一. 殖民时期的美国: Colonial America 17c早——18c末
1. 从英国探险者和殖民者在新大陆的作品开始,描述他们在新大陆真实而精力充沛的冒险。
2. 另一类为清教作品
Philip Freneau 菲利普·费瑞诺:第一位美国抒情诗人兼记者 “Father of American Poetry”(美国诗歌之父)
Puritanism: 清教主义
American Puritanism influences on American literature:
1. Idealism and optimism 理想主义和乐观主义
2. Symbolism 象征主义
3. Simplicity. 简洁
1.Edwards 爱德华兹:the first modern American can the country’s last medieval man.
“the current of Transcendentalism, originating in the piety of the Puritans, vecoming a philosophy in Jonathan Edwards, passing through Emerson.”
超验论由清教徒的虔诚演变而来 在乔纳森·爱德华兹的哲理得到发展 继而传给爱默生
2.Franklin 富兰克林
A rare genius in human history
He was one of the makers of the new nation. |
Jack of all trades (杂家)
1) He was the only American to sign the four documents that created the U.S.:
①The Declaration of Independence ②The Treaty of Alliance with France美法同盟条约
① The Treaty of Peace with Englan英美和平条约 ④Constitution
Lightning-rod fire department-street lighting-bifocal class |
2) His claim to a place in literature rests chiefly on his Poor Richard’s Almanac(P34几句名言看)
and Autobiography.
was the first of its kind in literature.(文学史上该类作品开山之作)
reveal the pattern of Puritan: simplicity, directness, concision. (简单、直接、明朗)
Edwards & Franklin:
Edwards reprents the upper levels of the American mind.
Franklin reprents the lower levers. Tradition of religious idealism理想主义的宗教信仰
2 the American Puritanism is a two faceted
the levelheaded common n—明智冷静的判断力F
3.The one was as a good Puritan as the other. 两人均是虔诚的宗教徒
American Romanticism: 浪漫主义
年假通知标调口诀歌1. Irving 欧文:美国第一个获得国际声誉的浪漫主义作家
① The first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame.
② The father of American literature.
Rip Van Winkle
The Sketch Book见闻札记
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡觉的传说
The Sketch Book见闻札记
1). The short story as a genre in American literature开创美国短片小说先河环保汽车
2). The Sketch Book also marked the beginning of American Romanticism标志着浪漫主义的开始
Irving stories are among the best of American short stories 美国短篇小说之最
生蚝怎么做好吃又简单Irving’s charecters:
a. Irving’s style can be described as beautiful.It is imitative,but he was a hightly skillful writer
b. He avoids moralizing as much as possible 尽量避免说教
c. He is good at enveloping his stories in an atmosphere.擅长将故事在一个内涵丰富的环境下展开
d. His characters are vivid and true 生动,真实
e. Humor
f. The finished and musical language 音乐般优美的语言
2. Cooper 库珀
1). He was one of the first authors to write about the American Westward movement.
2). “Leatherstocking Tales”《皮袜子故事集》主人公 Natty Bunppo
The Pioneers 《拓荒者》 The Last of the Mohicans 《最后的莫西干人》
The prairie《大草原》 The Pathfinder《探鹿者》 The Deerslayer 《猎鹿者》
3) He was a mythic writer. And he was good at inventing plots. 神话作家,编造故事的能力
The greatness of cooper
1. He created a myth about the formative period of American nation创造美国格式时代的神话
2. He wrote with increasing awareness of the importance to fiction of the Western Frontier.
3. He was at once devoted to principles of social order and responsive to the idea of nature and freedom in the eilderness.他马上接受了新的社会规则,对自然和子偶的理念做出了回应种植用英语怎么说
4. He is a mythic writer and good at inventing plots.
北京有什么景点New England Transcendentalism:超验主义
Authors: Emerson & Thoreau; Hawthorne & Melville; Whiteman & Dickenson; Allen Poe
1. Emerson:强调“oversoul” (超灵)
作品:1. Nature 2. The American Scholar 3. Self-reliance
Nature regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism新英格兰超验主义的圣经
The American Scholar regarded as American’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence
Emerson’s 文艺观点 optimistic
1) True poetry and true art should ennoble. It should rve as a moral purification and a passage toward organic unity and higher reality 真正的诗歌和艺术是高贵的,是为净化灵魂使之达到有机统一儿通向更高的现实而服务的
2) Emerson places emphasis on ideas, symbols, and imaginative words.他注重信念,象征和有想象力的词语
3) As to theme, emerson called upon American authors to celebrate America which was to him a long poem in itlf, to celebrate the life of today. 他号召美国作家为美国和今天的生活写作,对他来说,美国本身就是一首长诗