
更新时间:2023-06-18 18:06:19 阅读: 评论:0

在英语课堂教学中,我会设计一些活动,让学生在活动中学习,让他们不仅能学到知识,还能在课堂中做游戏,轻轻松松地结束一堂课。例如:人教版四年级英语课本第一单元Let’s do 中有这样的句子:Open the door. Turn on the light. Sweep the floor. Clean the window. Put up the picture. Clean the board.我是这样设计的:我先作示范,一边说英语,一边将短语变成动作做出来。让学生在不知道短语意思的情况下,可以根据我的动作理解其意思。然后让学生跟着我边说边做,反复几次,学生可以通过这样的练习轻松地理解句子。最后再让学生分小组,一人说口
令,其他人做动作。做错的就把该句子说一遍。通过这样的TPR 活动,学生能够更加熟练地掌握句子。还可以让学生说,老师来做,老师可以故意错一次,并让学生来教你,让学生也当一回教师,他们学习起来会更加有兴趣。
在第五单元的Let’s learn.中,出现了许多的食物单词:rice,fish,beef,soup,noodles,vegetable,
工程造价论文juice,bread,milk,chicken,hotdog, humburger.这些单词量多,个别单词比较长,如果生教硬套,学生会学得很吃力。我是这样设计的:课前安排学生分别带一种食物,教师也准备好各种食物的图片,上课时将这些食物图片按先食品,后饮料的顺序展示给每一位学生。出示一张图片时,教师可以做出十分高兴的样子。一边说,Wow!rice.一边假装吃起来。这样,不仅让学生知道了米饭怎样读,同时更让学生觉得你很有幽默感,很亲切。教师在教授了多张食品图时,可以拿出真的饮料,一边喝,一边说单词。这样的举动,不仅可以让说了很多话的你滋润一下嗓子,更加让学生感受到课堂的活跃与轻松。在学生理解了这些单词的意思后,教师可以让学生拿出自己的食物,一边说出它的名称,一边吃,以此展示这种食物的口感。或许有教师会认为,这样的做法,是一种变相教学生上课可以吃东西的行为。但是我觉得只要教师掌握好课堂的收与放,让学生知道,该听课时应该认真听,做游戏时可以大胆的做,可以吃东西时也能尽情地吃。一堂课,学生不仅能很好地掌握好该节课的内容,而且充分表现了英语教学与其它学科的不同,使原本茫然的学科,变得简单、生动、有趣,更加深了学生对老师的喜欢。我觉得要想让学生学好你所教的学科,首先要让学生喜欢你,通常小学中的学生学一门学科,都是因为喜欢该学科的教师。每到这位教师上课,他就会十分高兴,从而十分认真地听课。我觉得,英语教学对于小学生来说原本就十分陌生,更不能让他们觉得枯燥,所以在教学中开展各种各样的活动很有必要。即使有些活动很夸张,但我觉得它更是对教学的一种推动。
■倪俊伟 (河南省确山县瓦岗中心学校 463200)
【摘 要】 作为英语教师,应该在课堂中充分调动学生的积极性,使课堂快乐起来,使教与学形成双向交流的行为,这样的教学才能达到事半功倍的效果。
【关键词】 英语教学;快乐教学【中图分类号】G62.20 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)13-0150-011.Introduction
Ernest Miller Hemingway is an author with a long-cherished reputation all over the world. The distinctive accomplishment of his literary works stems from the authenticity of characters as well as the iceberg theory featured by conciness and understatement. In 1954, receiving the Nobel Prize assisted him to enjoy a more splendid and brilliant future.
Hills Like White Elephants is one of his reprentative works. The plot is expanded as an American couple is traveling around Spain. The main idea is about whether the heroine, named Jig, should make up her mind to take the aborticide or not. Her mate keeps implying the foeticide and taking pains to overpersuade Jig that an abortion is perfectly natural, however Jig feels unsure about getting the miscarriage.In this paper, the author aims at analyzing Earnest Hemmingway’s Hills Like White Elephants in order to probe into his writing techniques, the relationships between the American couple, the profound connotation of the entire story, especially the psychological change process of Jig.
2. Psychological Changes of the Heroine 2.1 Dependence and Flattery
Jig has become disillusioned with their relationship, even though she probably knows what she is getting into. To a large extent she still needs her mate, who must bear all the expen during the travel and knows the Spanish as well as the route.
As for the conversational tactics of the couple, the embarrassment is that she must have the motherhood, but she dares not inquire her mate about this
■王雅迪 (青岛理工大学琴岛学院 266000)
doubt. Her misgiving is manifested by holding two strings of beads until she moves toward the other orientation of the railway station, followed by her mate who walks to the same direction, since both of them take a at after walking backward to the table.
The hills across the bleak valley were described by heroine as white elephants, which are the simile with a subaudition. In her eyes, white elephants are as adorable as their forthcoming baby, while the American perceives that the baby will probably be a barrier just like white elephants. He feels like wealling out of this unfavorable responsibility, thus he makes attempts to persuade Jig to have miscarriage of the baby, which exerts an impact on their relationship.
In terms of the dialogue between Jig and the American, he mentions beer just by noting how hot it is. The manipulation is manifested when the hero guides heroine to reach a connsus about the unborn baby. She attemps to ridicule his remarks, but ending up with silence.
Jig is told that it is unnecessary to have the miscarriage if she paus and ponders. The unrealistic promis of the American are the betrayal of trust to Jig. The hero takes pains to make a compromi with heroine, as if they are equal, while he still wants her to miscarry the baby as well. Any concern he shows is undermined by the apparent lf-contradiction.
2.2 Contradiction and Struggle
Hemingway (1927) confesd to a friend that he learned to write about landscapes by means of staring at artworks of Paul Cezanne at the very beginning of his career. He accounted for it at length, for instance, the omission of “miscarriage” and the tension would intensify the plot. Hemingway regarded Americans are not in a position to have a cheerful and contented life under the rious constraints in USA while Europe is totally different. The hero attempts to get around Jig’s feeling of loss as she looks at the European countryside. Jig believes that the unforgettable happy life has ended since her mate has changed. Jig argues against the current situation through using the symbolism to describe the valley with a vivifying view.
The verbs, such as “want,” “have,” “love,” bound up with the miscarriage, and assist to manifest that the abortion would be a watershed event in their relationship. Such a clear awareness is exactly what the man is attempting to get rid of. Taking the miscarriage will assist him to realize the lf-emancipation
from the upt pressure, but unfortunately this is a hallucination. Heroine makes efforts to alter their current relationship, while the hero strives to lead a life as light-hearted as before.
Although both characters u language to express their anxieties and even gain power over the other, none of constructive communication occurs to facilitate them to reach a reconciliation. The drinks, a safe topic, become the satire of the his behavior, meanwhile the drinks make his mate despair. Jig believes that she is able to keep the unborn baby or the American but not both. Therefore she is adjusting, meanwhile prenting the strong rervations. The couple mentions neither abortion or marriage directly. Although the American ems to understand metaphors in other statements by Jig, he resists speaking metaphorically becau he wants to asrt the logic of having the abortion. The couple mentions neither abortion or marriage directly.The couple obscures their real intentions, thus both of them feel confud about it in that the American talked from the angle of a male, while Jig applies the female communication strategies. Their arguing enters into another sta
ge in that she disapproves of the miscarriage. The American gradually los the initiative of their conversation. Therefore, many of Jig’s statements become sarcastic.
2.3 Awakening and Independence
油漆工具In terms of structure, Hemingway spared no efforts to design a peaceful surrounding. Jig endeavors to dispen from head-on confrontation with her mate, meanwhile her satire makes it lf-evident that she is not weak. The heroine is unwilling to be restricted by him, which mounts tension as the story progress.
As for language and wealth, the man owns the absolute predominance at the beginning. Heroine’s authority is physical in that she is imaginative, fecund, and resistant to hero’s cultural weapons. The hero reacts defensively after they first share opinions on the white elephant, after that he behaves like a boy. He gradually los control of their controversy in that language as well as wealth is gradually feeble.
Ironically, her pregnancy as well as his fatherhood is fruits of his fertility. At the very end of this story, “five minutes” makes overt that the time is under the control of heroine. Her challenges of his authority manifest the collap of his logic.
■吕新芳 (新疆第七师高级中学 833200)
【摘 要】 随着经济高速发展、信息全球化的到来,英语作为国际语言,正以迅雷不及掩耳之势遍及世界各地。在这样的大背景下,英语毫无悬念地成为了学校的主要课程之一,英语口语也日益凸显其重要性。随着新课标的深入推行,英语教学发生了建设性变化,英语口语在英语教学中也越来越重要。但是由于传统教学的影响,口语训练在教学过程中受到很多干扰,这就要求教师在整体上提升教学质量。
一二墙【关键词】 高中英语;口语;教学【中图分类号】G63.22 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)13-0151-01

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