序号NO. | 题目TOPIC | 内容CONTENTS | |||||||||
general | (1)禁止打架斗殴No fighting in the site. (2)非生活区工作人员(送水的、保洁员等)不要进入中国员工生活区,喝水到指定饮水点处取水.The workers who don’t belong to living area shouldn’t enter into living area. Plea drinking water at appointed position. | ||||||||||
1 | 施工现场 Site | (1)工地上基本个人防护设备Site Personal Protective Equipment Requirements •安全帽Hard Hat •带钢头的安全鞋Safety Shoes •护目镜.goggles •其他附加设备:听力保护装备,防护手套,安全带、呼吸器等。Possible Additions: Hearing Protection, Work Gloves, Safety harness, Respiratory Protection (2)现场穿着基本要求SITE CLOTHING (minimum requirements) •必须具备公司统一着装Company uniform is a must. •穿带衣领的长袖衬衫和长裤long trours and long sleeved shirts with a collar be worn •工作服必须带反光条或反光马甲 work suit with reflective strip or reflective vest. (3)现场施工人员要熟知本工种的安全技术操作规程,在现场作业时应坚守工作岗位,严禁酒后上岗作业。Workers on site should be familiar with safely technical operating regulations for their own specialty. Workers should hold one’s position during working. Working after drunk is strictly forbad. (4)电工、焊工、起重工、起重机司机、架子工、司炉工和场内机动车辆司机属特种作业人员,必须经过专门培训考核取证后,方准独立操作。Special workers, such as electrician, welder, lifting worker, crane driver, scaffolding erector, stoker, and drivers of motor vehicles within plant, must be trained specially and then can operate parately after get the certificate. (5)禁止任何非工作人员靠近正在运输或卸货的车辆。It is forbidden that any one who don’t work at the area clo with vehicle for transport or unloading. (6)使用手锤、大锤,锤柄、锤头上不得有油污,打大锤时,甩转方向不得有人。While using chip ping hammer and mall hammer, there should not be oil stain on handle and head of hammer. While using mall hammer, no one should be at the turning directions. | |||||||||
2 | 高空作业 Work at height | •从事高空作业人员经医生诊断凡患有高血压、心脏病、贫血病、癫痫病以及不适合于高空作业的,不得从事高空作业。Workers for high up work have been confirmed to get hypertension, heart dia, anemia and falling sickness by the doctor as well as the ones who are not fit for high up works, could not carry out the works of high above the ground. •高空作业运输材料时,应遵守所用运输机械的安全规定,所有材料均应放置牢固,严禁向下投扔物体。高空作业人员随手工具应放入工具袋内,严禁用抛掷方法传递物件。When transport materials during working in high up, safety regulations for the concerned vehicles should be followed. All materials should be placed firmly. Any thing is forbid to be thrown down. The tools that are carried by the workers of high up should be put into the tool bag, and strictly prohibit to pass articles by throwing. •阴道炎注意事项遇有恶劣天气(如风力在六级以上、大雨、大雾等天气)影响安全时,禁止露天高空、起重作业。When there are bad weathers (such as wind force is above 6 degree, heavy rain, thick fog, etc.) which will influence safety, high up works and lifting works in the open air are prohibit. •高空作业使用活扳手时,要用绳子栓牢,防止脱落。When using active spanner in high up work, the spanner should be tied firmly with rope to avoid falling down. 行动五步骤5 Step Process •首先尽量在地面完成工作以规避风险。First you should try to bring the job to ground level so that there is no risk of falling. •加装护板和护手。 Put up a solid barrier or handrail so you can’t fall. •使用脚手架或者升降平台。U a platform to work from such as a scaffold or an elevated work platform (EWP). •使用限位器。U a fall RESTRAINT system such as a purpoly designed fixed length lanyard for that job that will stop you reaching the edge (note: some restraint systems may have energy absorbers fitted) •使用安全带等防坠落捕捉器。U a fall ARREST system such as harness and lanyard with energy absorber that will arrest you should you fall and have a rescue method available. 必须明确:you must understand that: (1)1.8m以上作业必须佩戴安全带。Workers working at height (over 1.8m) must wear body harness (2)安全带佩戴方法(每天使用前必须检查安全带)how to wear safety harness (must inspect it before working every day) 全身式安全带捆扎系统设计用于将冲击负荷分散于肩、腿和臀部。有2米长落体空间。D环系在背部交叉点。The FULL BODY HARNESS is a strap system designed to spread shock load over the shoulders, thighs and the at area. It should be ud where longer free falls ( in excess of 2 meters) may occur. The D RING should be positioned on the upper back straps. (3)双锁钩安全带如何使用(任何时候必须确保其中一个锁钩悬挂在生命线或锚固点上)how to u double locking hook harness(the one of the locking hook must be curely attached to a static line or anchor point at any time).在解下第一个挂钩前必须将另外一个挂钩挂好.The other one should be fixed curely before the first locking hook is untied. 高空作业使用的设备:the equipment ud in Work at Height: (1)梯子 ladder •所有梯子在进入工地前都必须进行检查,并且日后也要做定期的检查All ladders will be inspected prior to site entry and periodically thereafter. •不许使用自制梯子No home made ladders are allowed. •使用时,一人保持梯子稳固,另一人作业When in u, ladders will be made stable to u by curing them to a fixed position – I.E. Tied off. •禁止在铝合金梯子上作焊接作业. Forbid welding work on aluminum ladder. •基础要固定Ba cured •梯子要用脚手架卡扣固定.Ladder cured with scaff clamp •上下梯时要面对梯子。Always face the ladder when climbing up or down it; •身体保持在梯子中央。Keep your body centered within the ladder stiles; •重新摆放梯子前要先下梯。Climb down from the ladder if you need to reposition it; •梯子一次只限一人使用。Only one person at a time on the ladder; •逐级而上,禁止连跨两级或快 速爬梯。U all the rungs, don`t double step or “race up”; •千万不能使用有缺陷的梯子Never u defective ladder •不能使用材料把人字梯垫高Never add material to elevate the ladder (2)脚手架 scaffolding •合格脚手架必须安装适当的护栏(包括扶手和中护栏)扶手高1.1米, 中护栏高0.5米,踢脚板高约0.2米;操作平台跳板必须满铺并且固定,使用铁丝绑扎;必须要有安全的上下通道。Proper guardrail should be installed on scaffold, including top rails and mid rails). Top rails are 1100mm, mid rails are 500mm, toe boards are 200mm. Working platforms are fully boarded, braced and tied with wire. There should be safe access. •脚手架只是高空作业的临时工作平台。Scaffolding is a temporary work platform ud for working at heights. •除非你是资格脚手架工,任何人不得改变或修改。Never alter or modify any scaffolding unless you are a certified scaffolder. •没有挂牌时不能在上面工作。Never work on any scaffold which is not fitted with a valid scaffold tag. (3)升降工作平台ELEVATED WORK PLATFORMS •围挡保护平台四周和底部。Barricade under and around the elevating work platform. •工具放入工具袋或桶中。Place all tools and equipment in bags or buckets. •只能从门进出。Only enter and exit the basket via the gate. •在篮中工作时保证门关闭并上锁。Keep the basket gate clod and locked while working inside the basket. •穿戴全身式安全带并挂在篮中的锚固点上。Wear a full body harness attached to an anchor point inside the basket. •保持工作篮距离工作区域300mm以内。Keep the front of the basket within 300 mm of the work area. (4)FALL ARRESTING SYSTEM防坠落系统 | |||||||||
3 | 防火 Fire prevention | 火警fire:999 语文好词好句使用煤油、汽油、松香水等调配油料,须戴好防护用品,严禁吸烟,杜绝火种。 When preparing paint by mixing with coal oil, petrol, rosin liquid etc., workers should wear protection things. Forbid smoking and any fire. (1)救火的原则Rules for Fighting a Fire •在不将自己置于险境的情况下,尽力救助那些处于危险中的人们。Assist any person in immediate danger to safety, if it can be accomplished without risk to yourlf. •启动火警系统Activate the fire alarm system or notify the safety department. •在做完这两件事后,且火势不大,你可以试图用灭火器灭火。Only after having done the two things, if the fire is small, you may attempt to u an extinguisher to put it out. 不要去救火如果: Never Fight A Fire If: •你不知道是什么引起大火。You do not know what is burning. •火势正在起火的地点迅速漫延The fire is spreading rapidly beyond the spot where it started. •你没有足够的、适当的工具。You do not have adequate or appropriate equipment. •你可能会吸进毒烟。You might inhale toxic smoke. •你的本能告诉你不要去。Your instincts tell you not to. (2)Evacuation 火警疏散 •检查你的指定区域-注意关门。Check your designated area – clo doors behind you •护送员工至指定集中地点。Escort personnel to the designated Asmbly Point •等待HSE 的指示。Await instructions from HSE Group (3)怎样使用灭火器How to u a Fire Extinguisher.(演示灭火器的使用方法 demonstrate how to u Fire Extinguisher) •拔开保险销-这样你就可以启开灭火器。Pull the Pin – This will allow you to discharge the extinguisher. •瞄准火的根部-如果你对准火苗,灭火剂将会四溅开来,无法起到作用。Aim at the ba of the fire – If you aim at the flames , the extinguisher agent will fly right through and do no good. •按压灭火器的顶端把手或手杆-按下按钮可喷出灭火器内的灭火剂Squeeze the top handle or lever – This depress a button that releas the pressurized extinguishing agent in the extinguisher. •向火的每一边喷洒-直到火完全被熄灭。Sweep from side to side – Until the fire is completely out. | |||||||||
4 | 急救 First aid | (1)现场医疗中心Site Central Medical Facility •需要的救助类型Type of assistance required •你的姓名Your name •事故详情Incident details (2)急救措施 First Aid Respon •监督将评估所有的受伤情况Supervisor will asss any injury. •如果需要,监督将传招急救人员Supervisor will summon first aid personnel as required. •雇员将进行现场救护或用救护车送到医院Employee will be treated onsite or will be transported to hospital by ambulance. •如传招了急救人员,必须通知现场安全监督或经理Site safety engineers and the HS&E manager must be notified if first aid personnel are summoned. •将对事故现场进行保护并帮助转移受伤者They will assist in curing accident scene and with employee transportation. 社会心理学学什么 (3)启动紧急应急措施emergency action start-up •止血包扎hemostasis& bind up •骨折固定fracture splint •脊柱损伤的固定及正确搬运法the splint of spine injury and correct carry •复苏体位resuscitate po (4)紧急情况联系人KEY PERSONS TO CONTACT IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY
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5 | 起重 Crane & rigging | 起重伤害事故可归纳为以下类型Lifting accident type: •重物坠落的打击伤害Hit by fall objects •金属结构破坏、失稳倾翻Metal frame damage, overturn •人员高空坠落Fall from height •夹挤和碰撞 and collision •触电伤害Shock •其他伤害Others 吊装附近区域的场地勘查,架设警示标志,设立警戒区域,封闭所有吊物经过的区域。Site survey and t up Barricading and warning area for working area. 任何人员严禁在起重臂和吊起的重物下面停留或行走No one is allowed to stay or pass under the elevator boom and heavy pieces that have been lifted. 作业人员禁止利用攀登起重臂、绳索和运料吊篮等吊装物上下。 Workers should not climb up and down the elevator boom, cord and nacelle for materials transport. | |||||||||
6 | 土方开挖 Excavation | (1)基本要求basic requirements •黑米粥的做法所有挖掘工地都必须用围栏围住All excavations must be barricaded. •所有设备都放必须在坚固的地上,远离边缘Equipment ud must be located away from edge, on firm ground. •设备不可叉立于洞穴两边No equipment can straddle any excavation. •必须持有工作许可证.Must obtain Permit to Work. (2)当有人要进入洞穴时必须:when an excavation is to be occupied by a worker it must be: •撑住或做坡面Shored or sloped. •有两种逃离方法Have two means of escape. •应考虑到是狭窄空间Will be considered a confined space.uchome •必须有熟练工人在场A competent person will be prent. •进入前必须保持场地干燥无水Must be dry prior to entry. (3)在基坑内作业时更好地保护你自己,要注意:To better protect yourlf at an excavation, be aware that: •深度大于1.2米的管沟每隔七米必须要有象爬梯直梯等的安全通道。Trenches over 1.2 m. deep must have a safe exit such as a ramp or ladder within 7 meters laterally apart. •地下设施必须要识别并标明位置。Underground utilities must be located and marked. •材料或其余物体离开开挖边缘至少一米的距离。Excavated material and other objects must be kept at least 1 meter from a trench opening. •除非底下的人员已经有防物体打击保护,否则禁止人员在开挖的边缘其他员工的上方进行工作。No one works on the sides of sloped or benched excavations above other employees unless the lower worker is protected from falling material. •禁止在挖机或吊机底下进行工作。No one is allowed under loads handled by lifting or digging equipment. •只有操作工才允许在车辆附近装、卸作业。Only the operator is allowed near a vehicle being loaded or unloaded. | |||||||||
7 | 脚手架 Scaffolding | (1)基本要求basic requirements •有资质的架子工才能搭建脚手架,必须从坚固的基础开始搭建。The scaffolding must be erected by qualified scaffolder and on solid ba. •必须有合适的防护栏杆和踢脚板。工作平台保持干净整洁防止人员滑倒、绊倒。Have a proper guardrails and toe boards. Must have the proper access and egress. Free of slipping and tripping hazards on the platform. •在工作平台上面作业时,必须佩戴安全带A full body harness with lanyard must be worn while working on the platform. (2)所有脚手架实施标牌制度The Scaffolding Tagging system must be followed. •红色标牌表示不能使用Red tag means “Do Not U”. •绿色标牌表示可以使用Green tag means “Ready for U”. (3)脚手架安全指导方针Scaffold Safety Guidelines •确定脚手架有牢固的保护。Make sure the scaffold is firmly cured. •不要让脚手架超负荷。Don‘t overload a scaffold. •在脚手架上只保留必须的材料。Keep only the materials you need on a scaffold. •将工具和材料远离脚手架边缘。Keep tools and materials away from the edge of a scaffold. •每日收工时将脚手架上的材料清走。Remove all materials from a scaffold at the end of the day. •保持脚手架区域干净。Keep the area around the scaffold clear of debris. (4)脚手架使用须知Scaffold Notice •使用前必须检查脚手架总体情况;Inspect scaffold before using •脚手架上所有人员必须配带全身防护性安全带;Workers working on scaffolds must wear full body harness •必须使用上下通道;U up/down access •严禁带病在脚手架上操作;Never working on sick •严禁爬出脚手架以外;Never climb beyond scaffolds •上下脚手架爬梯时手中严禁携带物品;Never take materials when climbing scaffolds 关于友情的文章•所有物品必须通过绳子或马道上下脚手架;All materials must be lifted up and down by rope or hoist •移动脚手架时严禁脚手架上有人;Don’t move scaffold with person on platform •脚手架必须每周检查一次并且做好记录;Must be inspected per week and recorded •严禁在恶劣天气使用脚手架;Never u it in bad weather •脚手架上的所有废物必须立即清除;Clean the rubbish on scaffolds immediately •不能用脚手架存放物品;Don‘t store materials on scaffolds •任何损坏的材料或部件必须立即清除出场或销毁;Any damaged materials or components must be cleaned out or destroyed •按照国标要求对脚手架进行有关记录以备检查;Record according with national standards for inspection •所有脚手架必须挂标后方允许使用。Permit to u after hanging scafftag (5)拆除脚手架,周围应设警戒标志或派专人监护看管,拆除应按顺序由上而下,一步一清,不准上下同时作业。 While dismantle scaffolds, warning signs should be t around or there should be special person to supervi and take care of this matter. The quence for dismantle is from up to down, to make clear step by step. It is forbidden to work up and down simultaneously. 拆除脚手钢杆、脚手板、扣件等应向下传递或用绳吊下,禁止往下投扔。 While dismantle scaffold steel piles, scaffold boards, and fasteners etc which should be pasd down or lift down by rope. Throwing should be forbidden. | |||||||||
8 | 电气 Electric | (1)检查设备内部,要用安全行灯或手电筒,禁用明火,对头重脚轻容易倾倒的设备,一定要垫实撑牢。 U curity portable light or electric torch to inspect internal of equipment, open fire is prohibited. The top-heavy equipments which are easy to fall down should be firmly matted and supported. (2)利用起重机、卷扬机、倒链吊起的设备或部件下检修、组装时,必须用道木或支架等垫稳。 When maintain and asmble below equipments or pieces which have been lift by crane, windlass or chain hoist, the equipments or pieces must be firmly supported by 道木 or support frame. (3)电气保护装置良好、可靠,机械防护装置齐全。 Electric protector should be in good condition, reliable. Mechanical protector should be complete. (4)手持电动工具启动后,应空载运转,并检查工具联动的灵活情况是否受阻。 For handle electrical tools, after being started, no-load test should be done for checking its flexibility. (5)使用手持砂轮机、角向磨光机,必须装防护罩。操作时,加力要平稳,不得用力过猛。 When using handle grinding machine, angle polisher etc., protection cover must be t. When operating, the force should be smooth and overexert shouldn’t happen. (6)作业中,不得用手触摸刀具、模具、砂轮,发现有磨钝、破损或异常声响、温升过高应停机修整和自然冷却。 While working, hand shouldn’t touch cutter, moulder, grinding wheel. If blunt, damage or abnormal sound and rapid temperature increasing etc are found, the equipment should be stopped for examination and repair after natural cooling down. 机具运转或停机有惯性时不得撒手,不准利用杠杆机械加力。 When there is still inertia when tool machines running or after stopping, lever machine shouldn’t be ud to adding more force. (7)临时移动电源 Temporary movable power supply •临时移动电源线必须采用足够负载能力的三芯或四芯橡胶护套双层绝缘软电缆,严禁使用花线替代临时移动电源线。 •Cable should be 3 cores or 4 cores glue-covered double-insulated ones with enough capacity. Flower cables are not allowed from using. •临时移动电源盘上必须具备开关、熔断器、插座和漏电保护器。 •There should be switch, fur, socket and creepage against device on the temporary cable tray. •使用临时移动电源盘,必须放置在防雨、防砸、防坠落、平稳可靠的地方。 •工作完毕后,应及时整理,检查电源线部分是否有破损,一旦发现破损应及时修复或更换。 •When using temporary cable tray, it should be put at a rain-proof, smash-proof, falling-proof and reliable place. After using, it should be cleaned up timely and check damage or not. If found any damage, replacement or repair should be done. | |||||||||
9 | 道路 Road | 工作人员上下班路线-人车分流。U pedestrian road when you ringing out. 路上不允许打电话 It is forbidden that someone phone on the road. | |||||||||
10 | 受限空间作业 Confined space | 受限空间的危险性CONFINED SPACE HAZARDS: (1)有害气体HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE (2)卷入物料中ENGULFMENT BY MATERIALS (3)危险的结构或外形DANGEROUS CONFIGURATION OR SHAPE (4)严重危险职业健康及安全。SERIOUS SAFETY OR HEALTH HAZARDS •电Electricity •机械Machinery •高温Extreme Heat •低温Extreme Cold •化学品泄漏Chemical Exposure •坠落Fall大爱无声作文 (5)其他危害OTHER HAZARDS •落物Falling Objects •夹入狭窄空间 Being wedge into narrow space •窒息Suffocation •垃圾、废物及湿滑表面Debris, Wet surfaces 监护人(监护人必须有警惕性)通过对讲机与受限空间作业人员联系。THE STANDBY MAN(A Standby Man must be alert) contact worker with interphone. (职责)DUTIES: •在其他作业人员进入受限空间作业期间要始终在外部留守。Remained stationed outside the Confined Space at all timesduring entry operations; •对所有进入人员作数字统计。Maintain an accurate count of allpersons inside Confined Space; •确认并监督潜在的危险区域,以确保空气是安全的。 Recognize potential permit space hazards and monitor conditions to ensure that a safe atmosphere remains; •阻止未经授权的人员进入。Prevent entry of unauthorized personnel. 安全注意事项note: •安全交底Hazard Communication •呼吸防护Respiratory Protection •危险辨识Hazard Recognition •联络方法Communication Techniques •应急救援Basic Rescue •授权撤离Evacuation Authority | |||||||||
11 | 焊接与切割 Hot work | (1)当进行气体切割包括电切割时要戴好防护用品。When using acetylene cutting including power saw, u PPE (2)挑选完好的手套。Select right gloves for u. (3)防护服PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Protective clothing required for welding and burning varies with the size, nature and location of the work to be performed; 根据作业空间的大小、作业环境的不同选择不同的防护服。 •只有具有防火性能的服装才可作为防护服穿戴。Only fire resistant clothing must be worn; •所有的焊工必须戴防火手套。All welders shall u flameproof gloves; •防护服应远离油及油脂。Clothes should be free from oil and grea; •可能长期暴露在有辐射热或火花的作业环境中时,作业人员应穿防火皮(或其他材质)围裙。Flameproof leather (or suitable material) aprons should be considered if long-term exposure to radiant heat or sparks is anticipated. (4)焊接工作程序 Welding Procedure •焊接前,申请工作许可证Prior to welding, A Permit to Work must be obtained. •焊机必须接地Welding machine frames must be grounded. •电线必须有橡胶绝缘层Cables must be rubber coated. •焊工必须戴焊接面罩以保护眼睛Welders must wear welding helmet shields that provide adequate eye protection. •焊工必须穿防火的衣物以防烫伤Welders must wear protective clothing to protect themlves from burns. •下班前必须将电缆/喉管等妥善放置Cables/hos must be stored neatly and properly at the end of each days work. (5)注意事项Note: •电焊机外壳,必须接地良好,其电源的装拆应由电工进行。Casing of welding machine must be well grounding. Installation and dismantlement of power should be done by electrician. •电焊机要设单独的开关,开关应放在防雨的闸箱内,拉合闸时应戴手套侧面操作。Welding machine should have a parate switch which must be put in a waterproof box. Wear gloves and stand by the side when switch on and switch off. •焊钳与把线必须绝缘良好、连接牢固,把线必须采用多股铜芯专用把线,严禁用塑料铝芯线或其它电线替代。Soldering tweezers and 把线must be well insulated and firmly connected. 把线must be the special one with couples of copper core. It is strictly prohibited replacing by plastic aluminum core wires or other wores. •焊工作业时必须穿阻燃工作服、绝缘鞋,在潮湿地点工作,应站在绝缘胶板或干燥绝缘的木板上进行。While working, welders should wear anti-burning uniform, insulating shoes. If in a wet place, should stand on insulating glue board or dry wood board while working. •严禁在带压力或管道上施焊或切割,焊接或切割带电的设备必须先切断电源。Forbid welding or cutting containers with pressure& pipe net. Must cut down power supply before welding or cutting electric equipments. •焊接或切割贮存过易燃、易爆、有毒物品的容器或管道,必须清除干净,并将所有孔口打开。Must cleaning totally before welding or cutting containers or pipes which were ud for storing flammable, explosive and poisonous material •在密闭金属容器和设备内施焊,容器必须可靠接地,通风良好,并应有专人监护。When welding inside aled containers or equipments, must ensure reliable earthing, well-ventilated and supervid by appointed person. •把线、地线禁止与钢丝绳接触,更不得用钢丝绳或机电设备代替零线。所有地线接头,必须连接牢固。Welding cable and earthing cable shouldn’t connect with steel rope. shouldn’t replace neutral by steel rope or equipments. All earthing tie-in should be fastened tightly. •未切断电源,不得手持电焊把线爬梯登高。shouldn’t climb ladders while holding welding cable before cutting off power supply. •清除焊渣,应防止铁渣飞溅伤人或掉落在易燃物上引发火灾。Clean welding slag, to prevent its splash hurting people or dropping on flammable material further fired. •雷雨时,应停止露天焊接作业。When thunder storm, should stop open air welding work. •电、气焊作业场地周围应清除易燃易爆物品或进行安全隔离、覆盖措施。工作结束,应认真检查操作地点,确认无起火危险后方可离开。Around electric or gas welding work area, flammable, explosive material should be cleaned or safety insulated or covered. After work, should check work area carefully to ensure no firing dangerous, then could leave. •氧气瓶、氧气表及焊割工具上,严禁沾染油脂。Oxygen cylinder, oxygen meter, welding tool and cutting tool should be against any grea. •乙炔气瓶、氧气瓶不得同放一处,距易燃、易爆物品和明火的距离,不得少于10m。Acetylene cylinder and oxygen cylinder shouldn’t store together and should far from flammable, explosive and naked fire, which at least 10 meters. •焊枪口点火时不准对人,正在燃烧的焊枪不得放在工件或地面上。Muzzle of welding torch shouldn’t point to people. Firing welding torch shouldn’t be laid on workpiece or the ground. •不得手持连接胶管的焊枪爬梯登高。Shouldn’t climb ladders while holding glue-pipe welding torch. | |||||||||
12 | 机动车辆 Traffic Safety | •机动车辆MOTOR VEHICLES •遵守道路上使用的 – 指示灯、指示牌。Roadworthy sign •驾驶执照Drivers licen •限速 5km/h Speed limit - 5 kph •严禁利用起重机、叉车、装载机、压路机、拖拉机等机动车辆载人。It is prohibited carrying persons by crane/ fork lift/ Shovel Loader/roller/tractor during the period of off duty and on duty. •禁止任何人站在或通过叉车起升部分的下面。It is prohibited that any one stand or get across under the rising part of fork lift. | |||||||||
13 | 孔洞防护 Hole fence | •施工区域内的井、坑和孔洞等应盖严、堵死或围栏。Wells, delves as well as holes etc., within working area should be well covered, blocked or fenced. | |||||||||
14 | 高空坠物 Falling objects | •检查跌落危险,悬垂物Check for drop hazards, overhangs. •安全网系统用于在开口上方存在工作时遮挡碎片落物。SAFETY NET SYSTEMS are ud when workers are working above open vesls to catch debris. | |||||||||
15 | 文明施工 Houkeeping | •工作场地应清理干净,所有储物区都应保持有序.Work places will be made orderly and keep clean. All storage areas will be kept in order. •垃圾,废料要放在指定的垃圾桶里。不允许燃烧或掩埋垃圾。Rubbish, scrap material will be placed in proper containers. No burning or burying of rubbish. •所有工具设备都要归还原处。Give All the tools and equipments back to original place. •工作, 废料储放区要定期检查。Inspect work places and waste storages regularly. •每天不断的进行保洁工作。 clean continuously every day. •良好的作业环境意味着安全的施工现场。Good houkeeping indicates a safe work site. | |||||||||
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