1All of the following are parts of culture except ______.
Avalue systems
B.thinking patterns
C.norms of behavior
D.natural landscapes
2Intercultural munication refers to the study of ______.
A.interpersonal munication
B.political munication
C.munication among people from different cultures
D.munication between individuals from the same culture
3Stereotypes are considered ______.
A.the most significant barrier to effective intercultural munication
B.a mon thing among most cultures
C.a negative force in human munication
D.one of the most significant barrier to effective intercultural munication
大班幼小衔接计划4All the following are examples of stereotypes except ______.
A.all Japane are well-behaved
B.most international students from China are diligent
C.women are beautiful
D.all Muslims are terrorists
5Stereotypes usually result from ______.
A.limited information
B.limited experience
C.limited interactions
D.knowledge and experience
6Which of the following is not a type of stereotype?
7It is characteristic of stereotypes to be ______.
A.held in mon by all group members
B.held in mon by most of the group members
C.a direct expression of beliefs and values
D.both positive and negative
8A good strategy to deal with stereotypes is ______.
B.master one’s mother tongue
C.stay away from aliens
D.multi-lingual and multi-cultural
9It is good advice to keep in mind that ______.
A.each individual should be treated differently
B.all individual group members show the same cultural values
C.mon cultural patterns are always in the dominant culture
甄子丹电影大全D.co-cultural groups should be assimilated into the dominant ones
10Stereotypes and ethnocentrism are ______.
A.two sides of the same coin
B.two different things
C.the same thing in different names
D.positive terms
1The age of constitutional monarchy in Britain began with the ________ of 1688.
A.English Renaissance
B.Religious Reformation
C.War of Independence
D.Glorious Revolution
2The direct cau of Reformation in England was that ___.
A.the Pope wanted England to make up with France after the Hundred Year’s War
B.the Pope wanted more revenue from England
C.the Pope refud to appoint Henry VIII as head of the Church of England
D.Henry VIII decided to divorce his wife, Catherine and the Pope turned it down
3The main purpo of the Great Charter was ___.
柠檬膏的制作方法A.to restrict the baron’s power
B.to establish a new government
C.to restrict the king’s power
D.to protect ordinary people
4During the English Bourgeois Revolution, ____ supported Parliament and ____ stood on the side of the king.
A. the Independents … the Roundheads
B.the Roundheads … the Cavaliers
C.the Presbyterians … the yeomen
D.the Cavaliers … the Roundheads
5The British Parliament consists of two major parts: the Hou of mons and ____.
A.the Hou of Lords
B.the Lower Hou
C.the Cabinet
D. the Labor Party
6Which of the following statements is NOT true?
AThe British Queen reigns but does not rule.
B.The husband of the British Queen gets the titles of “the Duke of Edinburgh” and “the Prince of the United Kingdom”
C.The British Queen summons, prorogues and dissolves Parliament.
D.The British Queen may change the laws pasd by Parliament at will.
7Which of the following Cromwell did NOT do?
A.He prevented America from gaining independence.
B.He declared England to be a monwealth.
C.He dismisd the Long Parliament.
D.He beheaded Charles I.
8The People’s Charter pasd during the Chartist Movement was mainly concerned with _____.
A.condemnation of British imperialism
B.political reforms, especially with regard to the election system
C.further industrial development
D.improving the working conditions of industrial workers
9Which of the following is not the role of MPs in the UK?
A.influencing the policy of governmen
B.deciding the Prime Ministe
C.talking about legislatio
纪律意识淡薄D.scrutinizing administration of policies
10The Parliament of the United Kingdom was established_________.
A in 1928
B.in 1066
C.in 1800
D.in 1801
1How many states in the United Sates do not have death penalty?
2In a ____________ system of government, the constitution vests all the governmental power in the central government.