great expectations 远大前程
charles dickens 狄更斯
my first name was Philip,but when i was a small child i could only manage to say Pip.教名
so Pip was what everybody called me.
i lived in a small village in Esx with my sister,who was over 20 years older than me.
my parents had died when i was a baby,so i could not remember them at all. quite often i ud to visit the churchyard,about a mile from the village,to look at their names on the gravestones.经常
sit on a gravestone in the churchyard one cold,grey,December afternoon.十
listen to the rushing sound of the a in the distance.听着远处大海刮出的
don't say a word!别出声!
a man jumped up from among the graves and caught hold of me.墓地里跳
if you shout i will cut your throat. 敢叫就割断你的喉咙
he was a big man,dresd all in black,with an iron chain on his leg.身材高
his clothes were wet and torn.衣服湿淋淋的,并且破破烂烂皮肤类型
he looked exhausted,and hungry,and very fierce.筋疲力竭,饥饿,凶残。
i had never been so frightened in my whole life.我一生从未如此害怕
i begged in terror.我害怕的乞求家乡介绍
show me where you live.指给我看你住在哪里。
i lived in the village over there.
he picked me up and turned me upside-down.抓起倒提着
nothing fell out of my pocket except a piece of old bread.掉出,口袋,剩面包
he ate it in two bites,like a dog.狼吞虎咽两口吞下
oh,i e,they are dead.我明白了,他们已经死了
who do you live with?
he held me by both arms and stared fiercely down into my eyes.双手抓住,凶狠的盯着我的双眼
you bring me a file.你给我拿个锉来。
you know what that is? 你应该知道那是什么东西吧?
if you tell anyone about me,i will cut your heart out.敢告诉别人我的事,我就挖出你的心
i promi i will do it,sir. 我保证会做到的
i was badly frightened and my whole body was trembling.非常害怕,浑身颤抖
smile unpleasantly.不高兴地冷笑
i travel with a young man,a friend of mine,who roasts boys' hearts and eats them.烤过小孩的心并吃掉它们
简单年画he will have your heart.拿到你的心
bring the food to that wooden hou over there early tomorrow morning.明天一大早
remember,you promid!记住你的诺言!
i watched him turn and walk with difficulty across the marshes.转身,步履蹒跚,穿过沼泽
i ran home as fast as i could.我拼命跑回家
my sister was very proud of the fact that she had brought me up.
she was not a beautiful woman,being tall and thin,with black hair and eyes and a very red face.
she clearly felt that Joe and I caud her a lot of trouble.确实觉得……给她添了很多麻烦
she frequently complained about it.时常抱怨
Joe was a gentle,kind man with fair hair and weak blue eyes.金色的头发,淡蓝的眼睛
he quietly accepted her scolding.老老实实的听着她的训斥
when i ran breathless into the kitchen he gave me a friendly warning.上气不接下气,友好的忠告
she is out looking for you. 她正在外面找你
she has got the stick with her.她拿了条棍子
this stick had been ud so often for beating me that it was now quite smooth.光滑
just then she rushed in.正在此时,冲进来
where have you been, you young monkey?死哪儿去了,你个小兔崽子?
i whispered,starting to cry.小声嘟囔,接着哭了
you will nd me to the churchyard one day! 你总有一天会把我送进坟墓!
now let me get your supper ready.准备晚饭
for the rest of the evening, i thought of nothing but the stranger on the marshes.
he shook his head to warn me.他摇摇头警告我
this was too much for her.对于她来说,这显然问得太多了
listen,my boy,i didn't bring you up to annoy people to death!听着,小子,我把你养大不是让你烦死人的。
there are ships on the river which are ud as prisons.
people who steal and murder are put in the prison-ships,and they stay there for years sometimes.
now,go to bed! 现在赶快睡觉去!
as soon as there was a little light in the sky outside my window,i got up and went quietly down to the kitchen.
i did not dare take the whole brandy bottle,so i poured some into a smaller bottle to take away with me.
then i filled up the brandy bottle with what i thought was water from a big brown bottle.
i ran out on to the dark marshes.直奔黑压压的沼泽地
the mist was so thick that i could not e anything.大雾弥漫
i almost got lost this time.几乎迷路
i saw a man sitting on the ground,half asleep.半睡半醒
i went up and touched his shoulder.走过去
he ran away into the mist.逃进弥漫的大雾中
he looked around him all the time for danger.
you have been good to a poor man.你给一个穷苦人办了件好事
he stared at me in great surpri.吃惊的盯着我美育的意义
just now,over there.就在刚才,在那儿。
i will find him and i will finish with him! i will smash his face! 我会找到并干掉他,打烂他的脸!
she did not notice that any food was missing.
at half past one our two guests arrived. 1点半
he had a large no and a shining,bald forehead.大鼻子,闪闪发光的秃顶he was a fat,middle-aged man with a mouth like a fish,and staring eyes.鱼嘴,贼眼