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Types of Literature
Fiction and Non-Fiction
Literature falls into two major types that are written and oral literature.
Oral literature includes ballads, myth, jokes, folktales and fables; whereas written source has drama, novel, poetry and nonfictional literature. Have a look at different types of literature.
Narrative form of Literature
Today we find movies, audio and video CD's and Casttes that prent current literature in u. Digital poetry is an upcoming trend too. Comic books, cartoons, eBook and Internet games are the learning methods for children.
Autobiography, Memoir, Spiritual autobiography
* Biography
* Diaries and Journals
* Electronic literature
* Erotic literature
* Fable, Fairy tale, Folklore
* Fiction
o Adventure novel
o Children's literature
o Comic novel
o Crime fiction
+ Detective fiction
o Fantasy (for more details e Fantasy subgenres; fantasy literature)
o Gothic fiction (initially synonymous with horror)
o Historical fiction
o Horror
o Medical novel
o Mystery fiction
o Philosophical novel
o Political fiction
o Romance novel
+ Historical romance
o Saga, Family Saga
o Satire
o Science fiction (for more details e Science fiction genre)
o Slave narrative
o Thriller
+ Conspiracy fiction
+ Legal thriller
+ Psychological thriller
+ Spy fiction/Political thriller
o Tragedy
Movie/Dramatic  scripts
A biography is the story of a person's life written or told by another person.
A fable is a story that teaches a moral or a lesson. It often has animal characters.
The Tortoi and the Hare
Fantasy novels are often t in worlds much different from our own and usually include magic, sorcery and mythical creature.The Harry Potter ries by J. K. Rowling
A folktale is a story that has been pasd down, usually orally, within a culture. It may be bad on superstition and feature supernatural characters. Folktales include fairy tales, tall tales, trickster tales and other stories pasd down over generations.Hanl and Gretel
A legend is a story that has been handed down over generations and is believed to be bad on history, though it typically mixes fact and fiction. The hero of a legend is usually a human.King Arthur and the Roundtable
A myth is a traditional story that a particular culture or group once accepted as sacred and true. It may center on a god or supernatural being and explain how something came to be, such as lightning or music or the world itlf. The Greek story of the Titan Prometheus bringing fire to humankind
Science fiction stories examine how science and technology affect the world. The books often involv
e fantasy inventions that may be reality in the future.
Fictional Literature
Drama: Drama is the theatrical dialog performed on stage, it consists of 5 acts. Tragedy, comedy and melodrama are the sub types of drama. e.g William Shakespeare, an Elizabethan dramatist compod the plays Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear that are famous becau of its combination of tragedy and comedy. Problem play, farce, fantasy, monologue and comedy of manners are some kinds of drama.
Tragedy: It is a story of the major character who faces bad luck. Tragedy, elements of horrors and struggle usually concludes with the death of a person. The Illiad and The Odysy by Homer are the two famous Greek tragedies.
Comedy: The lead character overcomes the conflicts and overall look of the comedy is full of laughter and the issues are handled very lightly. The elements ud in the comedy are romanticism, exaggeration, surpris and a comic view of life.
Melodrama: Melodrama is a blend of two nouns - 'melody' and 'drama'. It is a musical play most pop
ular by 1840. Uncle Tom's Cabin is one of the most popular plays describing cruelty of labor life. It has happy ending like comedy.
Tragicomedy: The play that begins with rious mode but has a happy ending is tragicomedy.
Pro Literature
History, journalism, philosophy, fiction and fantasy writings, scientific writings, children's literature authors and writers are included in Pro Literature.
Myths are the fairy tales with lots of adventure, magic and it lacks scientific proof. Nurry rhymes, songs and lullabies are forms of myths that strike the interest of children. Creative and nature myth are stories of the stars and moon. Magic tales are wonderful tales of quests and fantasy. Hero myths are ideal heroes of adventure.
创造性思维的培养Short story
The small commercial fiction, true or imaginary, smaller than a novel is known as short story. Short st
ories are well-grouped that followed the quence of easy and no complexity in beginning, concrete theme, some dialogs and ends with resolution. They are oral and short-lived which have gossip, joke, fable, myth, parable, hearsay and legend.
Novel can be bad on comic, crime, detective, adventurous, romantic or political story divided into many parts.
The major kinds of novels are:
Allegory: The symbolic story revolves around two meanings. What the writer says directly is totally different from the conveyed meanings at the end. Political and Historical allegory are two forms of Allegory.
Comedy: Satire is very common form in comedy novels and tries to focus on the facts of the society and their desires.
Epistolary: The collection of letters or mails is the epistolary novels. Samuel Richardson's Pamela and Henry Fielding's Joph Andrew are the few examples of Epistolary novels.
Feminist: The types of novels are written by women writers around the world to describe the place of women in a male dominated society. E.g Virginia Woolf's "A Room of one's Own".
Gothic: Gothic fiction is the combination of both horror and romance. Melodrama and parody were grouped in the Gothic literature in its early stages.
Ironic: Ironic novels are known for excessive u of narrative technique. It is satire on the contemporary society about cultural, social and political issues.
自己祛斑小妙招Realism: The realistic novels are bad on the truths of ordinary society and their problems. It focus on the plot, structure and the characters of the novel.
Romance: Love and relationship topics are handled optimistically in the romantic novels. It originated in western countries; basically the story revolves around love affairs of main characters. Some popular sub categories of romantic novels are paranormal, erotic, suspen, multicultural and inspirational romance. Narration: In narrative style, writer becomes the third person who narrates whole story around the characters.
绒毛鲨Naturalism: Naturalism is bad on the theory of Darwin.
Picaresque: It is opposite to romance novels as it involves ideals, themes and principles that refu the so-called prejudices of the society.
Psychological: It's the psychological prospective of mind with a resolution.
Satire: Satirical novels criticize the contemporary society. The most famous novels are Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726), Kingsley Amis's Lucky Jim (1954), George Orwell's Animal Farm and Randell Jarrell's Pictures from an Institution (1954).
Stream of Consciousness: James Joyce's stream of consciousness is all about the thought coming up in the minds of the readers.
A novel also constitutes categories on social and political aspects like proletarian, psychological, protest novel, government, didactic, materialist novel, allegorical novel, novel of engagement, naturalistic novel, Marxist novel, radical novel, revolutionary novel, anti-war novel, utopian novel, futuristic novel, anarchist novel, problem novel, social philosophy novel, novel of ideas, problem play and speculative novel.
Folk Tale
Folk Tales are traditional stories that have been creating interest since ancient times. The children and old persons like religious story, magic and superstition as well. Fable, tall tales, cumulative, trickster and proverbs are the sub categories of folk tales. Mythology or legend is the ancient religious stories of origin and human civilization such as story of Robin Hood.
Types of poetry
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in the tranquility. Greek poetry is found in free ver and we have rhymes in the Persian poem. Are you wondering how to write a poem, here are the followings forms of poem?
Sonnet: Sonnet is the short poem of 14 lines grouped into Shakespearean and Italian sonnets. Ballad: The poems that are on the subject matter of love and sung by the poet or group of singers as telling readers a story.
Elegy: This type of poem is the lamenting of the death of a person or his near one. Elegy Written in Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray is one of the famous poems marked as sad poems of the ages. Ode: Ode is the formal and long poem rious in nature.
Allegory: Allegory is the famous form of poetry and is loved by the readers becau of its two symbolic meanings. One is the literal meaning and another is the deep meaning.
Epic and Mock epic: Epics are the narrative poems that convey moral and culture of that period. The Odysy and Iliad are one of the largest philosophical epics written by Samuel Butler. Rape of the Lock is the great mock epic focusing on the minor incident of cutting of a curl.
Lyric: It has Greek origin that gives a melody of imagery. It is the direct appeal of a poet to the readers about any incident or historical events. Lyrics are most of the time similar to ode or sonnets in the form.
Nonfiction Literature:Nonfiction Literature is opposite to fiction as it is informative and compris the interesting facts with analysis and illustrations.
Main types of Non- fiction literature
Autobiography and Biography培训主管
An autobiography is the story of the author's own life. 'Family Life at the White Hou' by Bill Clinton is focud on his life and achievements. 'Wings of fire' by Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam, Mein kampf of Adolp
h Hitler are the autobiography books on real life.
Generally the authors' point of view about any particular topic in a detailed way is an essay. Essay has simple way of narrating the main subject; therefore they are descriptive, lengthy, subject oriented and comparative.
Different types of essay: Personal essay, expository essay type, respon essay, process essay, persuasive essay, argumentative essay, critical essay type, interview essay, reflective essay type, evaluation, obrvation essay, comparison type of essay, application essay, compare and contrast essay and narrative essay type.
Literary criticism
It is the critical study of a piece of literature. Here critics apply different theories, evaluation, discussion and explanation to the text or an essay to give total judgments. Plato, Aristotle, T.S.Eliot, Saussure and Frye are some of the famous critics.
Travel literature
鱼尾狮It is the narration of any tour or foreign journey with the description of the events, dates, places, sights and author's views. Francis Bacon's natural philosophies in the middle of Seventeenth century is one famous example of travel literature.
Diaries are the incidents recorded by the author without any means of publishing them. It is the rough work of one's daily routine, happenings, memorable days or events in their life. E.g. Anne Frank's 'Diary of a Young Girl' was published by her father in 1940s; it's a story of a girl trapped during German invade Amsterdam.
Diaries consists of business letters, newsletters, weather listing. In today's world of Internet, writers write in blogs, forums, polls and social networking sites to convey their thoughts. This also is a form of diary writing. Some profound forms of diaries are online diary, travel, sleep, tagebuch, fictional, dream and death diaries.
Journal is one of types of diaries that records infinite information. They are of following types:

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