1. I, XXX, being duly sworn, depo, and say that…时光电影院
说明:宣誓:affidavit 宣誓人:affiant
2. I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such Notary Public, or have compared the signature on the annexed instrument with his/her autograph signature deposited in my office, and believe that the signature is genuine.
3. I, XXX, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article XXX of XXX, do hereby certify that…
说明:under and by virtue of the authority: 根据授权;under和by virtue of 在法律文书中单独使用时均可表示“根据”。这有点像汉语中的“叠词”。软的英文
4. I hereunto t my hand and have caud to be affixed the official al of XXX this 13rd day of April, 2015, in the year of our Lord.
重庆小吃街说明:t my hand:签名 have caud the document to be affixed the official al:盖公章(在委托其他人签署文件时,常用have caud the contract to be executed by XXX)。“the year of our Lord”:表公元年
5. To all to whom the prents shall come, Greetings:
说明:调整下语序,即“To all whom the prents shall come to, Greeting”,come to意为‘涉及’,prents意为‘文件’。
6. My commission expires April 13, 2015
7. This Certificate is invalid if it is removed or altered in any way whatsoever. 模拟法庭观后感
说明:remove or alter:删改
在公正文中,此句有时也这么写:Removal or alteration voids this Certificate.