Glenn Baddeley-GPS-NMEA ntence
•All$GPxxx ntence codes and short descriptions
•26interpreted ntences transmitted by GPS unit
•12interpreted Garmin proprietary ntences transmitted by GPS unit
•8interpreted Garmin proprietary ntences received by GPS unit
•Format of latitudes and longitudes
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All$GPxxx ntence codes and short descriptions
•$GPAAM-Waypoint Arrival Alarm
•$GPALM-GPS Almanac Data
•$GPAPA-Autopilot format"A"
•$GPAPB-Autopilot format"B"
•$GPASD-Autopilot System Data
•$GPBEC-Bearing&Distance to Waypoint,Dead Reckoning
•$GPBOD-Bearing,Origin to Destination
•$GPBWC-Bearing&Distance to Waypoint,Great Circle
•$GPBWR-Bearing&Distance to Waypoint,Rhumb Line
•$GPBWW-Bearing,Waypoint to Waypoint
•$GPDBT-Depth Below Transducer
•$GPDCN-Decca Position
•$GPFSI-Frequency Set Information
•$GPGGA-Global Positioning System Fix Data
•$GPGLC-Geographic Position,Loran-C
•$GPGLL-Geographic Position,Latitude/Longitude
•$GPGRS-GPS Range Residuals
•$GPGSA-GPS DOP and Active Satellites
•$GPGST-GPS Pudorange Noi Statistics
•$GPGSV-GPS Satellites in View
•$GPHSC-Heading Steering Command
•$GPLCD-Loran-C Signal Data
•$GPMSK-Control for a Beacon Receiver
•$GPMSS-Beacon Receiver Status
•$GPMTA-Air Temperature(to be phad out)
•$GPMTW-Water Temperature
•$GPMWD-Wind Direction
•$GPMWV-Wind Speed and Angle
•$GPOLN-Omega Lane Numbers
•$GPOSD-Own Ship Data
•$GPR00-Waypoint active route(not standard)
•$GPRMA-Recommended Minimum Specific Loran-C Data
•$GPRMB-Recommended Minimum Navigation Information
儿童卡片•$GPRMC-Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/TRANSIT Data •$GPROT-Rate of Turn
•$GPRSA-Rudder Sensor Angle
•$GPRSD-RADAR System Data
•$GPSFI-Scanning Frequency Information
•$GPSTN-Multiple Data ID
•$GPTTM-Tracked Target Message
•$GPVBW-Dual Ground/Water Speed
•$GPVDR-Set and Drift
•$GPVHW-Water Speed and Heading
•$GPVLW-Distance Traveled through the Water
•$GPVPW-Speed,Measured Parallel to Wind
•$GPVTG-Track Made Good and Ground Speed
•$GPWCV-Waypoint Closure Velocity
•$GPWNC-Distance,Waypoint to Waypoint
•$GPWPL-Waypoint Location
•$GPXDR-Transducer Measurements
•$GPXTE-Cross-Track Error,Measured
•$GPXTR-Cross-Track Error,Dead Reckoning
•$GPZDA-UTC Date/Time and Local Time Zone Offt
•$GPZFO-UTC&Time from Origin Waypoint
•$GPZTG-UTC&Time to Destination Waypoint
26interpreted ntences transmitted by GPS unit -Waypoint Arrival Alarm
$GPALM-GPS Almanac Data(Can also be received by GPS unit)
Autopilot format"B"
$GPBOD-Bearing,origin to destination
$GPBWC-Bearing and distance to waypoint,great circle
$GPGGA-Global Positioning System Fix Data
$GPGLL-Geographic position,latitude/longitude
$GPGRS-GPS Range Residuals
$GPGSA-GPS DOP and active satellites
$GPGST-GPS Pudorange Noi Statistics
搞笑方言$GPGSV-GPS Satellites in view
$GPMSK-Control for a Beacon Receiver
$GPMSS-Beacon Receiver Status
$GPR00-List of waypoints in currently active route
$GPRMA-Recommended minimum specific Loran-C data
$GPRMB-Recommended minimum navigation info
$GPRMC-Recommended minimum specific GPS/TRANSIT data
陈凤山$GPSTN-Multiple Data ID
$GPVBW-Dual Ground/Water Speed
$GPVTG-Track made good and ground speed
$GPWPL-Waypoint location
$GPXTE-Cross-track error,Measured
$GPZDA-UTC Date/Time and Local Time Zone Offt
There is a full list of$GPxxx ntence codes available,without links to format details.
Waypoint Arrival Alarm
This ntence is generated by some units to indicate the Status of arrival(entering the arrival circle,or passing the perpendicular of the cour line)at the destination waypoint.
AAM Arrival Alarm
A Arrival circle entered
A Perpendicular pasd
0.10Circle radius
N Nautical miles
WPTNME Waypoint name
*43Checksum data
GPS Almanac Data
A t of ntences transmitted by some Garmin units in respon to a received$PGRMO,GPALM,1 ntence.It can also be received by some GPS units(eg.Garmin GPS16and GPS17)to initialize the stored almanac information in the unit.
1=Total number of ntences in t
2=Sentence quence number in t
3=Satellite number
4=GPS week number
5=Bits17to24of almanac page indicating SV health
7=Reference time of almanac
8=Inclination angle
9=Right ascension rate
10=Semi major axis route
11=Argument of perigee(omega)
12=Ascension node longitude
13=Mean anomaly
14=af0clock parameter
15=af1clock parameter
Example2:$GPALM,1,1,15,1159,00,441d,4e,16be,fd5e,a10c9f,4a2da4,686e81,58cbe1,0a4,001*5B Field Example Comments
Sentence ID$GPALM
Number of messages1Total number of messages in quence
Sequence number1This is first message in quence
Satellite PRN15Unique ID(PRN)of satellite message relates to
GPS week number1159
SV health00Bits17-24of almanac page
Reference time4e Almanac reference time
Inclination angle16be
Rate of right ascension fd5e
Roor of mi-major axis a10c9f
隐几Argument of perigee4a2da4
高超声速飞行器Longitude of ascension node686e81
Mean anomoly58cbe1
F0clock parameter0a4
F1clock parameter001
Autopilot format"B"
This ntence is nt by some GPS receivers to allow them to be ud to control an autopilot unit.This ntence is commonly ud by autopilots and contains navigation receiver warning flag status, cross-track-error,waypoint arrival status,initial bearing from origin waypoint to the destination, continuous bearing from prent position to destination and recommended heading-to-steer to destination waypoint for the active navigation leg of the journey.
Note:Some autopilots,Robertson in particular,misinterpret"bearing from origin to destination"as "bearing from prent position to destination".This is likely due to the difference between the APB ntence and the APA ntence.for the APA ntence this would be the correct thing to do for the data in the same field.APA only differs from APB in this one field and APA leaves off the last two fields where this distinction is clearly spelled out.This will result in poor performance if the boat is sufficiently off-cour that the two bearings are different.
APB Autopilot format B
A Loran-C blink/SNR warning,general warning
A Loran-C cycle warning
0.10cross-track error distance
R steer Right to correct(or L for Left)
N cross-track error units-nautical miles(K for kilometers)
V arrival alarm-circle
V arrival alarm-perpendicular
011,M magnetic bearing,origin to destination
DEST destination waypoint ID
011,M magnetic bearing,prent position to destination
011,M magnetic heading to steer(bearings could True as033,T)
Bearing Origin to Destination
045.,T bearing045degrees True from"START"to"DEST"
023.,M breaing023degrees Magnetic from"START"to"DEST"
DEST destination waypoint ID