He was not a good student ,deviating from the rules.
No task is too hard.Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison.没有任务太难。没有太多的准备太难了。以我们这个时代的两位最有经验的科学家为例。爱因斯坦和爱迪生。
When I turned back I'd never be able to escort him back like this.当我转身向岸边时,一股波浪冲击着我们。码头就在远处!撕裂的电流!它强行把我们拖到海里。我努力让我们回到托兰,但没有取得什么进展。我知道我不能像这样护送他回来。
I felt strong arms lift me. ....the boy was hugged tightly by his mother 我感觉到强壮的手臂举起了我。我没有上去。只有从大海到栈桥的安全礁石——还有我的拯救,留下了可怕的恐惧,让我久久不能离开。我的头被他妈妈紧紧地抱住了
She was hungry and malnourished,....uncles were taken captive and killed. 她饿了,
Soon, Audrey was transformed from a malnourished immigrant to an internationally famous movie star.很快,奥黛丽从一个营养不良的移民变成了一个国际知名的电影明星。
From Bangladesh, Sudan, India, Vietnam, Kenya, Ethiopia, Central and South America, to Somalia,....destinations to rai world awareness of wars and droughts.来自孟加拉国、苏丹、印度、越南、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、中美洲和南美洲、索马里、奥黛丽·赫本代表联合国儿童基金会,将50多个情感枯竭和身体危险的任务投入到荒凉的目的地,以提高人们对战争和干旱的认识。
杭州岳王庙A bit of distance, however, helps loon grasped from a slightly more abstract perspective.然而,有一点距离,有助于使我们的认知链条被禁锢,使我们更容易将新的与旧的联系起来;世俗是从一个略为抽象的角度来理解的。
The same facets of foreign travel that are so confusing(Do I tip the waiter?.... becau we' re less insular.外国旅行的相同方面让人困惑(我给服务生小费吗?这趟火车把我带到哪里?)结果产生了持久的影响,使我们更有创造力,因为我们没有那么狭隘。
We travel becau we need to, becau has been changed, and that changes everything.我们旅行是因为我们需要,因为距离和差异是创造力的秘密基石。当我们回到家,家仍然是一样的。但我们心中的某些东西已经改变了,改变了一切。
Between labor and play stands work. individual's personal point of view.劳作和玩耍之间是一种工作。人们被贴上工人的标签,如果他们的个人利益与工作社会的报酬相一致,那么从社会的角度来看,必要的劳动是个人的个人观点的自愿发挥。
On the other hand, laborers, doesn't contribute to their happiness. 另一方面,劳动者的唯一动机是谋生,他们觉得在日常生活中花费的时间是浪费,没有贡献他们的幸福.
In recent decades,.... enjoyable work into boring labor.近几十年来,技术创新和劳动分工,在许多领域消除了对特殊力量或技能的需求,使许多有偿的工作变成了枯燥的劳动,从而产生了重大的经济变化.难忘的国庆节
Likewi, modern-day laborers with too bad habits that waste valuable time.同样,拥有过多闲暇时间的现代劳动者可能会发现,从明星八卦、奢侈时尚、过度的电子游戏和电视等不好的习惯,浪费宝贵的时间的上瘾和琐碎的追求是很难的。
When winter comes, we is a disaster, a pervasive and constant threat.当冬天来临的时候,我们不再躲避炸弹,所以我们可以躲避那些严重的因素。冬天是正常情况下的另一个季节,但对于战时的穷人来说,冬天是一场灾难,是一种普遍的、持续的威胁。
One day we hear that to summon a bit of warmth.有一天,我们听说他们将在仓库附近的一家商店里分发糖果。我们马上排起了一队又冷又饿的孩子。我们整晚和第二天都站在霜冻中,挤在一起,发出一点温暖。
I can't quite remember the naive days of my childhood.我不太记得战争是什么时候或怎样结束的,我的思绪总是回到草原上的第一天,那爆炸破坏了和平的花朵和童年天真的日子。
The economic slump so many than they turned out to be.经济衰退使许多人遭受了来自美国的痛苦,抵押贷款的监管失败的风险低于原来的水平
Initially, Sue had tried to minimum-wage retail jobs to director positions.起初,苏曾试图远程完成她的大学认证,但最终由于她财务状况的压力而辍学。她申请了所有可能的就业岗位,从最低工资的零售职位到董事职位。
1. Although she had sacrificed so much for her family, her husband accud her of being neglectful of her duty as a wife and mother.
2. At the sight of him, all she felt was annoyance at having been derted for three whole years.
3. 陈胜奇All kinds of questions concerning the soaring housing price begin to pop up on cable
television and the blogosphere(博客圈)
4. A car加班调休 crashed into the side of a hou after the driver lost control and plowed though a hedge (树篱)
5. As a number of authors point out, the urge to migrate is a(n) integral part of human nature.
6. All people, whether they be rich or poor,strong or weak, privileged or deprived,are interdependent, and share in the common task of eking to achieve mankind's full potential.
7. Although condary education is(compulsory), parents are not required to nd their children to state schools.
8.As Crawford (contended with)heartbreak in his private life, his career soared to greater heights than he could have ever dreamed of.
9. As cameras got lighter and the public began demanding more (realism)in the movies,Hollywood went to film on location (外景拍摄).
10. As the market(was saturated with) a wide variety of goods, the economy became more balanced and the competition forced the prices down.
11. An important feature of contemporary society is the social (desirability)of creating and maintaining independent houholds.
12. Ask your doctor whether a low- fat diet and a daily walk will suffice to reduce your high blood pressure.
13. At the atomic 如何通马桶level, the central (prediction)of Einstein's theory of general relativity states that the stronger the field of gravity,the slower the passage of time'四年级作文300字