On the Zhao’an Bay, which is on the west coast of Taiwan Straits, a national ba for ocean-strategic emerging industries is rising rapidly. It grows near the a, stands to the a and prospects by the a. Waves of the a demonstrate its energy and vigor, immensity of the a endows it with greatness and tolerance, and breath of the a dramatizes its fortitude and tenderness.
Zhao’an Jindu Industrial Concentration Area of Fujian Province is a modern concentration area for marine organism industries, which has favorable climatic, geological and human conditions.
The first ocean strategist of American, A. T. Mahan once said 笨猪“in 21st century, the one who takes control of oceans will then take control of the world.” Since recent years, the central committee of Chine Communist Party as well as the State Council has attached special importance to the development of marine economy. A ries of policies and regulations including the National Program for Marine Economy Development二十三个声母表, Several Proposals on Quickening the Construction of Strong Provinces in Marine Economy and Subject Plan of Fujian Province for the Construction of a Strong Province in Marine Economy and the Economic Development in the 11th Five-Year have been successively i
ssued and implemented. As a “bridgehead” connecting the west coast of Taiwan Straits and the Pearl River Delta, Zhao'an Jindu Industrial Concentration Area of Fujian Province has carried the hopes of Zhao'an people. With the clear orientation of scientific development, harmonious development, initiative development and establishing a high-tech industrial concentration area which focus on marine organism industry and supplements by other industries, Zhao’an Jindu Industrial Concentration Area of Fujian Province follows the economic needs of the time and ushers unprecedented development opportunities.
福建诏安金都工业集中区有着得天独厚的地理位置。金都工业集中区, 北临厦门经济特区,南接汕头经济特区,东望台湾高雄,三个经济发展的前沿之地交汇于此,沈海高速、国道324线、厦深高铁、沿海大通道和规划中的福广高速贯穿全境,四通八达的交通网络将给客商带来极大的方便。
Zhao’an Jindu Industrial Concentration Area of Fujian Province has an advantaged geological location. The Area faces Xia’men Special Economic Zone on the north, Shanto
u Special Economic Zone on the south and Gaoxiong City of Taiwan on the east. Three economic frontiers interchange here. Shen-Hai Highway, No. 324 National Highway, Xia-Shen High-speed Railway, the Costal Main Passage and the planning Fu-Guang Highway cross the whole area. The traffic network spreading in all directions will bring great convenience to the travelling merchants.
Within the half-hour transportation circle of the Area, all functions and rvices of a modern city such as pasnger and cargo transport through railways and roads as well as rvices of communication, medical care, education, tourism, cultural entertainment, hotels and restaurants have been included. While within the two-hour transportation circle
of the Area, there are Xia'men, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and most large and medium cities of the Pearl River Delta as well as Xia'men Port, Gaoxiong Port, Shantou Port, Xiamen International Airport and Shantou Airport which connect to all main ports and cities in the world. In the Area, you will find both people and cargos can enjoy a fast and easy logistic.
金都工业集中区, 规划总面积18平方公里,海岸线长65公里。形成以海洋生物产业为主导,综合产业、包装产业和仓储物流产业为辅助的产业链体系,现在正在加速实现从布局集中,产业集聚,到企业集群。坚持“高起点规划、高强度投入、高标准建设、高效率管理”,致力于建设一座“海洋生物医药高科技产业基地、现代服务业基地、先进制造业基地”。2010年12月,被列入《全国海洋经济试点规划》; 2010年6月,被国务院确认为 “国家海洋战略性新兴产业基地”; 是《福建省国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划》中东山湾海洋经济集聚区重点打造的海洋生物医药产业基地;是福建省“十二五”期间50个重大项目中唯一一个海洋生物医药基地。
Zhao’an Jindu Industrial Concentration Area has a total planning coverage of 18 square kilometers and a coastline length of 65 kilometers. An industrial chain focusing on the ma
rine organism industry and supplemented by comprehensive industry, packing industry as well as warehousing and logistics industry has been formed. Now the Area is speeding up the transformation from layout centralization, industry cluster to enterpri cluster. Persisting on the principles of “planning of high starting point, inputs of high intensity, construction of high standards and management of high efficiency”, the Area is dedicated to establish “参观学习a ba for marine organism medicines high-tech industry, modern rvice industry and advanced manufacturing industry. In December of 2010, the Area was listed in the National Pilot Program for Marine Economy; in June of 2010, the Area was regarded by the State Council as “今人a national ba for ocean-strategic emerging industries”. As described by the 12桑蚕茧th Five-Year Plan for National Economy and Social Development of Fujian Province, the Area will be a ba for marine organism medicines industry specially developed by the Dongshan Bay Marine Economic Cluster Zone; it is also the sole ba for marine organism medicines industry among all 50 major projects to be completed during the “12th Five-Year” of Fujian Province.