Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle
In rhetoric, the art of persuasive speaking or writing, there are different ways of persuading someone to your opinion called “appeals”. The Greek philosopher Aristotle categorized three kinds of appeals: logos, ethos,
and pathos. Each kind of appeal attempts to persuade the audience to the writer’s or speaker’s point of view,
but they do so in different ways (Brown, 2017). In order to enhance ethics of university classroom, lecturers
can appeal to students by u of the three kinds of rhetoric appeals.
Ethos. This is the moral character of an individual or identity of group of individuals as members of society or profession. The ethos of a lecturer refers to his/her credibility, authority, and relevant experience in
the discipline he/she is handling. This influences lecturer’s receptivity and rapprochement with students. Award
of marks on non-academic grounds is unethical. It is repugnant to ethos of teaching profession. Students and
lecturer in classroom constitute a moral community. The morality of classroom is for success of each learner
through cooperative endeavor with others. Academic work is moral work it is endeavor engaged for
lf-actualization of the learner as future contributing citizen in the society. Lecturers ought to be models worth
of student’s emulation and moral edification. This is only possible when pedagogy is anchored on a normative
ethical social vision of educational practice in the university classroom.
Pathos.Pathos is Greek word for emotional experience. It refers to appealing to readers’ or listeners’
emotions or feelings rather than to logical thought. Appeals to feelings try to resonate with the learners’
emotions in order to make them identify emotionally with the lecturer. Lecturers should persuade learners by
u of emotional examples in attempt to get them to take action or gain interest or develop desirable attitude,
value, or belief in their cour of study. Effective lecturers appeal to emotional intelligence of students.
Logos. Logos is the Greek word for reason, mind, or intellect. It refers to appealing to learners’ capacity to think logically. Logical persuasion makes u of arguments in a systematic and procedural manner. Principles,
黄米切糕ideas, and theories are supported by examples and powerful illustrations. Whereas, ethos appeals to character of
the lecturer logos appeals to rational capacity of the learner. Practitioner lecturers in university classr
ooms should
integrate the three rhetorical appeals in order to model, inspire, and instruct learners in an effective and
transformative pedagogy. This requires conceptualization of pedagogy in the broad n of “a social vision of
teaching”, which guides the choice of instructional practices (Bennaars, 1998). This avoids restrictive and narrow
view of pedagogy as methods of instruction. Classroom pedagogy at university classroom should be evolutionary
and progressive by learning from past experiences and modern theories. For instance, feminist theories are
influencing approaches to students learning by improving on shortcomings of traditional pedagogy. Some feminist
scholars practice feminist pedagogy in the university classrooms by encouraging students to participate in
classroom constructivist generation of knowledge. The enactment of new epistemologies in the classrooms draws
upon the viewpoints and experiences of students and teachers (Maher & Tetreault, 2001, p. 4).
Virtue and Character in HE
HE is clearly much concerned with preparing students for a wide range of professions, vocations, and public rvices, in which moral character clearly matters greatly. It should also be clear, public ill has often
been traceable to such failures of personal character as greed, vanity, egotism, intemperance, prejudice,
discrimination, weakness of will, cowardice, and so on. This is why the incorporation of formal cours of
等降水量线ethics in programmes of professional training—while arguably necessary for satisfactory professional
education may not be sufficient to ensure the development of morally appropriate occupational nsibilities. It All Rights Rerved.