现象解释说明/结果预测型这类题型往往是让考生分析某个社会现象背后的原因,为什么会产生这种情况,带有说明的性质,这类题型还未在近年的真题中出现过,但是有以黑马姿态出现的概率 ,也符合国际英语测试的潮流。或者也非常有可能是让考生预测某个热门社会现象可能产生的后果 ,甚至也会进一步让考生提出一些建设性措施 。关键词 :
the reasons of ...
the conquences of ...
the effective measures
Nowadays more and more students choo to further their studies abroad, for example, in the USA or UK. What could be the possible reasons behind this social phenomenon?劳动名言
In the modern society, people depend on technology more and more, such as mobile phones and the Internet. What can be the possible conquences or impacts on people’s lives?
考生要看清题目,是解释原因,还是预测可能的结果,还是两者都要覆盖到。我们一般会在引言段交代时代背景,然后开门见山地谈本文探讨该现象的产生原因或导致的结果 。
五香熏鱼引言段:Recently, ... has been brought No where in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diver perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures. (最后半句根据题 目需要取舍 ,看题 目中有没有要求提出建议措施)
主体段.:As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes The first role that should be Another equally important factor Last but not least, ...
总结段:As a matter of fact, ...gives ri to a host of problems, Confronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures. Personally, the following is (分析现象背后的原因的题目也往往会让考生给出建设性措施,可参考此条 )
My view on ...
My idea of ...
近十年来纯粹的个人观点表达型已不多见,一般都是给背景介绍和对立的观点让考生选择 ,
但是我们依然要未雨绸缪,做到有备无患。重要 的是理清思路,抓住重点,这样才不至于在考试 中走得太远 。
My View on Reading Extensively
My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the Future
很多同一看到个人观点表达型的文章就激动不已,文思如泉涌,还想进行分类讨论 ,比如,1992年的题目,有的考生写道,小时候要多读书,广泛地读(reading extensively) ,到了本科或研究生阶段就要术业有专攻(reading lectively) ;连具体的时间节点都安排好了。这对于考场中的“烤鸭”们来说是自找麻烦,一是时间不允许,二是专四的大作文都有
要求 ,写三段,You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state clearly what your view is. In the cond part, support your view with appropriate reasons. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. 显然没有太多空间来作分类讨论。其实这类题型和前面所述的观点选择型非常接近,无非就是yes or no。比如,要么,我觉得应该广泛地涉猎 、广博地阅读 ,优势有哪些 ,一二三罗列并扩展;要么,我的观点是阅读应少而精, 有的放矢,不支持所给观点,reading extensively的弊端在哪里,摆事实讲道理。总之,不要模棱两可 ,要有明确的观点。只要有理可讲、论述合理 ,都可以成为一篇好文章。
引言段 :There is no connsus of (opinions/ disagreements) among people as to the view of --------. Some people suggest that --------, while some other people argue that --------. As far as
I am concerned, -------- (提出 自己的论点 ).
主体段 :提供论据 ,证 明 自己的观点 :First and foremost, --------. Furthermore, --------.
Last but not the least important, --------.
总结段 :To put all into a nutshell, it is natural to reach a conclusion that --------.
在这类题型中,考生往往被要求分析某件事情的利弊或是两件事情之间的差异 ,题干中会 明确地提到以下关键词 :
advantages and disadvantages
merits and demerits
strengths and weakness
benefits and dangers
positive and negative
the importance/significance/benefits of ...
the main differences between ... and ...
Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
Every college student would agree that life in college is not the same as it was in the middle school. Now, you have been asked by the Student’s Union to write a passage entitled:
The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School Life
We e advertiments on television everyday. Some people think that TV advertising brings us benefi ts, but others don’t think so. What is your opinion?
Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television
College life should be varied and colorful and extracurricular activities are an important aspect of it. However, at prent, there is much room for improvement in this regard. Write an article to the university radio entitled:
The Importance of Extracurricular Activities
Travel has become part of our life. And more and more of us have come to know the significance of travel through our own experience: