《微生物学》试题 Ⅰ
总 分 | | 题号 | 一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 | 七 | 八 | 九 | 十 |
阅卷人 | | 题分 | | | | | | | | | | |
核分人 | | 得分 | | 英国留学申请 | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
1. Colony 菌落
2. Virus 病毒
3. Biogeochemical cycle
4. Medium培养基
5. Tansduction 转导
6. Mycorhiza 菌根
1.What are the major differences between gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria?(5分)
2.Distinguish between (a) phototrophs and chemotrophs, (b) Lithotrophs and organotrophs. (4分)
3.Yeast can grow both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. What is the difference in energy production? (8分)酵母能在需氧的,厌氧条件下增长。有什么不同在能源生产?
4.Draw a typical bacteria growth curve. Explain each pha. (8分)In what circumstance, filtration and pasteurization methods are uful? (6分) 画一个典型细菌生长曲线。说明每个相。(8分)在什么环境,过滤,巴氏消毒法方法有用?
5.To determine the viable counts of a soil sample, which method is the best? List the procedures.(10分)要确定一个土壤样品的可行的计数,哪种方法是最好的吗?列出的程序。
6.The donor bacterial cell in a transformation is probably dead. Explain why. (2分)
7.What are the roles of a cloning vector, restriction enzymes, and DNA liga in molecular cloning? (6分)在分子克隆的克隆载体,限制性内切酶和DNA连接酶的作用是什么?
8.What does the term “antagonism” means? Explain the ufulness in biological control. (4分)
9.Explain the following terms in Rhizobium-legume symbiosis: infection, host specificity, e
ffectiveness, competitiveness. How to evaluate the symbiotic effectiveness in green-hou? (10分)在豆科根瘤菌共生的感染,宿主特异性,效益,竞争力。温室共生效益如何评价?
10.List the taxonomic hierarchy of classification. (7分) 列出分类的分类层次。
《微生物学》试题 Ⅱ
总 分 | | 题号 | 一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 | 七 | 八 | 九 | 十 |
凉拌藕片怎么做好吃又简单阅卷人 | | 题分 | | | | | | | | | | |
核分人 | | 得分 | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | 马拉松跑全程是多少 | | |
1. Bacterial chemotaxis细菌的趋化作用
2. Lichen地衣
3. Chemoorganotroph 化能有机营养生物
4. Colony菌落
5. Biogeochemical cycle 生物地球化学循环
6. Conjugation接合
1.What are the unique features of microorganisms gram-positive? (10分)
2.Why does Gram-staining procedure stain some bacteria purple-violet and others red?(10分)
3.Explain the term “medium”,what is the purpo to make a lective medium? (10分)
4.To determine the viable counts of a soil sample, which method is the best? List the procedures. (8分)
5.What are the roles of a cloning vector,restriction enzyme and DNA Liga in molecular cloning? (12分)
肉丸子6.Explain the following terms in Rhizobium-legume symbiosis: infection, host specificity, effectiveness, competitiveness. How to evaluate the symbiotic effectiveness in green-hou? (20分)
1.What are the unique features of microorganism?
2.List veral applied areas of microbiology. Describe the importance of microorganisms in each of the applied fields.
3.Discuss the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
4.What are some major differences between gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
5.Draw a typical bacterial cell and identify all parts.
6.Define the following terms
Archaea古菌, flagellum鞭毛工程管理培训, bacterial chemotaxis细菌的趋化作用, capsule荚膜, spore孢子, cyst mesosome plasmid质粒, simple staining简单染色, Gram staining革兰氏染色, colony菌落, lytic bacteriaphage噬菌体裂解, Viru, HIV, SARS, pudopodia伪足, cyanobacteria蓝细菌, Algae protozoa, Lichen地衣, mycorrhiza菌根, yeast酵母菌, mold霉菌, fungi真菌.
烤鸭的做法和配料配方7. List the xual spores and axual spores of fungi.
8.走出来真好What is the unique about the class Deuteromycetes, making it different from other class of fungi?
1.What are the nutrients that microorganisms require? And what are the functions of the nutrients?
2.Distinguish between (a) phototrophs and chemotrophs, (b) Lithotrophs and organotrophs, and (c) autotrophs and heterotrophs.
3.Explain the term “ medium”. What is the purpo of make a lective medium?
4.Under what circumstance might you wish to u silical gel as a solidifying agent for a culture medium?
5.Yeast can grow both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. What is the difference in energy production.
6.Describe the process of passive diffusion.
7.How is passive diffusion differentiated from facilitated diffusion?
8.How is group translocation similar to and different from active transport of solutes?
1.Explain the following terms:
growth, pure culture, continuous culture, batch culture, synchronous growth, sterilization, disinfection, antipsis, optimum temperature, generation time, acidophile, facultative anaerobe.