4月的北京,春风送暖the spring winds nd warmth to Beijing in April。在这个美好的时节,我们在这里隆重集会,today we are gathered here in this beautiful ason to celebrate 庆祝清华大学建校100周年the ntanio 。首先,我代表党中央、国务院,向清华大学全体师生员工和广大校友,first of all i would like to express on behalf of the CPC State council sincere congratulations to the faculties,stuff and many alumni 表示衷心的祝贺!向参加庆祝活动的海内外嘉宾,表示热烈的欢迎!向全国高等学校的师生员工和广大教育工作者,致以诚挚的问候!i wish to warmly welcome distinguished guests at home and broad to join in the celebration and i would like to express the cordial greetings to all the teachers, students and stuff of institutions, and to all tho who are working in the field of education.
表现近义词100年前one hundred years ago, 在中华民族内忧外患、风雨飘摇的历史背景下,清华大学的前身清华学堂建立了the Qinghua school which is today's Qinghua University was founded at that time the Chine nation was grappling with domestic turbulence and foreign invasion, aggressive foreign police and darkness and corruption on the field of row sprout s
ufferings in our country and people. The Chine people and so many people with lofty ideas 。那个时代,外国列强的侵略欺凌,封建统治的腐败黑暗,使我们的祖国和人民蒙受了水深火热的苦难。
中国人民和大批仁人志士在苦难中觉醒、在压迫下奋起,决心改变民族积贫积弱的命运和人民苦不聊生的状况。也就是在这一年,中国爆发了震惊世界的辛亥革命,为中国进步打开了闸门,推动全民族更加自觉地走上了振兴中华的奋斗历程。The Chine people and so many people with lofty ideas, awakened and ro up against sufferings and oppression, determined to change the country's lot as a poor and a weak nation., and the destitution of its people. It was in the very year the 1917 revolution broke out in China, opening the door of China's progress and spurred the whole nation to embark on the Chine journey toward rejuvenation more conscientiously.
Ninety years ago, the Communist Party of China was founded in the owndountied struggle to change the Chine destiny. Since then the CPC has united and led the people of all ethnic groups and fought courageously after the hard struggle and bloody war they founded the PRC, proceeded with social revolution and construction, adopted reform and opening up, and successfully lay the path of socialism with Chine characteristics, opening unprecedented and bright prospect for the great rejuvenation of Chine nation.
Since its establishment, the faculties of Qinhua University has been a part of nation's destiny, and keeping peace with times. They form a fine cultural condition and glorious revolutionary radiation, writing its meaningful page in the historical record of the struggle by the Chine people to achieve rejuvenation.
华园里潜心治学、精育良才,形成了名师荟萃、鸿儒辉映的盛况,很快发展成为我国最好的大学之一,填补了我国现代科技的诸多空白filling gaps 。抗日战争期间,清华同北大、南开一道,在极其艰苦的条件in extremely harsh conditions下,共创了西南联大的办学成就。梁启超、冯友兰、陈岱孙、费孝通、钱钟书、吴晗、曹禺、季羡林等一大批我国人文社会(in cultural and social studies)科学学术大师( ),叶企孙、茅以升、竺可桢、华罗庚、钱三强、钱学森、邓稼先、钱伟长等一大批我国自然科学学科和工程技术领域奠基人和开拓者,还有获得诺贝尔物理学奖的杨振宁、李政道,都是清华人中的佼佼者。广大清华师生始终满怀强烈的爱国情怀,(strong patriotic spirit )积极投身(devote themlves) “五四”运动,坚定走在“一二九”运动等爱国民主运动形容很饿的成语democratic movements前列,奋勇参加民族救亡和人民解放斗争,涌现出闻一多、朱自清等一大批去泰国签证革命先烈martyrs 一方面另一方面和民主志士,为新中国的诞生作出了重要贡献。Qinghua was committed to advocating the idea of national salvation science and the integration of Chine and west learning, clungsix,
新中国成立以后,广大清华师生满怀豪情投身祖国教育、科研、建设事业,全面贯彻党的教育方针,educational policy 实行教学科研生产三结合,坚持又红又专、全面发展的育人理念,uphold the philosophy 重视因材施教targeted teaching 、实践锻炼gaining experience t
属鼠和属猴hrough practice、能力培养,努力endeavored 建设高水平的社会主义大学。清华大学创办了原子能atomic energy 、无线电radio technology 等一批国家急需的新技术专业,积极参与“两弹一星”nuclear and hydrogen bombs and man-made satellite 等重大工程,完成国徽national emblem 、人民英雄纪念碑the monument of people of heroes 、密云水库and the rervoir 等重要设计,成为我国培养高层次人才和发展先进科学技术的重要基地。我和很多同龄人peers 蒜苗的营养价值在这一时期进入清华大学学习,清华园里蓬勃昂扬的青春理想、严谨勤奋的治学氛围、艰苦朴素的优良作风、生动活泼的文化生活深深熏陶了我们。当时,蒋南翔校长富有创造性的教育思想the educational philosophy ,刘仙洲、梁思成、马约翰、张光斗等大家名师执教讲坛、垂范学子的风采,令我们受益匪浅lifelong lesson 、终生难忘。
改革开放以来,广大清华师生牢记科教兴国、人才强国的使命,mission 主动适应社会需求,深入进行教育改革,加快建设综合性、研究型、开放式的一流大学,清华大学办学总体实力大为增强,人才培养质量、学术研究水平、社会服务能力不断提高。清华大学坚持以人才培养为根本任务,强化厚基础、重实践、求创新的育人特色,大力培养高素质、高层次、多样化、创新型的人才,广大毕业生踊跃到国家重点行业和基层施展才干。清华大学紧紧围绕改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的战略需要开展科研,取得高温气冷堆等hight temperature reactor
一大批先进科技成果和优秀人文社会科学成果,社会影响和国际声誉不断提升,在创建世界一流大学的征程上迈出重大步伐、取得显著成绩。In line with new
水木清华,钟灵毓秀 its beauty for landscape and fine spirit 。在一个世纪的发展历程中over the past century ,清华秉承“爱国奉献patriotism 、追求卓越dedication and pursuit of excellence ”的传统,恪守“mortal of lf-discipline and social commitment 自强不息、厚德载物”的校训,弘扬“行胜于言actions speak louder words ”的校风,培养了17万名优秀人才,涌现出一大批学术大师、兴业英才、治国栋梁。在国家表彰的23位“两弹一星”勋章获得者中有14位是清华校友,460位清华校友当选中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士。100年来,一代又一代清华人在革命、建设、改革中顽强拼搏、真诚奉献,为祖国、为人民、为民族建立了突出功绩。As a whole
清华百年历史又一次表明,so long as we 坚持解放思想free our mind 、实事求是ek truth from facts 、与时俱进make progress along with times ,坚持以实现国家富强、民族振兴、人类进步为己任,regard national prosperity and national rejuvenation and human progress as its own responsibility 坚持正确办学方向keep to the right track of university ,坚持以人
为本,put people first 遵循高等教育规律committed to the development all-rounded students ,全面实施素质教育,不断推进改革创新,我们的大学就能获得事业发展的强大动力Impetus ,就能源源不断培养出螳螂的习性德才兼备的优秀人才。With great integrity and competence.