This NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT is entered into by company name A, having its registered address at company A’s address冲击的近义词>抗菌药物分级管理制度 herein referred to as “company A brief ” and by company name B having its registered address at promoteferred to as “company B brief” in consideration of each party providing information to the other and made effective as of the date of its signing.
company A brief will provide Guangzhou Sincere-Union Digital Technology Co., Ltd. certain documentation, all of highly confidential and proprietary nature,. related to products and rvices that may be offered or provided directly or indirectly by company B brief. The documentations are, in the form of equipment diagrams, model and feature descriptions, product specifications, financial data and other operations and maintenance data (hereinafter referred to as “面粉的功效与作用INFORMATION”).The INFORMATION being provided by one party is being made available to the other party for a maximum period of twelve(12) months from the date of this Agreement. All written INFORMATION is usually marked “Prop
rietary” or “Confidential”. All INFORMAION orally disclod shall be subject to this Agreement provided that the disclosing party indicates to the other at the time of disclosure the confidential or proprietary nature of the information and provides a summary of the orally disclod information in written to such party within fourteen(14) days after the disclosure. The parties are furnishing the INFORMATION for the sole purpo of ascertaining and evaluating its interest in providing telecommunications rvices in connection with Modernization Program of Philippine Postal Corporation (the “Purpo”).
1.INFORMATION does not include information that:
a)was already publicly known at the time of its disclosure or becomes thereafter publicly known otherwi than through the act or omission of the receiving party or of its officers, employees, agents, advisors or directors;
b)the receiving party can show (i) was already in its posssion or known to the receiving party at the time of disclosure by being in its u or by being recorded in its files or comp声卡设置
uters or other recording media prior to receipt from or on behalf or the disclosing party or was not previously acquired by the receiving party from or on behalf of the disclosing party or; (ii) was independently developed at any time by the receiving party for purpos other than the purpo, without using the INFORMATION;带鹏字的成语
c)小学生抄写优美句子is rightfully obtained at any time by the receiving party from a third party without restrictions in respect of disclosure and without breach by the receiving party or by such source of any obligation of confidentiality towards the disclosing party or any of its subsidiaries; or
d)is requested to be disclod (i) pursuant to an order of a court or (ii) by a regulatory body or (iii) under any written law or (iv) by a minister or governmental body pursuant to any lawful regulatory order or requirements, in which ca the disclosing party shall be advid of such request and the information to be disclod not less than five(5) business days prior to disclosure.
2.Each Party agrees that;
a)it and any of its employees having access to INFORMATION provided under this Agreement will hold in complete confidence and not publish, communicate or disminate in any manner (other than as provided in Paragraph 3 hereof) to any third party (except for the purpo expresd in Paragraph I hereof) without the express written connt of the disclosing party.
b)U the INFORMATION only to the extent necessary in connection with the Purpo;
c)U all reasonable endeavors to establish and maintain satisfactory curity measures to safeguard the INFORMATION from unauthorized access or u; and
d)Keep confidential the existence of this Agreement and the fact that the parties are meeting with or receiving INFORMATION from each other
3.Each party agrees to restrict circulation and communication of the INFORMATION disclod to it as contemplated hereby within its own organization and only to its trusted e
mployees and consultants on a need-to-know basis only, and will not permit any person other than its trusted employees and consultants to have access to such INFORMATION.
4.All INFORMATION furnished hereunder shall remain the property of the disclosing party. The receiving party will not copy any INFORMATION without the prior connt of the disclosing party. It is further understood that the disclosing party rerves the right to retrieve or request the immediate return of INFORMATION at any time, should it be discovered that the receiving party has not complied with the obligations of this Agreement.
6.Each receiving party agrees not to copy, reproduce, distribute or disclo INFORMATION to any third party without prior connt of the disclosing party and to restrict the distribution of the INFORMATION within its own organization to the minimum number of employees possible, who will be informed that it is confidential, and who will be subject to the terms of this Agreement.
7.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights be lice
n or otherwi, expressly, implied or otherwi for any of the INFORMATION disclod by both parties.
8.The parties acknowledge that damages are not sufficient remedy for breach of this Agreement and that a party shall be entitled to the remedy of injunction, specific performance and other legal and equitable relief for any threatened or actual breach of this Agreement, in addition to any other remedies available to the disclosing party at law or in equity, the disclosing party shall be entitled to damages which shall include without limitation all direct costs, litigation expens and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the disclosing party in the enforcement of its rights under this Agreement.