How to u GIT for WINCE BSP
1. Git Related Software Link (1)
2. Install MsysGit (1)
3. Install TortoisGit (4)
4. Setup SSH Key to avoid input password everytime(Unfinished) (4)
5. Tell Git Who you are (5)
6. Working with Git (6)
6.1. Over all working flow (6)
6.2. Setup for WinCE Project (7)
6.3. Commit Change to Local Repository with TortoiGit (11)
6.4. Sync with remote repository (13)
6.5. Combine Multi commit to one commit (15)
6.6. Send Patch Email. (16)
6.7. Review Commit (17)
6.8. Resolve Conflict (18)
6.9. Create Tag (18)
活动策划怎么做6.10. Switch to another branch or commit. (19)
6.11. Diff Change (19)
6.11.1. Command Line (20)
6.11.2. Command Line (20)
7. Branch Relea (22)
8. Others Improved (34)
8.1. Replace VI with other editor (34)
1.Git Related Software Link
1.MsysGit, Git
Download version: 1.7.8 /files/Git-1.7.8-
2.TortoiGit. GUI interface for git /p/tortoigit
Remove Previous Version if you install it before.
Download version: (32bit) /files/TortoiGit-
You can u the latest version.
2.Install MsysGit
Choo ALL at "Select Additional Task"
Choo "Run Git From The Windows Command Prompt"
Choo U OpenSSH
Important: Choo “U windows style line endings”
3.Install TortoisGit
Install tortoigit after msysgit. U default ttings other than below tup:
4.Setup SSH Key to avoid input password everytime(Unfinished)
Open Git Bash
press "enter" for any question
>scp .ssh/ <your_core_id><your_core_id> #copy you public key to rver
>attrib +r .ssh/id_rsa #t readonly for private key
>ssh <your_core_id> #now you login remote machine
>mkdir .ssh
>cd .ssh
>cat ../ >> authorized_keys #if there are authorized_keys, plea u chmod 600 authorized_keys to enable write permission, if there is no authorized_keys file, plea create it. >chmod 400 authorized_keys
>cd ..
>chmod 500 .ssh
Test connect
>ssh <your_core_id> # now the system will not check the password.
If you have GIT installed on 2 or more PCs, you can simply copy .ssh folder from the first PC to other PCs then u the same SSH key directly.
5.Tell Git Who you are
Open explore.
Right click -> TortoiGit -> Settings
Choo Git-> Config
Input you Name and Email
Click Apply or OK
Command line银行卡如何注销
git config --global "your name"
git config --ail "your email"
In addition, make sure the SSH client tting is correct so that you can utilize the SSH Key you’ve tup in Section 4.七月一号是什么星座
6.Working with Git 6.1.Over all working flow