Epidemic-Specific Social Capital,Physical Activity and Health Status
MIAO Xiaolei,BIAN Yanjie
Abstract:During the widespread of COVID-19,stay-at-home and social distancing have become the important means of epidemic prevention,but they also have changed patterns of human interaction.Under this circumstance,the impact of epidemic-specific social capital on physical activity and health status is examined.A most recent survey of WeChat networkers shows the following results.Bonding social capital and bridging social capital are the two main components of epidemic-specific social capital,and both jointly promote physical activity participation and health status.Physical isolation moderates the effect of epidemic-specific social capital on physical activity and health status.Physical activity mediates the effect of epidemic-specific social capital on health status and its mediating role is significant.The following conclusions are supported:①Physical isolation during the epidemic is an effective way to maintain people’s health status.②The epidemic-specific social capital plays an important role during the epidemic,and its feature of maintaining interpersonal relationship can improve the effectiveness of epidemic prevention.③Although physical is
泉州有什么好玩的地方olation limits physical exerci conditions,intimate interactions and online communications can encourage new forms of physical activity,paving the path to smooth transition of the pandemic.
治疗咽炎的办法Key words:COVID-19;epidemic-specific social capital;physical activity;health status;stay-at-home Authors address:Institute for Empirical Social Science Rearch,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an710049,Shaanxi,China
高中校花随着新型冠状病毒肺炎(以下简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情的蔓延,中国政府启动了一系列预防和控制措施以遏制病毒的传播,这些举措不可避免地限制了居民的活动,可能也会对个人的情绪状况产生影响。那么,新冠肺炎疫情到底对中国居民的行为和情绪状况产生怎样的影响?2020年7月,暨南大学和国家体育总局科研所的Qin Fei等研究人员发文试图回答该问题。该研究通过网络对中国31个省(区、市)12107名成年人(年龄为18~ 80岁)过去1周的身体活动、屏幕时间和情绪状况进行评估后发现:在新冠肺炎疫情暴发初期(2020年1月24日—2月2日),将近60%的中国成年人身体活动不足(该比例是全球平均水平的2倍以上);每天居家的平均屏幕时长超过4h,其中20~24岁人群屏幕时间(305.6±217.5min)最长。另外,该研究还发现,已确诊新冠肺炎病例的省级比例(中国大陆31个省