
更新时间:2023-06-18 02:31:49 阅读:40 评论:0

主    题
1. 故事情节和事件发展顺序;
2. 段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;
1. 表达并列关系的常用连词和副词有:and, at the same time等;
2. 表达顺序关系的常用连词和副词有:first, cond, third 或firstly, condly, ,and, then, after that, afterwards, thereafter, finally等;
3. 表达转折关系的常用连词有:but,however,yet,while等;
4. 表达因果关系的常用连词和副词有:becau,that’s why,so,so that,as a result等;
Wilma Rudolf was born in Clarksville, Tenne, in 1940. There were twenty-two children in her family.  Wilma was not a strong child. . Wilma’s family loved her and helped her. Her mother and her sisters massaged 按摩 her bad leg. The doctor put a brace 矫形支架 on her leg for six years. .
    At high school Wilma started to run. Soon she won every race she ran. Then she prepared for the national races. . The next year, 1956, Wilma was in the Olympic Games in Australia. Wilma came back with a bronze medal. In 1960, Wilma went to the Olympic Games in Italy. The weather was very hot just as it was it Tenne
The Italians cheered her. Wilma won the 100 meter race, the 200 meter race, and the 400 meter relay. .
    Wilma Rudolf was a hard working woman. . That year she married her high school sweetheart, and now they have four children.
A. Luckily, the brace was taken off when she was 12.
B. In 1963, Wilma got her degree in education.
C. When she was very young her leg began to have problems. 
D. So Wilma Rudolf was the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals. 
E. At the age of 15, she won all nine of the races.
1. C
解析:从原文得知,她小时候不是一个强壮的孩子;所以本句应该是解释她有哪些问题;答题时应该抓住选项中的关键词 “problem”;另外,下句说到她妈妈和姐姐帮她按摩有毛病的腿;此处bad leg 和选项C中的her leg有承接关系;名词承接
2. A
解析:从原文得知 “医生在她的腿里放了一个矫形支架达六年之久”,而后文中又说 “她高中时开始跑步了”;而此句意为“ 幸运的是医生在她12岁时取出了矫形支架;取出支架后才能开始跑步;动、名词承接
3. E
解析:从原文中可知“the next year is 1956” “the next year”指的是某一年的下一年, 因此应是1955年;再根据“Wilma was born in 1940.”可知 She was 15 years old in 1955. 时间顺序
4. D
解析:从原文中得知Wilma参加了1960年意大利奥运会获得了三块金牌,选项中的 “three”很具体的对其进行了总结;同时“so”很好地引出了对参加意大利奥运会的总结;因果关系
5. B
胎儿多久入盆解析:原文中的“那一年”指的是某一年,前文中肯定提到了“一年”,因此是“In 1963, she got her degree in education, then at the same year, she got married. 代词承接此外,上句说她是一个勤奋的人;所以本句说的是她在学习方面的成就;形容词、名词承接
总结:阅读理解新题型的答题思路是: ①通读全文及选项了解文章大意; ②分析选项间的逻辑关系; ③从选项中圈出表示逻辑关系的关键词; ④阅读短文还原句子并排除干扰; ⑤复读短文检查逻辑是否合理;
话题1. 个人情况,家庭、朋友与周围的人,人际关系
Last Sunday evening, my parents went out for a walk with my sister. But I studied alone at home becau would have an English test. Suddenly, I saw bright light in my neighbors kitchen.   1  . So I went on studying.
Soon, there was a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong.   2  .So I shouted Fire, Fire But no one heard or came out.
I ran quickly to my hou to call 119, and then I rang my neighbors doorbell, knocked at the door.   3  .I got into the hou through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom .  4  .
We tried our best to pour water through the kitchen window, but the fire was too heavy.   5  .When my parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. After my neighbor told them the whole story, they were happy and said I was a brave boy.
A. But there was no answer.
B. Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly.
C. I woke him up and we rushed out of the hou together.
D. I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbors kitchen.
E. I thought he was cooking.
话题2. 日常活动,学习生活
Tuesday, 1st September
    I had mixed feelings today, nervous, worried, happy, excited… I was very unhappy when I heard Matthew and Beth, two students from England, would spend three months with us   1  . But at the end of the school day, I was very happy.   2  .
    Today is the most unforgettable first day I have had Matthew is great   3  . I can easily understand him. Beth is the most helpful girl I’ve ever met. There were lots of things to do on the first day.   4  .We finished all the preparations 10 minutes earlier than expected, then Beth and I talked for a while. Matthew sang veral English songs at the party. We all praid him.    5  .But none of us wanted to leave.
    When I went back home, I had a little headache. I have probably spoken more English today than the whole of the year.
    It was really a happy day I hope our friendship can continue, even after they go back to England
A. His English is clearer and easier to listen to than I thought.
B. At this time the bell rang to end the first school day.
C. The morning with them today was more enjoyable than I expected.
D. Beth offered to help me put up all the notices.   
E. I was worried that I had to speak English so much
话题3. 兴趣爱好,个人情感
Sadness and happiness are often talked about by people in their spare time. Most people want themlves to be happy for ever, but few know how to find happiness. Others say if you own lots of money and success, you will be happy.   1  . A famous a Greek thinker, Aristotle, said, “Happiness depends upon ourlves.” That’s to say, we make our own happiness.  2  .  
企业名称大全The first cret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future. For example, getting into college or getting a good job, which we fail to enjoy the prent. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with clo friends.   3  .
Another cret to living a happy life is to be active.   4  . People canforget about their problems and only think about the activities.
  5  . Studies show that people feel good when theyspend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help afriend with his or her studies, go shopping or help out with some things around the hou for an elderly person.
If you do above, you will be happy.
A. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.
B. However, money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.
C. Many people go dancing or play sports.
D. Finally, Many people find happiness in helping others.
E. People who have veral clo friends often live happier andhealthier lives.
话题4. 计划与愿望
I bought a jasmine 茉莉花plant for my office. When I bought it, I was told it would bloom开花 and the sweet smell would fill my office. I had the plant for two months, and every day I looked at it, but there weren't any flowers or pleasant smell.   1  .
One day, another friend Mary called and invited me to her office. When I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprid me. I reached out to touch the flowers.   2  . I happily smelled them. With the sweet smell of only a handful of the flowers, I suddenly understood something.
    Mary bought her plant the same time I did.   3  .总结工作 I was so impatient for mine to bloom; regretfully, I gave it away.
    In a way my life is like the jasmine  need to be patient and let things happen.
Last Sunday Linda told me that she was going abroad the next week.   4  . This time I am going to wait. I have learned something important.   5  . I am slowly learning to have that patience to wait for my jasmine to bloom.
A. I was not happy, so I gave the plant to my friend Linda.
B. Mary cut some and gave them to me.
C. Before she left, she returned the plant to me.
D. When we want something in our life, we have to be patient.
E. It took a year for her jasmine to bloom.
话题5. 节假日活动
We always celebrated Dad’s birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he went to a hospital. When we knew it might be his last birthday, the whole family decided to get together for a huge birthday celebration at the hospital.
Dad was a good storyteller.   1  .During a quiet moment, I said this time Dad should listen to our stories.   2  .The room became quiet. Then one after another, all the people told stories from their hearts.   3  .
Everyone emed to have more than one story. Everyone had something to say.   4  . For a man who had been kind to so many hundreds of people in his life, here was our chance to tell him how much we love him.
If you love someone, tell him or her. Words do matter, and they are enough. We just need to say them the people we love. Speak out your love. That’s the ways to give back love.   5  .
A. Even the little grandchildren couldn’t wait to tell Dad why they loved him.
B. That’s 人体写真照片also our chance to celebrate a person when he or she is still alive.
C. I wanted everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him.
D. We were always his listeners.
the same time, Dad listened with tears in eyes.
话题6. 购物防病毒
“Who needs a shopping mall 购物中心if you have Taobao”
says Wang Lin,28,a writer in Beijing.
Taobao is China’s largest online shopping site 网上购物网站.   1  .She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chine Internet urs like Wang have found the joys of online shopping .  2  .More women shop on line then  and home-u products are the most popular on line.
It was reported that more than 250 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year.   3  .
Taobao means “looking for treasure”in Chine.   4  . All kinds of things can be found, from clothes to books ,from candies to DVD players .
  5  .In fact, it’s very safe and convenient . Unless you receive the products from the llers and are satisfied with them,the shop owner will not get the money .You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.
A. It has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life.
B. You may want to know about the safety of shopping online.
C. 80% of the money was spent through Taobao.
D. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao.
E. Most online shoppers are students or young workers.
话题7. 饮食与健康
We should give our eyes a lot of care. Natural eye care should be the most important
There are veral caus leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, gene 基因 and aging 年龄增长.   1  .
If you often work in front of the computer, youd better take a rest every once in a while. Something dirty is bad for your eyes and can make you feel uncomfortable.   2  . You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful things. For example, sunglass make you look cool.   3  .
Eating healthy foods will be good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamins 维生素 A, C and E are good for eyes.   4  . And you should do eye exercis becau exerci protects your eyesight, too. You should exercis regularly 规律地 and eat the right kind of food.   5  .
All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy  a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.
A. Try to eat food groups that have the vitamins.
B. They can also protect your eyesight from too bright sunshine.
C. Televisions, computers and reading are also the caus of having poor eyesight.
D. Then your eyes will stay good for a long time.
E. If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water.
话题8. 天气、旅游和交通
A city without cars would be very strange, right But Venice is such a city.
Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It was built on more than 110 islands.
  1  .
Even so, travel isn’t difficult.   2  .There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want to go. People in Venice move from place to place by boat.   3  .
Water makes the city special, but it is also a big problem.   4  .This has made the ice of the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋 melt 融化. Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of water comes, more than half of the city is underwater.
  5  . The Italian government has asked some of Italy’s biggest companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be build under the awater to stop the rising water. Anyway, this project is helping solve the problem.
A. The temperature has rin over the years.
B. Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower.
C. Seawater is everywhere around the city.
D. The waterways have always been the best way to get around.
E. They like to enjoy the scenery 风光 and cool summer nights while taking boat trips.
话题9. 文娱体育
May is National Bike Month. A month-long event is trying to get you outside. It encourages everyone to get back onto their bicycles.   1  .May is in the beginning summer and warm weather, so why not start right away and enjoy sunshine
Ride Out to Protect the Environment
Bike month helps everyone make their efforts to improve the  you’re hiking to school, you are helping bring down the air pollution.  2  . Get your family to stop driving and start riding a bike   3  .
Count Down Tho Calories
Cycling isn’t just good for the environment.   4  . Riding a bicycle burns calories and helps keep you healthy. It not only improves your physical health, but also your mental state of mind. It can really help you be a happier person.
Share the Sunny Summer
So get into that shed, and take out your old hike. Paint the hike blue. Put on a nice coat. Load up a number of songs.   5  . Be a fun-in- the-sun child Enjoy yourlf
A. It’s good for you to keep fit, too.
B. You can do something to help make the air fresher.
C. Invite a group of friends to get on the bikes and ride this sunny May
D. Then they can enjoy riding a bike an often as they can during the month.
E. It is the most common form of pollution
话题10. 语言学习
When you hear people in western countries “ Drop in anytime” 随时来玩 or “Come and e me soon”, you should realize that it doesn’t mean you are welcome to come over to their hou anytime.   1  .
First, it’s wi to telephone before visiting someone.    2  .
Second, never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go.   3  . For example, you can say “Thank you for inviting me, but I may not be able to come.” If you are unable to come after accepting the invitation, be sure to tell them in advance.
  4  . When you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, it is polite to bring small gifts with you, such as bottles of drink, flowers and chocolate.
Last, pay your own bill sometime. Sometimes Westerners may take you out to dinner in a restaurant   5  . Then each person should pay his own bill.
心理检查A. You should learn to say No if you are not ready to go.
B. However maybe 辽宁省旅游he isnt going to pay the bill at the end of the meal.
C. Third, a small gift will make you more welcome.
D. In fact, to be a welcome visitor, you should remember the following advice.
a westerner without calling in advance 提前is impolite.
话题11. 自然、社会、世界与环境
North American black bears are shy animals. They are afraid of people.   1  . Becau of this, it can be difficult for scientists to learn about the animals.
In order to study black bears, rearchers from New Jery, USA, catch bears and u drugs to help them go to sleep.   2  . They work out the size and the weight of the bear, take blood to test for dias, remove a tooth and take it to the lab to find out its age.   3  .They can also learn how long they live, and how many babies they produce.
But in Minnesota, USA, rearchers study bears that are completely awake.   4  . With the help of some fruit to keep the bears busy, rearchers can touch them to check their hearts, look at their teeth, and do other jobs.   5  . During this time, they make videos to learn about the black bears everyday lives.
A. They will usually run away if they e or hear people.
B. During the black bears short sleep, rearchers do a lot of study.
C. From the studies, rearchers want to find out how many bears live in New Jery.
D. Rearchers can also walk or sit with bears for hours.
E. The bears know the rearchers’ voices and they are not afraid of the rearch team.
话题12. 科普知识与现代技术、热点话题、历史与地理、文学与艺术
In modern society, people u money every day. It ems that money is very important in our life.   1  .But I think few people know the history of money.
Long ago, people did not need money. They lived on wild animals, fruits and other plants.   2  .Sometimes, families produced more than they needed, so they started to trade 贸易with other families. Later, people began to u money as a means of exchange.   3  .They ud other things for money, like shells, rice, salt, large stones, etc.
During the 600s BC, people began using coins as money.   4  . Later, countries began to make their won coins.
The Chine were the first to u paper money, probably as early as the 11th century. The Italian traveler Marco Polo saw the Chine using money when he visited China in the 1200s.  5  .
  Today, we have many new ways to pay for things.
A. However, it was not the same kind of money we u today.
B. That’s becau without money you can’t buy anything you want.
C. They soon found that coins were easier to carry than goods and lasted a long time.
D. However, European countries did not start using paper money until 1600s.
E. As time pasd, people learned to rai animals and crops.

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