高考议论文素材Too Much Too Soon
[1] 魔方作文In a society that prides itlf on providing its children with great opportunities to learn, grow and develop is it possible that we might be doing more harm than good?
[2] On more than one occasion I have paud to reflect on that very question given some current trends and ideas about children as little sponges of learning. I remember eing a recent current affairs program where there was much hype水墨画作品 about teaching two-year-olds to read and was mystified at the parents who gleefully expresd how they were paving the way for their child’s future by having them participate in this program.
[3] Interestingly, many of the children were also in the throngs of 李一航extracurricular overload and shuffled from one form of tuition to another as their parents espoud how important it was to give them the best start in life…remember, the kids were two! Adding to this type of hype are news stories and advertiments telling parents of particular toys and “educational” activities that will build better brains and turn their children into little genius.
[4] Moreover, in order to ensure that children have skills and knowledge needed for the future, schools are increasing academic demands on children at very young ages—even in pre-school or earlier. The truth of the matter, however, is that any agenda which forces learning upon young children may actually be doing more harm than good.
[5] One of the most fascinating肺炎衣原体 neurological findings in recent years is the recognition of the important influence of experience on brain development and learning. In some n this ems rather intuitive and most people have always known that we learn from experience. What is truly amazing is how experience actually shapes the architecture of the brain and the fact that this process starts long before little Johnny takes piano lessons or some academic test. In fact, Johnny’s brain is taking shape about three weeks after conception.
[6] In uterus, Johnny has actually begun his lifelong learning journey via nsory stimuli received from the world inside and outside of the womb. Upon birth, Johnny’s learning really begins to take off with the growth of connections (synaps) between some 100 billion neurons.
[7] The connections are influenced by individual experience and the more repetitive an experience the greater the opportunity for connections to become permanently hardwired. It is widely recognized that Johnny will need developmentally appropriate environmental stimuli to facilitate his learning and neurological functioning. Importantly, over-stimulation and activities that are introduced to Johnny too early can actually hinder his learning. In other words, “appropriate” does not necessarily mean more and much of this is dependent on the growth of a fatty material called myelin.
[8] As noted above, neurons provide the raw material for learning by building connections in the brain. Throughout life neurons become differentiated to assume specialid roles and form connections with other neurons enabling them to communicate and store information. Stimulating experiences activate certain connections, repetition consolidates the connections and the brain learns. However, there is also a neurological timetable that extends from birth into the cond decade of life. Through early childhood and into adolescence this timetable is significantly influenced by myelin. This important material insulates an equally important part of the neuron known as the “axon”. Current rearch i
dentifies that the escalation of myelin occurs in various stages and there is actually a 100% increa in myelin during adolescence. In other words, the build-up and acquisition of myelin towards full brain maturation is more marathon than sprint and no measure of extra tuition or early training in any activity will influence this developmental timeline宫崎骏的动画片.
[9] You may be wondering why myelin is so significant. As an insulator, myelin aids in the transmission of information from one neuron to another and the more “myelinated” axons in the brain, the greater opportunity for neural information to be pasd quickly. The end result of all of this is that certain activities may be easier to learn when regions of the brain are sufficiently myelinated or when our brains become “fatter”. The growth of myelin, otherwi known as myelination, is very important for children due to the fact that when we are born we have very few myelinated axons. This is one reason why visual acuity and motor coordination are so limited at birth.
[10] Another important aspect of myelin is that as we grow older different regions of the brain myelinate at different ages. For example, when the region of the brain responsible f
or language production myelinates, children are then able to develop speech and grammar. The times of myelination have become referred to by neuroscientists as “learning windows” and amazingly, a healthy brain knows which areas need to be myelinated first and that myelination cannot happen all at once; again, it takes time to become a “fathead”. Therefore, claims of teaching two-year-old children to read would be highly dependent on a child’s neural development.