最新走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词(14篇)

更新时间:2023-06-19 01:03:00 阅读: 评论:0


走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇一











走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇二












走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇三









走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇四









走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇五









走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇六













走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇七













走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇八









走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇九










走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇十

the friends, the nanwan monkey island is a world only tropics islandsmonkey protectorate, it was located lingshui county's most southend,the area had1,000 hectares, on the island the mountain top rolling,the four asons fruitand flowers fluttered the fragrance, was the monkey lives the multi plicationplace of ideal. in 1965 thecountry established " in here; precious animalprotectorate "caus only to be left over 5 crowds of more than 100 onlymonkeysto develop prent 29 crowds of more than 2,000 at that time,including 6crowds of small monkeys and the tourist extremely isintimate with. felt in thenanwan monkey island people is the humanityand the monkey group, the happyatmosphere which harmoniously wastogether with the nature.

the south african bay monkey island the monkey, the systematicname iscalled the macaque, belongs to the primate, its wool is brown,the face hole isred, but also steadily a pair of blue eye. thesmall monkeys are approximate tothe humanity, extremely intelligent,is clever, in aspect and so on astronautics,medicine, origin of manhas the significant rearch value, on the monkey bodymonkeyjujube(monkey is injured bleeds the after silt block) is theexpensivedrugs.

every year in november to cond year in february, is the femalemonkey'soestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. it issaid monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole redon more america, monkey wang jiuyuelikes. the female monkey generally as soon asyearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. regarding ownsmallmonkey, the female monkey extremely dotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, iscarries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the smallmonkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you obrved. after littleape as long as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, onekind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 yearsold,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkey king authority symbol rais up the high tail, othermale monkeys ifcurl upwards tail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. the monkey kingcontest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cutand bruid, completelydepends on the strength. the victor is the king, thedefeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the cond child. works asthemonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two isthis crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own similar withancient times emperor, three palaces six n the female monkeyalso mutually is rivals for xual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkeyking the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey

sometimes then cretly runs theappointment. therefore the female touristdid not put on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the femalemonkeynvy. every year in november to cond year in february, is thefemalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face holeisspecially red. it is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personaredissimilar, the face hole red on more america, monkey wang jiuyuelikes. thefemale monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearlyproduces two embryos. regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkey extremelydotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on theback, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of greatmaternal lovethe island you obrved. after little ape as long as two yearsold,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthelife, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standardman, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. the monkey kingauthority symbol rais up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwardstail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. the monkey king contest ixtremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut andbruid, completelydepends on the strength. the victor is the king, the defeatedeitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the cond child. works as themonkeyking has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowdof middle grown-up female monkey all is own similar with ancient timemperor, three palaces six n the female monkey also mutually isrivals for xual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the loveimperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey sometimes thencretly runs theappointment. therefore the female tourist did not put ontooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeynvy. theperson is small lives in the land, the young adultsstands in line the life inthe fishing. treats little while everybodyrides the asian longest cross a ropeway time, may clearly e thatfamous marine village, the fish and shrimp jumpsfor joy, the peopleare very busy, a derivation machine abundant picture, in thea levelalso has some boats, comes and goes, is shipping the person andthecargo, moves away trash. also has some steamships, not willingly isdefendingthis blue color homeland, is must go to a hits thefishing, a gate is 12months. steamship value more than 10.2 millionyuan, often are all familybelongings, but the a temperament also ismost is subject to changing moods, inorder to implore safely, the eggfamily member ancestor's memorial tablet for inthe cockpit, hangshawk's-bill turtle's lamella on the body, hopes bon voyage andto havethe good crop.

enters the nanwan monkey island the matters needing attention(slightly)piece:

southmountain story: plunges into thick of life a writer intosouthmountain,

saw amother-in-law is gripping the short braid. the writer thoughtveryfreshly, goes forward to ask: " the mother-in-law, your suchgreat age alsogrips the short braid, did not fear others smile?" the mother-in-law said that," my age is big? i also

short braid is my mother combs to me. " the writer askedthat, " yourmother? " " my mother climbed mountainsdelivers me grandfather to deliver thefood to go to " "your grandfather does on the mountain? " " grazes sheep!"

according to some old people spoke hainan coldly is 1976 winter, thelowesttemperature was 6 (emphasis is in zero 6), the result has diedsome old peopleand the farm cattle, it is said some ponds fish alsoturned white, the touristsaid regarding us north, this temperaturesimply was not the life limit, butactually let the hainan islandchaotic square inch, said really was lets theperson be funny. the hainan people are nsitive to cold but are not nsitiveto heat,but our tourist actually is hot awfully, after has come all makestwomatters: escapes clothes, the disgrace. antithetical couplet: theprosperouswar beautiful woman, sanya unfortunately loss of ntalthrows overnot empty this line. hainan although our country hottest place, butactuallyproduces the coolest thing, this kind of phenomenon ixtremely strange, thesimilarly coldest place actually produces themost thermal property thing, likesthe coldest northeast

threeconveniently to produce the ginng, the marten skin, shoutspullsgrass the thermal property product, the hottest hainan actuallyproducesthe coolest thing: pearl, quartz and hawk's-bill turtle. thisalso is possibly "which the ancient said; thing extremely must instead "reason.

moreover must remind everybody to come hainan certainly to have todrinkwater, specially takes a walk in the scenic area, guards againsttheheat-stroke.

the coconut tree is much longer tall and straight, the posture ixquisite,is hainan's symbol, under answers the third question: whycan the coconut treeincline to the a? very simple, that is becaucoconut tree's growth needs thesalty share, some experienced farmersin plant the coconut tree edling time canput 12 catties salts inthe pit, increas the nutrition for it.

how does the coconut tree is come? the li national minority peoplesaid thatwas they ancient times the leader jumps over the king tochange, jumps over theking to lead this clansman to revolt againstthe external aggression, but wasunfortunate has been killed,afterwards his stature grew into the high coconuttree, the head growsinto the coconut tree, forever was gazing at the thefable turns over to the fable, the coconut tree true origin is comesfromto the malay archipelago. malay archipelago coconut tree "splash " falls thea, fluttered along with the wave flutters,flutters hainan island, then tookroot in here, has formed a

biglandscape. depends on the wave to disminate the ed, this isthecoconut tree

walks arm in arm the a cond reason.

the coconut tree to hainan is very the unreasoning passion, it onlyinhainan result, a qiongzhou haixia not result, therefore the guangdongguangxionly es the coconut tree not to e the coconut 's coconut treeextremely

industrious, throughout the yearthe flower opens the flower falls, fruitunceasing, does not stop for the humanity offers,our soldierslacks the medicinefew medicines in the war age, us the coconut tree waterto replace the grapesyrup to hit the intravenous, has revived manypeople, could not think thecoconut tree revolutionized for china hasalso stood one _, really was lovablealso is respectable! not onlythat, the coconut tree whole body all is valuable,the people its leafforming hat and the mat, the bough make the furniture, theflower andthe root do for the raw material for medicine, the fruit make food,thedrink and the delicacy delicacies,

unexpectedly has 360 accordingto some person of incomplete statisticscoconut tree's u manykinds of, really is does one's best, after dies butalready!

as the longevity island, hainan must attract massive " every year;ttingsun red " the tourist group comes here leisure vacation,not only that manypeople also ttled down in here, spend 5-6 tenthousand dollars to be able tobuy a t of 60-70 square metercommodity apartment, the old couple live, havesufficed, thearthritis, the asthma also has not had, many! the modernpeopleexcept eat to the full put on warmly, to the environment, the qualityoflife is more and more is fastidious. hainan island air fresh,environmentexquisite, for example sanya, in the air oxygen isbeijing's 8 times, itnvironment quality is only inferior in theworld to cuba's havana, placescond, is quite good. came hainan towant the deep breathing, did not have towaste oh.

compares hainan with the mainland the environment is together the pureland,this is becau hainan nearly does not have the industry,constructs the provinceformer hainan industry to limit to " twowhite two black " : the white sugar, thea salt, the iron ore,the rubber, after construct the province vigorously todevelop thesuperiority industry: agriculture, marine products industryandtourism. here climate warm, a water limpid, produces each kind ofvegetablesfruits and melons, the delicacy afood are all worldfamous, many marineproducts are called the green aquatic product, hasobtained american and theeuropean state market enters the card,continuously enters the various countries'market. hainan's tourismdid not need to say much, all was full of praiincluding theoveras traveling experts, said two could not think: " couldnotthink hainan has the such good traveling resources, west could notthink theisland has the such advanced amument facility! "

always mentioning, no matter the agriculture, the marine productsindustry,how

the tourism do develop again, becau the industrycannot come up, hainan'conomic potentiality and other provincecompare or appears weakly, some peoplesaid is in the name easternpart, in fact west. the national minority areaeconomy also quite isspecially backward, the child is out of school, the teachercannotattain the wages the phenomenon also frequently to appear, at prentthisprovince vigorously develops the tourism, also is the hopegradually leads thenational minority economy through the tourism thedevelopment.

who is called hainan " india peaceful " person? the chine,lebanon, theedling, return? that is li national minority, linational minority is theindigenous inhabitant, other all is emperor most early conquershainan? a, b, c? that is martialemperor of han dynasty. martial emperor of handynasty nds himgeneral road border to attack hainan, 110 b.c., general lu dahasdefeated the li national minority person, adds the code canada tileforchina's domain. after on the island he has established twocounty: the beadcliff, the ear, the so-called bead cliff isrefers to nearby the a on toproduce the bead treasure. the earmeaning unclear, some people said is the earis big.

from then on, unceasingly some person of immigrants hainan. themerchantwhich has which is exiled the size official, has doesbusiness, has refugee whichflees from calamity. li bai said on asuchuan difficult difficulty with blue sky,but ancient time leads tohainan island lu bishu also to want on to be difficultveral hundredtimes. luck good los half life, luck poor family members dieson theroad, the ancient sighs: as soon as goes to 10,000 miles, thousandthousandnot also, the cliff state in where, lives a guimenguan! themerchant flushes therare treasures to come, also has ttles downdown, becau in the merchant thefujian person quite are many,therefore the hainan speech also belongs to theminnan dialect.

butinteresting is, the hainan person study fujian speech is easy, butthefujian person study hainan speech actually compared to ascends toheaven alsodifficultly. the hui tribe also is migrates from outside, had more than 800yearshistory according to now, mainly comes from to arabic, vietnam'smuslimreligion, in order to do business and avoids the chaos caudby war. but themiao nationality

compatriots are ming dynastygovernments in order to consolidate hainan theborder defen,asmbles the edling soldier from guangxi to be stationed inhere,result this lived has lived in 4500 the time.

the friends, hainan island and tibet, xinjiang equally all are fromtheancient capital is the national minority area, also is themotherland borderarea, has noisily is independent? why? the mainisland national unity, politicsare stable, this turns over to _ to asouthern and northern dynasties timeheroine ―― madame xian. madamexian 15 years old inherits the father industry tobecome the chief, isleading

走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇十一
































走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇十二
































走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇十三

hello, all pasngers! i'm the guide for this trip. i'm so glad we canspend the five day together in hainan.

this afternoon, we will fly to hainan island, the capital of haikouprovince. tomorrow morning, we will go by bus.

a "tropical plant kingdom", there are many palm trees, such as areca tree,coconut trees, palm and other bottles of hainan. the biggest bottle is coconutcoconut trees, generally have 10 meters high, with a pole so thick. the largestis twenty or thirty meters high. the smallest is also 3 meters tall.

yesterday, the day before yesterday, everyone didn't e the a. to hainanis to e the a. today we are going to sanya, the most beautiful coastal cityin asia. we're going to sanya, the most beautiful coastal city in asia. we'regoing to the first bay in asia, yalong bay. the beach there is yellow in thewhite. the water there is clear, blue, clear and blue. the white one afteranother, from the a center has been down to coast. when the waves are big,people are washed ashore, and they are a metre high.

we have to go to the national aaa level scenic area today, the first knowndongshanling mountain in hainan. there are lots of boulders. and the stones arelike human beings, like some animals. we will go to the national aaaa levelscenic spots of monkey island. monkeys can be en everywhere. that monkey canbe naughty, maybe it will jump on your shoulder, take off your glass and grabyour camera. as the saying goes:"happiness as immen as the eastern alongevity." so today we have to go to the national aaaaa class scenic are many avalokiteshvara in nanshan. with the altitude of 108 meters, yuguanyin guanyin temple, nanshan guanyin. nanshan scenery is also very good, oneside of the land, one side of the a.

today is the last day of the trip. we will return to haikou by bus fromsanya and then return to huanghua airport in changsha by meilan airport inhaikou. i hope we can be together next time!

走进海南导游词 海南海口导游词篇十四

the friends, the nanwan monkey island is a world only tropics islandsmonkey protectorate, it was located lingshui county's most southend,the area had1,000 hectares, on the island the mountain top rolling,the four asons fruitand flowers fluttered the fragrance, was the monkey lives the multi plicationplace of ideal. in 1965 thecountry established " in here; precious animalprotectorate "caus only to be left over 5 crowds of more than 100 onlymonkeysto develop prent 29 crowds of more than 2,000 at that time,including 6crowds of small monkeys and the tourist extremely isintimate with. felt in thenanwan monkey island people is the humanityand the monkey group, the happyatmosphere which harmoniously wastogether with the nature.

the south african bay monkey island the monkey, the systematicname iscalled the macaque, belongs to the primate, its wool is brown,the face hole isred, but also steadily a pair of blue eye. thesmall monkeys are approximate tothe humanity, extremely intelligent,is clever, in aspect and so on astronautics,medicine, origin of manhas the significant rearch value, on the monkey bodymonkeyjujube(monkey is injured bleeds the after silt block) is theexpensivedrugs.

every year in november to cond year in february, is the femalemonkey'soestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face hole isspecially red. it issaid monkey's esthetic standard and the personare dissimilar, the face hole redon more america, monkey wang jiuyuelikes. the female monkey generally as soon asyearly produces anembryo or is three yearly produces two embryos. regarding ownsmallmonkey, the female monkey extremely dotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, iscarries on the back in carries on the back, for fear thatwas injurying the smallmonkey, in this kind of great maternal lovethe island you obrved. after littleape as long as two years old,the small male monkey must leave own mother, onekind has roamed aboutthe life, as long has been then mature until it as 78 yearsold,becomes a standard man, must challenge to various communities' monkey king authority symbol rais up the high tail, othermale monkeys ifcurl upwards tail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. the monkey kingcontest is extremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cutand bruid, completelydepends on the strength. the victor is the king, thedefeated eitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the cond child. works asthemonkey king has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two isthis crowd of middle grown-up female monkey all is own similar withancient times emperor, three palaces six n the female monkeyalso mutually is rivals for xual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkeyking the love imperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey

sometimes then cretly runs theappointment. therefore the female touristdid not put on tooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the femalemonkeynvy. every year in november to cond year in february, is thefemalemonkey's oestrus period, is in heat the female monkey face holeisspecially red. it is said monkey's esthetic standard and the personaredissimilar, the face hole red on more america, monkey wang jiuyuelikes. thefemale monkey generally as soon as yearly produces anembryo or is three yearlyproduces two embryos. regarding own smallmonkey, the female monkey extremelydotes on, is not hugs in thebosom, is carries on the back in carries on theback, for fear thatwas injurying the small monkey, in this kind of greatmaternal lovethe island you obrved. after little ape as long as two yearsold,the small male monkey must leave own mother, one kind has roamed aboutthelife, as long has been then mature until it as 78 years old,becomes a standardman, must challenge to various communities' monkeyking. the monkey kingauthority symbol rais up the high tail, othermale monkeys if curl upwardstail, the expression challenges to themonkey king. the monkey king contest ixtremely frigid, often fleshand blood flying in all directions, cut andbruid, completelydepends on the strength. the victor is the king, the defeatedeitheris made a clean sweep or occupies the cond child. works as themonkeyking has the advantage very much, one is eats well drinks well,two is this crowdof middle grown-up female monkey all is own similar with ancient timemperor, three palaces six n the female monkey also mutually isrivals for xual favor, isin good graces becomes the monkey king the loveimperial concubine, isnot in good graces the female monkey sometimes thencretly runs theappointment. therefore the female tourist did not put ontooattractively, draped a red band the litchi to let the female monkeynvy. theperson is small lives in the land, the young adultsstands in line the life inthe fishing. treats little while everybodyrides the asian longest cross a ropeway time, may clearly e thatfamous marine village, the fish and shrimp jumpsfor joy, the peopleare very busy, a derivation machine abundant picture, in thea levelalso has some boats, comes and goes, is shipping the person andthecargo, moves away trash. also has some steamships, not willingly isdefendingthis blue color homeland, is must go to a hits thefishing, a gate is 12months. steamship value more than 10.2 millionyuan, often are all familybelongings, but the a temperament also ismost is subject to changing moods, inorder to implore safely, the eggfamily member ancestor's memorial tablet for inthe cockpit, hangshawk's-bill turtle's lamella on the body, hopes bon voyage andto havethe good crop.

enters the nanwan monkey island the matters needing attention(slightly)piece:

southmountain story: plunges into thick of life a writer intosouthmountain,

saw amother-in-law is gripping the short braid. the writer thoughtveryfreshly, goes forward to ask: " the mother-in-law, your suchgreat age alsogrips the short braid, did not fear others smile?" the mother-in-law said that," my age is big? i also

short braid is my mother combs to me. " the writer askedthat, " yourmother? " " my mother climbed mountainsdelivers me grandfather to deliver thefood to go to " "your grandfather does on the mountain? " " grazes sheep!"

according to some old people spoke hainan coldly is 1976 winter, thelowesttemperature was 6 (emphasis is in zero 6), the result has diedsome old peopleand the farm cattle, it is said some ponds fish alsoturned white, the touristsaid regarding us north, this temperaturesimply was not the life limit, butactually let the hainan islandchaotic square inch, said really was lets theperson be funny. the hainan people are nsitive to cold but are not nsitiveto heat,but our tourist actually is hot awfully, after has come all makestwomatters: escapes clothes, the disgrace. antithetical couplet: theprosperouswar beautiful woman, sanya unfortunately loss of ntalthrows overnot empty this line. hainan although our country hottest place, butactuallyproduces the coolest thing, this kind of phenomenon ixtremely strange, thesimilarly coldest place actually produces themost thermal property thing, likesthe coldest northeast

threeconveniently to produce the ginng, the marten skin, shoutspullsgrass the thermal property product, the hottest hainan actuallyproducesthe coolest thing: pearl, quartz and hawk's-bill turtle. thisalso is possibly "which the ancient said; thing extremely must instead "reason.

moreover must remind everybody to come hainan certainly to have todrinkwater, specially takes a walk in the scenic area, guards againsttheheat-stroke.

the coconut tree is much longer tall and straight, the posture ixquisite,is hainan's symbol, under answers the third question: whycan the coconut treeincline to the a? very simple, that is becaucoconut tree's growth needs thesalty share, some experienced farmersin plant the coconut tree edling time canput 12 catties salts inthe pit, increas the nutrition for it.

how does the coconut tree is come? the li national minority peoplesaid thatwas they ancient times the leader jumps over the king tochange, jumps over theking to lead this clansman to revolt againstthe external aggression, but wasunfortunate has been killed,afterwards his stature grew into the high coconuttree, the head growsinto the coconut tree, forever was gazing at the thefable turns over to the fable, the coconut tree true origin is comesfromto the malay archipelago. malay archipelago coconut tree "splash " falls thea, fluttered along with the wave flutters,flutters hainan island, then tookroot in here, has formed a

biglandscape. depends on the wave to disminate the ed, this isthecoconut tree

walks arm in arm the a cond reason.

the coconut tree to hainan is very the unreasoning passion, it onlyinhainan result, a qiongzhou haixia not result, therefore the guangdongguangxionly es the coconut tree not to e the coconut 's coconut treeextremely

industrious, throughout the yearthe flower opens the flower falls, fruitunceasing, does not stop for the humanity offers,our soldierslacks the medicinefew medicines in the war age, us the coconut tree waterto replace the grapesyrup to hit the intravenous, has revived manypeople, could not think thecoconut tree revolutionized for china hasalso stood one _, really was lovablealso is respectable! not onlythat, the coconut tree whole body all is valuable,the people its leafforming hat and the mat, the bough make the furniture, theflower andthe root do for the raw material for medicine, the fruit make food,thedrink and the delicacy delicacies,

unexpectedly has 360 accordingto some person of incomplete statisticscoconut tree's u manykinds of, really is does one's best, after dies butalready!

as the longevity island, hainan must attract massive " every year;ttingsun red " the tourist group comes here leisure vacation,not only that manypeople also ttled down in here, spend 5-6 tenthousand dollars to be able tobuy a t of 60-70 square metercommodity apartment, the old couple live, havesufficed, thearthritis, the asthma also has not had, many! the modernpeopleexcept eat to the full put on warmly, to the environment, the qualityoflife is more and more is fastidious. hainan island air fresh,environmentexquisite, for example sanya, in the air oxygen isbeijing's 8 times, itnvironment quality is only inferior in theworld to cuba's havana, placescond, is quite good. came hainan towant the deep breathing, did not have towaste oh.

compares hainan with the mainland the environment is together the pureland,this is becau hainan nearly does not have the industry,constructs the provinceformer hainan industry to limit to " twowhite two black " : the white sugar, thea salt, the iron ore,the rubber, after construct the province vigorously todevelop thesuperiority industry: agriculture, marine products industryandtourism. here climate warm, a water limpid, produces each kind ofvegetablesfruits and melons, the delicacy afood are all worldfamous, many marineproducts are called the green aquatic product, hasobtained american and theeuropean state market enters the card,continuously enters the various countries'market. hainan's tourismdid not need to say much, all was full of praiincluding theoveras traveling experts, said two could not think: " couldnotthink hainan has the such good traveling resources, west could notthink theisland has the such advanced amument facility! "

always mentioning, no matter the agriculture, the marine productsindustry,how

the tourism do develop again, becau the industrycannot come up, hainan'conomic potentiality and other provincecompare or appears weakly, some peoplesaid is in the name easternpart, in fact west. the national minority areaeconomy also quite isspecially backward, the child is out of school, the teachercannotattain the wages the phenomenon also frequently to appear, at prentthisprovince vigorously develops the tourism, also is the hopegradually leads thenational minority economy through the tourism thedevelopment.

who is called hainan " india peaceful " person? the chine,lebanon, theedling, return? that is li national minority, linational minority is theindigenous inhabitant, other all is emperor most early conquershainan? a, b, c? that is martialemperor of han dynasty. martial emperor of handynasty nds himgeneral road border to attack hainan, 110 b.c., general lu dahasdefeated the li national minority person, adds the code canada tileforchina's domain. after on the island he has established twocounty: the beadcliff, the ear, the so-called bead cliff isrefers to nearby the a on toproduce the bead treasure. the earmeaning unclear, some people said is the earis big.

from then on, unceasingly some person of immigrants hainan. themerchantwhich has which is exiled the size official, has doesbusiness, has refugee whichflees from calamity. li bai said on asuchuan difficult difficulty with blue sky,but ancient time leads tohainan island lu bishu also to want on to be difficultveral hundredtimes. luck good los half life, luck poor family members dieson theroad, the ancient sighs: as soon as goes to 10,000 miles, thousandthousandnot also, the cliff state in where, lives a guimenguan! themerchant flushes therare treasures to come, also has ttles downdown, becau in the merchant thefujian person quite are many,therefore the hainan speech also belongs to theminnan dialect.

butinteresting is, the hainan person study fujian speech is easy, butthefujian person study hainan speech actually compared to ascends toheaven alsodifficultly. the hui tribe also is migrates from outside, had more than 800yearshistory according to now, mainly comes from to arabic, vietnam'smuslimreligion, in order to do business and avoids the chaos caudby war. but themiao nationality

compatriots are ming dynastygovernments in order to consolidate hainan theborder defen,asmbles the edling soldier from guangxi to be stationed inhere,result this lived has lived in 4500 the time.

the friends, hainan island and tibet, xinjiang equally all are fromtheancient capital is the national minority area, also is themotherland borderarea, has noisily is independent? why? the mainisland national unity, politicsare stable, this turns over to _ to asouthern and northern dynasties timeheroine ―― madame xian. madamexian 15 years old inherits the father industry tobecome the chief, isleading

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