Lesson One
Face to Face with Hurricane Camille
I. Choo the one which is equal to the word given blow:
1. lash
A. strike violently
B. pass by
C. move slowly
D. stride
2. pummel
A. push forward
B. punish verely
C. hit with repeated blow
D. pull heavily
3. gruff
A. rious
B. grievous
C. rough
D. gentle
4. elevate
A. put down
B. lift up
C. face to
D. push down
5. demolish
A. destroy
B. reduce
C. increa
D. beat
6. scud
白鳗鱼 A. go smoothly
B. move along swiftly
C. go up and down香肠蒸多久才能蒸熟
D. go slowly
科目二口诀7. interior
A. situated inside
B. situated outside
C. interrelate
D. internecine
8. ferocity
A. capability
B. fierceness
C. impediment
D. ferment
9. shudder
A. shuffle in
B. walk out
C. curl up
怎么煮牛肉好吃又嫩 D. shake
10. sanctuary
A. a warm place
B. shelter
C. a clean place
D. a harm place
11. maroon
A. stay brave and along
B. leave hopeful
C. stay 记忆深处的温暖alone
D. leave helpless and alone
12. vantage point
A. variable situation阳光之旅
B. comfortless position
C. 板栗酥饼的做法a good place from which one can e sth. easily