? | ||||||||||
N | 每个打磨机是否有独立的控制开关?Does each grinder have an individual on/off control switch? | ||||||||||
O | 是否在打磨机上安装挡板以防止冷却液飞溅到员工身上? Are splash guards mounted on grinders that u coolant to prevent the coolant from reaching employee? | ||||||||||
P | 每个打磨机是否都使用了安全垫圈?打磨机四周是否使用防滑垫? Are safety washes utilized on each grinder?Are non-slip mats utilized around the grinde? | ||||||||||
Q | 打磨机防护装置是否完好?是否无可见的裂纹或损坏?Is the guard no damaged?With no visible cracks or damage grinder? | ||||||||||
R | 如果员工暴露于焊接,切割或铜焊所产生的危险之下,他们是否使用PPE,服装或面罩进行防护?Are employee expod to the hazards created by welding,cutting or brazing operations protected with personal protective equipment clothing or shielding? | ||||||||||
S | 是否配置了有效的足够的灭火器? Are there adequate fire extinguishers? | ||||||||||
7) | 厂区车辆/叉车 Vehicle and Forklift | ||||||||||
A | 厂区车辆/叉车是否按限速规定行驶?Do the vehicles/forklift apply with the speed limit? | ||||||||||
B | 使用者是否经过培训并有权限使用叉车?Are you a trained an authorized forklift operator? | ||||||||||
C | 喇叭状态是否良好?Is the horm operable? | ||||||||||
D | 轮胎充气是否正常(目测)? Are the tires properly inflated?(Visual Check) | ||||||||||
E | 生产商标签、铭牌及其他标识是否清晰可读? Are the manufacturer`s lables,nameplates and other markings legible? | ||||||||||
F | 是否有漏汽油,机油及液压油的迹象?(需要检查地板)Any evidence of leaking fuel,oil,or hydraulic fluid?(Be sure to check the floor) | ||||||||||
G | 叉车是否有安全带,安全带是否可以有效使用? Does the forklift have a atbelt and is it operational? | ||||||||||
H | 叉车是否有灭火器,灭火器是否是满装的? Does the forklift have a fire extinguisher and is it full? | ||||||||||
8) | 消防 Fire Protection | ||||||||||
A | 禁止吸烟的标志是否张贴并强制执行?是否有员工在工作期间吸烟?Are No-smoking signs posted an enforced?Are there employee to smoke at work? | ||||||||||
B | 确定是否有足够的灭火器并定期检查? Are there adequate fire extinguishers regularly checked? | ||||||||||
C | 是否正确存储和使用可燃和易燃液体?Are there correct storge and u of combustible and flammable liquids? | ||||||||||
D | 在动火作业区是否提供了灭火器?Are fire extinguisher provided in the region of fire extinguisher? | ||||||||||
E | 通向安全出口的通道是否通畅? Is access to emergency exits unobstructed? | ||||||||||
F | 安全出口是否用“EXIT”标明? Are emergency exits labeled with an “EXIT”sign? | ||||||||||
9 | 文明施工和健康卫生 Houkeeping and Health | ||||||||||
A | 所有过道/工作区是否干燥无滞留液体? Are walking/working surfaces dry and free from standing liquids? | ||||||||||
B | 所有作业区域内的杂物是否清除? Are all the wastes removed from the operating region? | ||||||||||
C | 所有走道/通道是否通畅? Are all the walkways/passages free from obstacles? | ||||||||||
D | 所有孔洞/开口是否已加盖子? Are all the holes/hatch covered? | ||||||||||
E | 所有工作区域是否都有足够的照明? Are all areas adequately illuminated? | ||||||||||
F | 所有材料是否正确地储存并码放整齐?Are all the materials stored correctly and neatly arranged? | ||||||||||
G | 是否做到工完料尽场地清? Is the working region clear after work? | ||||||||||
H | 关于高尚的故事 是否提供了足够的废物容器? Are sufficient waste containers provided? | ||||||||||
I | 饮用水容器正确地鉴别和清洗?Can drinking water containers be identified and cleaned properly? | ||||||||||
J | 是否有足够的饮用水/冲洗设施? Is there sufficient drinking water/washing facilities? | ||||||||||
K | 厕所和冲洗设施是否得到正确的维护?Are the toilet and washing equipment maintained properly? | ||||||||||
L | 当人员接触噪音环境达到或大于8小时85分贝(时间加权平均数)时,是否采取了适当的保护措施(如耳塞)?Is there any proper protective measure taken when workers are expod to more than 85dB for 8h? | ||||||||||
10) | 危险化学品/重大危险源 Hazard Chemicals/Major hazards | ||||||||||
A | 是否有专人管理/维护/检查? Are the management/maintenance/inspection done by special personal? | ||||||||||
B | 所有容器/存放地点是否都有清晰可读的有害废物标识或其他合适的标识?Are all containers and storge areas labeled with either a legible Hazardous Waste label or other appropriate lable? | ||||||||||
C | 长江水世界存放地点是否有防护禁止措施?如围栏/灭火器 Is there any protective measure taken around the storge area?Such as the fence/fire extinguisher | ||||||||||
D | 各容器状态是否良好(无凹痕或泄漏)? Are all containers in good condition?(No unusual dents or leaks) | ||||||||||
11) | 急救和医疗 First-aid/Medical treatment | ||||||||||
A | 是否具有足够的急救用品并易获取? Are there adequate first-aid supplies and easy to access? | ||||||||||
B | 是否有足够的有资格的紧急救护人员? Are there adequate qualified first aiders? | ||||||||||
C | 急救日志是否得到维护? Are the first aid records maintained? | ||||||||||
12 | 事件/事故汇报 Accident/Incident Report | ||||||||||
A | 所有事故是否报告和调查? Are all the incident reported and investigated? | ||||||||||
B | 所有事故是否第一时间告知领导层?Are all the incidents are reported to the management immediately? | ||||||||||
C | 所有事故是否填写事故通报及事故调查表? Are all the incidents completed the notification form and investigation form? | ||||||||||
备注 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS | |||||||||||
声明 ANNOUNCEMENT 我在此声明我已参加了此检查并了解所有需要纠正的问题。I hearby to claim that I have attended the inspection and acknowledge all the problems which need to be corrected. 受检单位现场HSE代表 HSE Reprentative of the inspected Company: | |||||||||||
检 查 人 Inspector | 日期 Date | ||||||||||
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