学 校 | 年 级 | 四年级 | ||
教学目标 | ||||
教学内容 | 好听钢琴曲1. 能够听懂、会说并认读单词rectangle, triangle, square, star。 2. 能熟练运用句型I have a big rectangle. I have a big triangle. I have some small squares.等句子描述自己的图形。 3. 能利用图片拼起简单的图形,并在活动中能利用所学语言进行交流,在活动中体会语言的工具性价值,在学习过程中体会到乐趣。 4. 简单知晓图形的用处,知道通过合理利用图形,能为生活创造美和便利。 铁皮石斛主治什么4. 意识到团队合作的重要性,能配合团队完成任务。 | |||
教学重点 | ||||
1. 单词rectangle, triangle, square, star的听说认读和运用。 2. 用句型I have a big rectangle. I have a big triangle. I have some small squares.等句子描述自己的图形。 | ||||
教学难点 | ||||
单词rectangle,square的发音和识记。 | ||||
教具 | ||||
课件、翻页笔、小黑板、各种图形贴、单词卡 | ||||
教学流程 | ||||
Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings 2. Enjoy the song “Shapes” and find out what is the song about. T: Let’s enjoy a song and then plea tell me what is the song about. S: It’s about shapes. T: Yes, it’s about shapes.简单领读单词shapes,并板书. In this class, we will talk about shapes.(导入本课课题) Shapes are everywhere in our life. What shapes do you know? S: … 你会等我吗 T: We can u shapes to make beautiful things.Right? (呈现图一)Look, the teacher has some shapes. Listen. | 设计意图:师生互致问候,拉近距离,播放关于形状的歌曲,与本课主题相关,既可以活跃课堂气氛,又可以自然引出本课课堂shapes. | |||
Step 2 Prentation 1. Watch and answer T: What shapes does she have? Let’s watch and answer. S: Rectangle, triangle, square, star… T:(呈现图二)Look, everyone gets some shapes. 2. Listen and fill. (1)T:(呈现Alice图片,遮住图形) Look, what does Alice have? Listen and fill. S: I have a big rectangle. 教师教授单词rectangle并板书,强调重音在前面。 T: 教师指着黑板上的图形问学生Which a rectangle? Can you come and point? 教读句子I have a big rectangle. T: (教师手指着黑板)Look, the blackboard is a rectangle. (教师手指讲桌)The desk is a rectangle,too. What el is a rectangle in this classroom? Can you point? S:… (2)T: (呈现Kitty图片,遮住图形) Look, what does Kitty have? Listen and fill. S: I have a big triangle. 教师教授单词triangle并板书,强调重音在后面。 T: 教师指着黑板上的五角星图形问学生Is this a triangle? Can you come and point? 教读句子I have a big triangle. T: (教师手拿三角尺)Look, this is a triangle ruler. (教师手指学生红领巾)The red scarf is a rectangle. 证实是什么意思Do you know anything that is a triangle? S:… (3) (呈现Danny图片) Look, what does Danny have? Listen and fill. S: I have some small rectangles. (4) T: (呈现Peter图片,遮住图形) Look, what does Peter have? Listen and fill. S: I have two small squares. 教师教授单词squares并板书,强调are在单词中的发音。 T: 教师手拿两个正方形,教读句子I have two small squares. 教师呈现正方形的盒子和玩具Look, this box is a square. The toy is square, too. What el is a square? Do you know? S:… (5)T: (呈现Amy图片,遮住图形) Look, what does Amy have? Listen and fill. S: I have a star. 教师教授单词star并板书,强调ar发音。 教读句子I have a star. (6) Chant together. Show me the star. Star,star,star. Show me the square. … (7) T: Can they make a hou? S: Yes, they can. T:呈现图三Look, it’s a beautiful hou. | Watch and answer部分,通过观看视频,让学生整体感知课文,并知悉大意。 接下来通过listen and fill的方式,让学生边听边回答问题,对文本的挖掘很透彻,在学习形状单词的时候,教师利用了身边的事物进行举例,这些事物贴近学生的生活实际,能激发学生用英语表达和交流,语言和生活相结合,更能体现语言的人文性特征。 | |||
Step 3 Practice Act it out. (Let’s make the hou!) (1) Listen and read. T: Boys and girls, can you make the hou? I can make the hou, Look ! I have a … I have a… I have some …教师边说边把黑板的图形组成一个房子。Can you make the hou too? S: … T: Never mind. Let医疗损害’s listen and read first. 洛学And then you come and make the hou. Ok? (2) Let’s make the hou. T: You will be give one minute to get prepared in your group. Then plea come and make the hou. 教师将组合好的板书撤下来,学生以组为单元上讲台将房子拼好,边拼边用I have…进行描述。 | 让学生自己动手拼房子,一方面可以通过活动加深对语言的理解,学会运用语言,另一方面,增强了学生的表达能力和团队合作精神。 | |||
Step 4 Production 1.Let’s make things with shapes! T: Do you want to make other things with shapes? S:… T: Now let’s make things as you wish! You make things with your partners and then come and show your work. Remember to make things that is creative.学生以小组为单位在小黑板上拼图,并用所学语言进行描述。五分钟准备时间然后上台展示。 2.More about shapes.三必谈 T:Ok, boys and girls. I really like your works. Plea show them to your friends after class. We know we can make many kinds of things with shapes.Also we can u shapes in our daily life.呈现生活中应用各种形状的图片.We can u circles in … We can u triangles in … So I think we should make full u of the shapes. That would make our life better. | 让学生以组为单位拼图,发挥想象力,极大了激发了学生动手动脑的积极性,在玩中学,同时又很好的理解和运用了语言。 升华部分给学生展示了各种利用形状的图片,让知识的学习走进生活,融入生活 | |||
Step 5 Summary and homework 1.Summary 1分钟晨会小故事及感悟 T: Today we have learned … 2. Homework 推荐图书《What funny shapes!》 | 给学生推荐与形状相关的绘本,可以让学生对其他的形状有更多的了解,拓宽知识面,培养阅读的好习惯。 | |||
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