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To ensure timely and thorough investigation on industrial safety incidents, corrective actions being formulated; to prevent re-occurrence of similar incidents and to reduce incident rate and damage caud. The injured employee is treated and compensated properly in accordance with national legal requirement and company policy。
The procedure is applicable to work related incident management.
3.1工伤Work related injury and illness
The injury and illness that meet requirements of <<work related injury and illness insurance ordinance >>will be considered Work related injury and illness.
3.2不可记录事故Non-recordable incident or First Aid Cas
是指所发生的伤害经过医药箱药物或公司医生处理后可继续原工作的事件. 如轻微的擦伤,割伤,灼伤,毛刺等
FAC refers to cas where the employee can continue to do his/her original work after the injury is being treated by company doctor or medicine being applied. like minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinter, etc.
3.3 可记录工伤Recordable incident
Any accident resulting in an employee that result in u of prescribe medicine, more than 1 day rest or medical treatment encompassing 1 or more of the lost time , loss of consciousness, restricted work activities ,job transfer, fracture, disability, occupational dia Fatality.
3.4 死亡事故 Fatal incident
Fatal incident refers to the death of 1 employee or above in one incident.
3.5 重大财产损失事故 Major property damage incident
The incident that result in property damage over $100,000
3.6 未遂事故 Near Miss
是指发生事故的条件已经具备,或虽然发生了事故,但未造成财物损失和人员伤亡的事故。Cas where all aspects are prent but an accident did not happen or the occurred incident did not cau any damage to personnel and ast.
4.1安全办Safety council office is responsible for
Organizing related personnel to conduct the incident investigation, completing the incident investigation report and supervising the implementation of the preventive and corrective actions for the incident
Reporting the incident analysis information to top management
4.2 人资部门HR Department is responsible for
4.2.1 负责工伤保险及工伤认定和劳动能力鉴定。
Work related incident insurance compensation, identification of degree of injury and asssment of injured subject’s ability to work for the injured employees.
4.3 各部门Individual department is responsible for
Reporting incident timely学校发展规划
Preliminary investigation at the scene of incident
4.3.3 事故发生部门负责填写“安全事故关闭报告”。
Department that the incident has occurred in is responsible for filling out Incident Closure Report
4.3.4 支持和配合安全办进行工伤事故的调查、报告与处理;
Support and cooperate with Safety Council Office to conduct work related accident investigation, report and treatment issues.
Completing corrective and preventive action
5.1事故报告 Incident Reporting
.All incidents no matter how minor including near miss, property damage should be reported to Safety Council Office.
5.1.2 在工作中员工所遭受的任何伤害,无论多么轻微,必须立即汇报给直接主管,并引起注意和进行适当的治疗。
Any injury happens in the workplace, regardless of the degree of injury, should be reported to the direct supervisor immediately and given appropriate medical treatment.
The involved party must inform to his/her direct supervisor immediately after the incident happens and the supervisor conducts or coordinates the preliminary process of the incident scene.
If the involved party has lost the ability to report the incident after the incident happens in the company, the nearest employee prent should be responsible for reporting the incident.
5.1.5 发生工伤事故时受伤员工或证人要立即联络部门主管,经理,安全办或医生以便员工能得到及时的救治。具体的要求可参见急救管理办法。
The injured employee or witness should contact the direct supervisor, manager, Safety officer or doctor to ek first aid .The related requirements can be found in first aid work instruction.
Department supervisor should report to Safety Council Office immediately after receiving the incident reporting。Safety Council Office shall rush to the incident scene for incident investigation.