《丑小鸭》的故事What's so great about diving then?For John 8cullion it's the thrill of exploring a whole new world beyond the reach of non-divers.In fact,once you try it you will never e things in quite the same way again.How deep did you go?Were there any sharks?Did you find any treasure?The are the questions normally asked of divers returning from a foray under water.
The answers:divers don't go really deep;sharks are not the dangerous and indiscriminate predators portrayed by the media;and it is not necessary to bring back treasure in order for a dive to be successful.So why go diving?Transport yourlf for a moment into outer space and look back at where you came from.You were on a tiny speck of land sticking up out of the vast oceans of a blue planet.The earth may have mountains and valleys,vast derts and pockets of high-density habitation,but to the fresh eyes of an intergalactic traveler the are mainly located under water.
薯条的家常做法Next time you are in an airplane,look down at the clouds.You know there is plenty going on below them.Next time you look at the a,put yourlf beyond what happens on and above its surface.There is as much going on under it as there is below the clouds.
热播电影Divers don't really go very deep,but the apparatus(and the skill to u it)gives us a foothold in this cret world,and most of its occupants will come up to visit us in the shallows.