to play mah-jong; to mah-jong
卡通图片可爱女生 参考例句:
What I 'd like to do is getting out and doing some rious drinking and Mahjong play.
v. 装扮;戏弄;参加;同…⽐赛;玩;打出;发挥作⽤;演奏;播放;扮演
n. 戏剧,剧本;⽐赛;玩耍,游戏
reprent a play
play around with
Play havoc with
Scr mah the subject of defence and acronym, abbreviation, and buzzwords fly out
Just then the maid Wang Mah happened to walk past him carrying a tray of tea-things and heading for the pond少林拳法
n. 德容
Sex and creativity are often en by dictators as subversive activities(Erica Jong)
冰箱冷藏室结冰 性与创造常常被*者们看作是*性的活动(埃丽卡·荣)
I can play the week away with mahjong!
He has no hobbies except playing mahjong.
Mahjong parlors are welcoming places and a great space for social activity.
Chine movies have always included scenes of mahjong games.
All three men were arrested at a local mahjong parlor shortly after the meeting. 把⿇将牌⾯朝下放在桌⼦中间,并将所有牌彻底洗匀。
Place tiles face down in the center of the table and mix them thoroughly.
Urs need to do is to beat them with mahjong.
Click to lect the first tile you want to remove.
筒⼦ ( the circle tiles )
索⼦ ( the bamboo tiles )
万⼦ ( the character tiles )
番⼦ ( the honor tiles )
花牌 ( flower tiles )
上 ( claiming a tile to match a quence )
碰 ( claiming a tile to match a triplet )
杠 ( claiming a tile for a quadruplet )
和 ( claiming a tile to win )
抽头 ( the kitty )
飞机上能带什么 筹码 ( counter; chip; dib )
牌友 ( matching play )
边张 ( side tiles )
吃张 ( drawing )
庄家 ( dealer )
上家 ( opponent on the left )
下家 ( opponent on the right )
对门 ( opponent sitting opposite to one )
三缺⼀ ( three players looking for one more player )
跳牌 ( skipping )
出张 ( discarding a tile )
洗牌 ( shuffling the tiles )
连庄 ( remaining the dealer )
⼀对 ( one pair )
⼀番 ( one time (in scoring) )
⼀圈 ( a round )
跟牌 ( following suit )
进张 ( drawing a uful tile )
对碰 ( waiting for two tiles to win; making two pairs )
扣牌 ( holding up a tile )
听牌 ( waiting for the one necessary tile to win )
暗杠 ( drawing a tile by onelf, making four similar tiles of a kind and putting them face down )
暗坎 ( concealing 3-tiles in order of a kind )
⼋圈 ( eight rounds of play )
缺⼀门 ( lacking a suit )
抢杠 ( robbing a gong )单钓 ( waiting for one of the pair to win )
单听 ( awaiting the only one necessary tile to win )
地和 ( going out or winning a hand after drawing only one tile )潮鞋品牌
吊牌 ( fishing; awaiting one’s winning tile )
对对胡 ( winning with all paired tiles;all triplets )
⾃摸 ( winning by one’s own draw;lf-drawn )
拜占庭式建筑 拦和 ( be won by one’s left or opposing opponent with the same tile one needs )
平和 ( a win without points )
鸡和 ( chicken hand )
平和 ( common hand )
⼤满贯 ( grand slam )
杠上开花 ( drawing a tile, after a gang, from the end of the wall to win the game;added glory to a gong )
七对 ( ven pairs )
砌牌 ( forming the wall of stacks )
清⼀⾊ ( all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit )
全字 ( pure characters )
门(前)清 ( all concealed hand ⼗三⼳:the thirteen orphans(1,9,and one of each character);13 terminal tiles ) 天和 ( a natural win; a heavenly hand )
地和 ( earthly hand )
⼀条龙 ( a complete quence from 1 to 9 )
混⼀⾊ ( mixed one suit )
⼩三元 ( junior 3 chiefs )
⼤三元 ( grand 3 chiefs )
海底捞⽉ ( catching the moon from the bottom of the a ) ⼩四喜 ( junior 4 happiness )
⼤四喜 ( grand 4 happiness )
清⼀⾊ ( pure one suit )
字⼀⾊ ( all honor tiles )
诈和 ( declaring a fal win;fally declaring a win )
做相公 ( be unconscious of a shortage or surplus of tiles ) ⼤/⼩相公 ( long or short hand )。