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3M™Standard Interchange Protocol Describes 3M Standard Interchange Protocol Version 2.00
Document Revision 2.10, Updated September 17, 1998
Introduction (1)
What’s New with the Standard Interchange Protocol? (2)
Command Messages to the ACS (3)
智能手机英文Respon Messages from the ACS (8)
Standard Protocol Rules and Regulations (14)
Standalone Messages (14)什么是说课
Commands (14)
Fields (14)
Packet Format (14)
Message Terminator (15)
盘子画图片Nulls (15)
Fixed-length fields (15)
Variable-length fields (15)
Establishing a Connection (15)
Error Handling (15)
Checksums and Sequence Numbers (15)
SC System Error Handling (16)
ACS System Error Handling (16)
Protocol Version Compatibility (17)
Protocol Extensions (17)
Field identifiers for variable-length or optional fields (27)
Message identifiers (28)
3M Standard Interchange Protocol
© 1997, 1998 3M
Permission is hereby granted to utilize this protocol in hardware and software products
but no permission is granted to create derivative works or otherwi modify the protocol.
Data Transfer Protocol Between Library Automation Devices and Automated
Circulation Systems
This protocol provides a standard interface between a library’s Automated Circulation System (ACS) and library automation devices.  The protocol was developed originally as an interface between the Automated Circulation System and 3M™ SelfCheck™ system.  With the growth of automation in the library, there is an incread need for a standard protocol.
This standard protocol will be applicable to ACS system interfaces to automated devices and rvices where patron information and/or library material information is required.
This standard protocol benefits the library by enabling them to:
•Add new types of automated devices and rvices to the library with minimal change to the ACS system.
•Upgrade to new versions of automated devices with minimal or no change needed in the ACS system.•Change from one ACS to another without the need to replace equipment or rvices that interface with the ACS.
T his standard protocol description will be uful to:
•Vendors of library systems and devices who wish to develop a standard interface between the ACS
and automated library devices.
•Library planning committees who are planning new types of automated devices and rvices for patrons or staff.
A cronyms and Abbreviations
A CS=Automated Circulation System
S C=3M SelfCheck system or any library automation device dealing with patrons or library materials N ISO=National (U.S.) International Standards Organization
I f you have questions regarding the 3M Standard Interchange Protocol, you may call 3M SelfCheck system Software Support Services at 800-328-0067.
W hat’s New with the Standard Interchange Protocol?
T his document describes Version 2.00 of the 3M Standard Interchange Protocol.  Version 2.00 builds on top of Version 1.00 of the protocol, adding new messages, and new fields to already-existing messages. All new messages and fields are indicated by having “2.00”in front of them in the
message definitions. Any messages and fields that are not prefixed by “2.00”existed in earlier versions of the protocol.
C ommand Messages to the ACS
P atron Status Request
T his message is ud by the SC to request patron information from the ACS. The ACS must respond to this command with a Patron Status Respon message.
23<language><transaction date><institution id><patron identifier><terminal password><patron password>
F ield ID Format
l anguage3-char, fixed-length required field
t ransaction date18-char, fixed-length required field:  YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS
i nstitution id AO variable-length required field音乐在线听经典老歌
p atron identifier AA variable-length required field
t erminal password AC variable-length required field
p atron password AD variable-length required field
C heckout
T his message is ud by the SC to request to check out an item, and also to cancel a Checkin request that did not successfully complete.  The ACS must respond to this command with a Checkout Respon message.
11<SC renewal policy><no block><transaction date><nb due date><institution id><patron identifier><item identifier><terminal password><patron password><item properties><fee
F ield ID Format
S C renewal policy1-char, fixed-length required field:  Y or N.
n o block1-char, fixed-length required field:  Y or N.
t ransaction date18-char, fixed-length required field:  YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS.  The date
and time that the patron checked out the item at the SC unit.
n b due date18-char, fixed-length required field:  YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS
i nstitution id AO variable-length required field
跟兔子有关的成语p atron identifier AA variable-length required field
i tem identifier AB variable-length required field
t erminal password AC variable-length required field
周里2.00item properties CH variable-length optional field
2.00patron password AD variable-length optional field
2.00fee acknowledged BO1-char, optional field: Y or N
2.00cancel BI1-char, optional field: Y or N
C heckin
T his message is ud by the SC to request to check in an item, and also to cancel a Checkout request that did not successfully complete.  The ACS must respond to this command with a Checkin Respon message.
09<no block><transaction date><return date><current location><institution id><item identifier><terminal password><item properties><cancel>
F ield ID Format
n o block1-char, fixed-length required field:  Y or N.
t ransaction date18-char, fixed-length required field:  YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS
r eturn date18-char, fixed-length required field:  YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS
c urrent location AP variable-length require
d field
i nstitution id AO variable-length required field
i tem identifier AB variable-length required field
t erminal password AC variable-length required field
2.00item properties CH variable-length optional field
2.00cancel BI1-char, optional field: Y or N

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