Dell 常用朮語簡介
Acceptance PhaThe final pha of the Pha Review Process during which attainment of program goals is measured and learning
experiences are captured as part of the continuous process improvement effort.
ACD 1. Automated Call Distribution.茄汁意面
2. Americas Customer Databa. An externally maintained databa of U.S. customer purcha history, promotion history, demographics and firmographics.
AD Area Director.
AD&DApplication Development and Deployment.
ALERT Problem alert and resolution if one is available.
AES Automated Export (Compliance System . A combination of in-hou development and t
hird party software that allows Dell to check orders to ensure they are not being shipped to restricted countries.
AFIR Annualized Field Incident Rate. (See FIR
AMF Obsolete term. See DAO.
AML Approved Manufacturers List (equates to ASL .
AOQL Acceptable Outgoing Quality Levels.
A-P Asia-Pacific. The region of the world encompassing Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Island nations. Note: Within Dell, Japan is a parate region from A- P.
AP/POAccounts Payable/Purchasing.
APCC Asia-Pacific Customer Center. Dell sales, support, marketing, and manufacturing center in Penang, Malaysia supporting the Asia-Pacific Region. APCC also manufactures products for Dell Japan.
APP Aggregate Product Plan. A Dell confidential document created by a product line of business with regional involvement that includes (at a minimum competitive analysis, key technology trends, market gmentation analysis, product proposals and product roadmaps. The APP is ud for business planning purpos by product group and each region. Approved product proposals begin development by entering the PrP .
AQL Acceptable Quality Level.
ARB Ast Recovery Business.
ARR Acceptance Readiness Review (SDLC .
ARS Action Request System (REMEDY .
AsiaPac Asia-Pacific. (e A-P
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit. A chip designed for a particular customer or system, typically from standard cells and/or gate arrays. May ultimately be sold as a standard part.
ASL 1. Approved Suppliers List.
2. Applications Solutions Center.
3. Americas Service Logistics.
ASM Area Sales Manager.
ASP Average Selling Price.
BC Business Contract.
BIST Built In Self Test.
BOL Bill of Lading.
BOM Bill of Materials. Describes a grouping of components or materials that are combined to create a single product. Example: Individual components, along with a circuit board are combined to produce the final product - a CPU (or microprocessor board, for instance. The Bill
of Materials lists all of the discrete components, including the empty circuit board, and thereby creates a relationship between all the parts.
BPI , bpi1. Bits Per Inch.
2. Business Process Improvement.
Brand ManagerAs ud in the PrP , the Brand Manager is the Regional marketing manager.
Brand Team(As ud with the PrP . An ongoing team of people with day to day business management responsibilities within a LOB . The brand team provides overall program direction, reviews and approves PFGs , reviews Business Contracts for approval by the executive team and approves pha review exits for individual programs.
Business ContractThe output document from the planning pha of the PrP . Business Contracts are managed by Program Management and reprent a commitment to the company of expected program parameters including scope, schedule, resource requirem
ents, quality goals and financial estimates. In particular, each Business Contact contains a business ca and a bounding box. Further documentation and explanation of the terms can be found in Dell's PrP handbook.
CA 1. Corrective Action.
2. Change Administration.
中国四大名著作者CAC Client Assistance Center.
CAPP Consolidated Aggregate Product Plan. A document that is the combination of each of the four LOB APPs .
CFT Cross Functional Team.
CIFIR Combined IFIR. IFIR plun Missing and Wrong.
CIP Continuous Improvement Process. A formal process ud by
誓言造句Dell and its Suppliers to share expectations and experti, reduce
罗氏祠defects, and apply lessons learned.
CMI Communication Management Interface.
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol. An OSI -bad network management protocol.十二月有什么节日
CND Can Not Duplicate.
COA Certificate of Authenticity.
COB Clo of Business.
COGS Cost of Goods Sold.
Confidential See Dell Confidential.
Control PanelPart of the computer console that contains indicators and
controls, such as the power switch, hard-disk drive access indicator, and power indicator.
See also indicator panel.