赵 静**,巩晓芸,胡 泊,王 鹏,史 敏,腊晓琳,杜 红,蔡 霞
(新疆医科大学第一附属医院妇科生殖中心,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011)摘要:目的 探讨不明原因复发性流产(U RSA )患者采用配偶淋巴细胞免疫治疗后的临床疗效。方法 对
2007年8月~2010年7月在我院妇科生殖助孕中心就诊的U RSA 患者91例采用配偶淋巴细胞皮内注射法于孕前、孕后进行免疫治疗,随访其妊娠结局。结果 共妊娠68例(74.7%),其中足月分娩33例(36.3%),目前尚在妊娠中30例(32.9%),其中 20周26例(28.6%),再次自然流产5例(5.49%),所出生婴儿发育正常。年龄>35岁者妊娠成功率明显低于年龄<35岁者(P <0.05)。孕前治疗3次以上者和3次以下者妊娠成功率差异无统计学意义;孕后免疫治疗3次以上者比治疗3次以下者有较高的成功率(P <0.05)。结论 淋巴细胞主动免疫治疗U RSA 的疗效肯定,治疗后妊娠成功率高。对于年龄>35岁患者建议主动免疫联合早期保胎治疗;免疫治疗3次后即可指导妊娠,孕后至少治疗3次较为理想。
中图分类号:R331.1;R714.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009 5551(2011)01 0077 04
Clinical study of active immunotherapy in the treatment of unexplained
recurrent spontanoues abortion
ZHAO Jing,GONG Xiao yun,HU Bo,et al胃肠激素
(Dep ar tment of Rep r oduction,First Af f iliated H osp ital,X inj iang M edical Univ er sity ,
Ur um qi 830011,China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of active immunotherapy on unex plained recurrent spon tanoues abo rtio n (URSA).Methods 91cas of URSA w ere taken into the study.Lymphocy tes para ted fr om the peripher al blood of their spous w er e injected into their fo rearm s to induce active imm uniza tion.Pregnancy o utco mes w ere assd.Results Am ong the 91cas,68cas w ere conceiv ed (74.7%),and 33cas (36.3%)full-term delivered,30cas (32.9%)w ere still in the pr ocess of preg nancy,and 24cas (28.6%)w ere bey ond 20w eeks pregnancy.5cas (5.49%)under went spontaneo us abortion once again.The abo rtio n rate w as sig nificantly hig her (P <0.05),if the age of the patient ex cee ded 35y ears,no sig nificant difference w a
s o brv ed betw een the tim es of abortion and rate of success.If the patient received below 3tim es immunotherapy after conception,the rate of success w as low er (P <0.05),than that w ho receiv ed beyo nd 3times imm unother apy after conception.T he times o f im munother apy bofore conception was no t significant different w ith rate o f success.Conclusions A ctive im muno thera 77
新疆医科大学学报 JO U RN A L O F X IN JIA N G M EDICA L U N IV ERSIT Y 2011Jan.,34(1)*
求字成语**基金项目:新疆医科大学第一附属医院青年科研专项基金(2009 QN 02)作者简介:赵 静(1978-),女,硕士,主治医师,研究方向:生殖医学。