"Airborne" suture tying technique: Simple steps to
make it easy
会计英语怎么说期刊名称: Head & Neck
罗盘的使用作者: Agko, Mouchammed,Ciudad, Pedro,Chen, Hung-Chi
年份: 2017年
关键词: airborne suture;charioteer and lasso loops;continued interrupted体温低
社会实践调查suture;microvascular anastomosis
服装取名摘要:A multitude of microsurgical suture techniques have been described. Although accurate apposition and eversion of the vesl ends is paramount for the patency of anastomosis, rapidity is usually of condary importance. However, in situations in which either multiple anastomos are required or timely revascularization is crucial, speed becomes a determinant factor for eventual succes
s. "Airborne" suture tying is aimed at decreasing operative time by streamlining the microvascular anastomosis. Over the years, veral considerations have emerged as key points for achieving mastery of this helpful maneuver. Herein, we simplify the technique by breaking the maneuver into 2 components: the "charioteer" loop and the "lasso" loop. Relevant literature, indications, and benefits are discusd followed by step-by-step descriptions. Both