有创意的英语演讲主题 创意生活 大家好,请允许我先介绍自己。 我爱自由,不爱约束;爱热闹,不爱孤寂;爱创意生活,不爱平淡一
我不是个完美的人,也不是什么文艺青年,我就是我,一个来自艺术学院的普通大学生。 hello everone! first, let me introdue mlf. i love freedom, not bound. i fan bustle, not lonel. i prefer life ith reativit, not undramati life. i like singing, and draing as ell. i enjo movies, also surfing the internet. m onl purpo is to live a arefree life ithout an disgui. i just ant to be exhilarated. being neither perfet nor artisti, i am mlf, a ollege student from art shool. 创意生活,看着这唐代宗
题目,我笑了。 创意生活,是一种生活态度,是对生活品质的追
求。 the reative life, i burst into laughter hen i notied the title. the reative life is a tpe of living attitude and pursue of life qualit.作为一个学设计的艺术生,创意是学习和生活中都不可
缺少的东西,这使我更加深刻明白创意所带给生活的好处。 as a student major in designing, the imagination and reativit is indispensable in studing and life. this experiene gives me a deeper understanding of benefits that reativit brings to life. 首先,创意对于生活而言,是变化。生活,是包罗万象,不是一层不变,是不断变化,不是平淡无奇的。而创意,不管创意本生的大小,它能带给生活的,是变化,是惊喜,是快乐,是独特,为的就是让人觉得新鲜,眼前一亮,印象深刻。如:
这些创意都是生活的附属品,为生活增添颜色,让生活中充满不同的色彩。 first of all, originalit means hanging. life is all-braing, not invariable. it keeps hanging instead of being featureless. and for reativit, no matter its size or importane, hat it brings to life is variation, surpri, jo and uniqueness. its purpo is to sparkle in front of the rod and imp
ress them deepl. suh examples are the original advertiment, unique brand logos and novel hou furniture designs. the things are aessories of life, making life beautiful, fitting in diver olors. 其次,创意对于生活更重要的是它提高了生活的品质。这便是为何世上已经存在的事物,人们还想不断对它进行设计,通过改变其外形,色彩等来达到一种不同平常的美的视觉享受。学会欣赏这样的创意美,就是提高自我生活品质的一种方法。不仅如此,除了生活中有创意的设计品,各种不同的创意生活方式还出现在生活的各各角落:
如低碳生活,提倡少开车,多骑自行车上班;绿色垃圾,变废为宝等。这样的创意便是来源于生活,高于生活。丰富了生活,开创了一种不同于以往陈旧的新的生活方式,提高了生活的品质。 lifes. 生活不仅只是活着那么简单,而是要活的多姿多彩,多的快乐。 创意生活,便是一种丰富生活,装饰生活,让生活多彩的最好的方式。 那么,还等什么,放开你的约束,让创意主宰的思想,快乐生活吧~ the life is not merel to be alive, but to lead a good life. the reative life is suh a a to eih life, deorate life and make it meaningful.so hat are ou aiting for? let the bind go. embrae the imaginative mind and enjo our extraordinar life!
英语演讲稿--梦想dream 当瓦特制造了第一台蒸汽机,当牛顿在被一颗苹果砸中后发现了万有引力(universal gravitation),当马
克思写出了《共产党宣言》,当毛泽东在天安门城楼上庄严宣布中华人民共和国成立,当马丁?路德?金用热血呼喊出“i have a dream”时,这个世界就改变了。被一个叫做梦想的,看不见,摸不到,却拥有无穷力量的东西,改变了。 我敢肯定,每一个孩子都写过题为《我的梦想》的作文,年幼的她们在懵懂的时候就写下了对未来的憧憬,有的是科学家,有的是教师,有的是医生。也许当时的她们并不懂在实现梦想之前有多少艰辛和困苦,但这犹如一颗小小的种子,种在了孩子们的心中,也犹如一座灯塔,在迷茫的大海中指引他们前行。 梦想,是力量的源泉,是信念的支撑,也是引导的北极星,无时无刻不提醒我们:
箕谷梦想不会抛弃任何人~没错,也许有一天,什么都离你而去,但是唯独梦想,会坚守在你身边,永远 梦想改变了我们,我们又因梦想改变了世界,是梦想让世界每天都新鲜,也是梦想让社会不断进步。我们敢梦想,更能实现梦想,改变世界。 我可不能想像没有梦想的
世界,你呢, dream is the fountain of strength. dream is the support of faith. dream is the polaris. dream reminds us to move forard, to struggle, to strive all the time. one of m friends told me that dream ill never disard anone! es, mabe one da everthing is gone but dreams is still there ith
ou, eternall. dream hanged us, and therefore e hanged the orld. it is dream that refreshes the orld ever da. it is also dream that makes the orld improve da b da. e dare to dream. e an also ahieve our dreams and hange the orld. i an’t imagine the orld ithout dreams. ho about ou? 公司会议通知
英语演讲稿better me ? better me ?better me? better me better me ? m dream then thats m dream i stand here speaking to everone ,also i kno there is alas a long road to there ,but
i ill tr m best ith m onfidene ,i ill never give up no matter ho hard it is , i kno i ill be that kin
d of man like the man in m dream ,i ill tr for the first time ,the ond time ,,,until i ere that kind of man . thats all ,i kno ,no im sure ou ant to be that kind of man our mind .thats m dream ,thats m inner heart . m outh , m dream e all ant to believe that e are apable of great feats , of reahing our fullest potential . 我们相信自己有成就伟业的能力,能发挥出自己最大的潜力。 e need dreams . 我们需要梦想。 the give us a vision of a better future . 它会给我们展现一番更好的前景。the nourish our spirit ,the reprent possibilit even then e are dragged don b realit . 它能滋养我们的灵魂,梦想代表一种可能性,尽管它会受到现实的羁绊。the keep us going . 梦想让我们勇往直前。 most suessful people are dreamers . 多数成功人士都是梦想家。 drand m friends. i ould like to introdue ou a short novel named “the old man and the a”. it is ritten b ernest heminga in uba in51 and published in5
the stor of an aging, life-long fisherman ho attempts to find himlf, and hopefull党员证明怎么开 a fish, on a fishing trip in the gulf aters off uba. after spending most of his life alone and losing his onl panion ho is a oung uban bo, the old man heads out to a one again. his 84 das ithout a notable ath end on this trip, but ill he be able to defeat the odds after athing a gig
anti marlin? this short novel is universal in its onsideration of the plight of an old man struggling against age, loneliness, mortalit, humilitand povert to maintain his identit and dignit. apart from that, the heerful
and optimisti old man ants to reestablish his reputation in the munit. besides, he also ants to ensure for all time his relationship ith tho he loves and to hom he hopes to paon everthing he values the most. finall, he survives and ins the