plainest character has desires to reproduce,to survive and main-tain the intimacy with Amir,among which the former two are the basic desires while the latter is more complicated.
In modern society,people have to face competition in almost every field,and every individual is exerting himlf for better conditions and better lf-development to fulfill his desires.Be-
hind this exertion and exhaustion are the desire-driven and de-sire-victimed men of the contemporary world.Amir's constant desire to get,to take advantage,to keep himlf on the safe side
is the reason for Hassan's driven-away and indirectly triggered the latter's death.Baba's most natural but immoral xual desire rves his own right finally.They are all driven and victimed by desires and are the epitomes of modern men.
毛概学习心得3.2A Naturalistic Notion and Its Limitation
The Naturalistic concept of man is directly bad on Dar-win's description of lower life.Naturalists,to a very large extent, degrade human to the standard of animal.They view man as a
biological creature driven by desire or instinct who returns to the original status under crisis or pressure,thus lacking reasoning and morality.
The limitation of Naturalism lies in that it views man as im-potent before nature and fate impod on him.Naturalists ac-count any failure or weakness of man as results of un-controlling forces.They deny the social aspects of human-being and over-
emphasize the biological part without recognition of the spiritual one,thus failing to achieve an all-rou
足背动脉搏动nd comprehension of what it really means to be a higher life.What's more,naturalists deny
the subjective initiative of human-being and claim the decisive role of heredity and environment.In accordance with their view, man simply can have no conscious activity to change the envi-
ronment around.Finally,the pessimistic fatalism pervades in Naturalism em to persuade people to resign to the harsh reality without subjective efforts,making the theory and its world view
largely pathic.
3.3.1Importance of Environments and Pre-existing
In The Kite Runner,provided that Baba has realized the importance of environment,he might have done something to
shape Amir into a less lfish but braver man who is willing to take the responsibility for his past wrongs.And if Amir knows how important the pre-existing is,then he would have not been
so coward.The Ancient Chine regard“weather,climate,topo-graphical advantages and support of the people(天时、地利、人和)”as a great premi for success,this may be another version of interpretation of the importance of environment.The history of human civilization endows us with a pride of having the power and capacity to surpass ourlves and create an ideal world.Pay-
ing due respect to the natural rules,it is possible for us to create a new world centered around our volition.In such a highly com-petitive society,while people attach great importance to the sub-jective initiative,the importance of environment and pre-existing may be of equal importance.
3.3.2Desired But Not Desire-victimed
Naturalism regard human as animal like,driven by desire and instinct,human will lost his social aspects under great pres-sure or crisis.Conquently,there is very likely to be a moral vacuum provided a fatal crisis.The Kite Runner might give us a different plot if Baba had treated his own desire in a correct way, for example he could have remarried and avoid the hard and hu-miliating life of Hassan.And even when Baba's past wrong doing pre-exists,Amir's generosity to share with Hassan and willing-ness to change his image in Baba at his own efforts instead of at the sacrifice of others may still rewrite the novel.In general,if only they had learned how to take charge of their desir
es,maybe a harmonious ending of the novel can be expected.Today,with the rocketing crime rate,it is very difficult to gregate desire from crime since it ems to be no exaggeration that every crime is provoked by a desire.What we can probably learn from The Kite Runner is to have desires but take well charge of them in the moral outline.Of cour,it is no more natural than anyone who posss positive attitude towards life to have desires,yet it is significant for the contemporary to know how to be desired but not desire-victimed so as to avoid a moral vacuum.
Naturalism as a literary trend contains profound historical and cultural content,which has provoked revolution in western literature.A Naturalistic concept emphasizes the indifference of nature,the decisive role of environment,heredity by degrading human to an impotent creature driven by instinct and desire.In The Kite Runner,the naturalistic tendency is obvious.The plot and ttings,especially the two climactic moments of the novel have strong associations with Naturalism.While we criticize the Naturalism for its being pathos and pessimistic,the enlighten-ments of Naturalism are also of great importance for the contem-porary to make better u of the power of their subjective initiate.
Due to the author's ignorance and superficial experiences, the rearch on the Naturalistic perspecti
ve to the novel is only a tentative study.Conquently,considerable improvements and supports to the conclusion are expected.