generation gap ted 演讲
When Generation Gap Comes Between Us Kids today are surely different.They confu us by acting differently,dressing differently,and responding defensively-even to their own parents.Thus,generation gap takes place.
What can we do to help?Shout back at the kids?Fortunately,there is a better way.I’ve been reading a lot about a philosophy called Taking Children Seriously,and it is a radical break from traditional parenting.
TCS advocates non-coercive parenting-not forcing the child to do anything,but rather educating the child,guiding the child,helping the child,and trying to lead by persuasion rather than coercion.It sounds good,but in reality it can be difficult for a traditional parent to accept the TCS way,as it means letting go of notions that a child must“清蒸虾怎么做listen听课评语”(or obey),that we must teach the child certain lessons and the means justifies this end,that education is rightly done through(coercive)schools,that our way is the right way.
骨干申请书Either the parent getting her way or the child getting his way,means that either the child or the parent gets hurt,which makes generation gap get wor.TCS advocates neither person getting hurt—everyone should win.You do that by considering alternatives until you find an option that both parties are happy with.I don桂花叶’t think we should hurt each other and should find ways to work things out so that everyone is happy whenever possible.And only with more consideration can generation gap no longer comes between us.