It lookslike a paradi , but it is in fact the most treach erous dert in the world:The Kalaha ri.
Afterthe shortrainyason, thereare many waterholes,and even rivers. But aftera few weeks, the watersinksaway into the deep Kalaha ri sand. The waterholesdry up and the rivers stop flowin g. The grassfadesto a beauti ful blondcolorthat offers excell ent grazin g to the animal s.
But for the next nine months, there'll be no waterto drink. So, most of the animal s move away, leavin g the beauti ful blondgrassuneate n.
Humans avoiddeep Kalaha ri like the plague becaus e man must have waterto live. So the beauti ful landsc apesare devoid of people, except for the little people of the Kalaha ri-- pretty, dainty, smalland gracef ul -- the Bushme n.
Whileany otherperson woulddie of thirst in a few days, they live quiteconten tedly in this dert that doesn’tlooklikedert. They know whereto dig for rootsand bugs and tubers and whichberrie s and pods are good to eat.
And of course they know what to do aboutwater.
For instan ce, in the earlymornin g, you can collec t dewdro ps from leaves that were carefu lly laid out
the previo us evenin g.
Or a plumeof grasscan be a rerv oir.
lf you have the know-how, an insign ifica nt clumpof twigscan tell you whereto dig and you come to lightwith an enormo us tuber. You scrape shavin gs off it with a stickthat is splitfor a sharpedge. Y ou take a handfu l of the shavin gs, pointyour thumbat your mouthand squeez e.
They must be the most conten ted people in the world.
They have no crime,no punish ment,no violen ce, no laws, no police, judges, rulers or boss. They believ e that the gods put only good and uful things on the earthfor them to u. ln this worldof theirs, nothin g is bad or evil.
1. treach erous:背叛的, 叛逆的, 奸诈的,危险的。这里取的是最后一个意思:危险的。电影开篇就介绍道:“这里看似天堂,其实是世界上最危险的沙漠。”怎么画兔子又简单又好看
类似用法有:t reach erous ice 看起来坚固而踏上去会破裂的冰,treach erous windin g roads危险的蜿蜒曲折的路,an unreli abletrestl e 危险的脚手架
2. rainyason:雨季,又叫wet ason,指某些一年中降水相对较多的月份。与此相对的是d ry ason(旱季),指在一年中降水相对较少的月份。
3. plague: n. 瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人vt. 折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸
dias es that plague mankin d 传染人类的各种疾病
4. devoid:缺乏的,空的。画外音介绍K al aha ri“风景优美,却荒无人烟。”七色花作者
类似用法:be devoid of ability碌碌无为,be devoid of common n缺乏常识,be devoi d of concern or sympathy 不关心的,不同情的, devoid of brightn ess缺乏明亮或者吸引力。
The houis totall y devoid of furnitu re. 这所房子里什么家俱都没有。
The team is devoid of altern ating attack s. 这个队缺少交叉进攻。
5. know-how: 专业技能,知识。这里指的是在沙漠中生存的技能。
6. come to light:字面意思是“变明亮”,引申为“被发现,众所周知,变得明确,使人知道”,这里可以
New eviden ce has recently come to light.新证据最近才为人知。
A politi cal scandal has recently come to light.最近一桩政治丑闻暴露出来。
7. a handfu l of: 一把,少数,一小撮,例如a handfu l of milita rists(一小撮军国主义分子),
a handfu l of rice(一把米)。
A handfu l of common nis worthBushel of learni ng. 一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。
A dull profes sor may have only a handfu l of studen ts. 蹩脚的教授讲课,听众寥寥无几。
Only a handfu l of people were dead t on following him. 死心塌地跟他走的只是一小撮。
8. conten ted: adj. 满足的;心安的
例句:He is an easily conten ted person. 他是一个很容易满足的人!
Police man: Do you speakEnglis h? You are free to remain silent untilyou have en your lawyer. If you speaknow, whatev er you say will be takendown as eviden ce agains t you.
Andrew: Why are you so beauti ful?
Mpudi: I got to go to court.
Andrew: What did you do?
Mpudi: No. The cops were here. They say they caught a little Bushma n for stocktheft.They say all he can speakis xixo xixo xixo. So they want me to interp ret.
Voiceo ver: They brough t Xi into a placewith vera l people. He smiled at them in greeti ng, but nobody smiled back.
Lawyer: Interp reter.
Attorn ey for plaint iff: Y ou, Xixo, are hereby charge d with wrongf ullyand unlawf ullyslaugh terin g one goat on the 21st of Septem ber, 1980, in Oniama tokwe. How pleadyou? Guilty or not guilty?
Voiceo ver: Mpudifoundit diffic ult to interp ret becaus e, in his langua ge therewas no word for ''guilty. ''
Finall y he asked, ''Did you shootan animal?'' Xi said, ''Y es, I did, but that man took it. He did not want to shareit with me. ''
Lawyer: Well, what does he plead?
Mpudi: Not guilty.
Mpudi:They gave him the deathnten ce.
Andrew: For killin g a goat? No.
Mpudi:Threemonths in jail, same thing.He gonnadie for sure. He neveren a wall in his life. Now, he got wallsall around him.
Andrew: But didn't you explai n to them?
Mpudi: They said, ''Silenc e in court.''
Andrew: But surely they oughtto know.社科类书籍
Mpudi: Nobody knowsthe Bushmen.
1. Do you speakEnglis h? You are free to remain silent untilyou have en your lawyer. If you speaknow, whatev er you say will be takendown as eviden ce agains t you.
eviden ce agains t ... : 对...不利的证据。例如:
Y ou have eviden ce against them? 你有证据能判他们罪吗?
The eviden ce agains t him was flimsy. 指控他的证据不足信。
With so much eviden ce against him he had to acknowl edge his error.在这么多的证据面前,他不得不承认错误。
eviden ce for ... 指的是“对...有利的证据”。
片中,警察对Xi说的“Y ou are free to remain silent... If you speakn ow, whatev er you say will be takendown as eviden ce agains t you.”就是在港片中常听到的那句话:“你有权保持沉默,但是你所说的一切将作为呈堂证供。”
2. go to court:觐见君王。上法院,打官司。
3. interp ret: 解释,翻译,强调口语翻译。
interp retiv e 解释的;作为说明的
interp retat ive 解释的;作为说明的
interp retab le 可说明的;可判断的;可翻译的
interp retat ion 解释;翻译;演出
interp reter解释者;口译者;注释器
4. lawyer & attorn ey: attorn ey 是实习律师,英国的说法,有委托代理人的意思,另外它只私人律师,律师事务所里的那种。
5. hereby:以此;特此;依据这条法令、政令、公告或文件;以此种方法。是比较正式和文书的用法。
I hereby resign my office. 特此辞职。
We hereby expres s our thanks. 谨此致谢。
Accordingly, we hereby offerthe following sugges tions. 为此,特提出以下意见。
6. plead:辩护, 恳求;为...辩护, 借口, 托称。原告律师问X i: "你怎么辩护?"来看这个词的用法:
pleadguilty / pleadn ot guilty(承认有罪/ 拒绝认罪),pleadfor sb. (替某人开脱),pleadf or mercy(恳求宽恕),pleadfor the people(为民请命)
Pleadinnoce nt don't pass him! 不认罪就不放过他!
He pleadfor the retention of the inn. 他请求保留这座小旅店。
I'm very angry. I pleadguilty to that! 我火气很大,我是罪有应得。
7. deathnten ce: 死刑。nte to death(宣判某人死刑),vacate a deathnten ce(撤消死刑),commut e a deathnten ce(将死刑减刑)