2008年中考英语作文有2道作文题:一是在汶川地震中,9岁学生林浩救了2名同学,然后步行7个小时到达安全地点。请考生就林浩的事迹,以“learn from the hero”为题,给学校英语专刊投稿。二是要求考生写一封回信。2篇作文都给出了提示词。
廉洁谈话个人表态发言中考作文不是考生新句型的“练兵场”,考生要确保写作的每一句话都是正确的,没必要非尝试长难句不可。提示词实际上已涵盖了文章的重点内容,考生只要按部就班按中文句子和提示词将句子翻译出来即可。可惜有的考生并不领情,舍提示词不用。 此外,考生卷面尽量不要涂改,字迹要工整。一篇看起来杂乱不堪的文章,会让评卷老师没有耐心读下去,从而影响得分。
(红灯)it’s very important for students to know about the traffic rules. when the red light is on, you must stop and you are not allowed to go on walking. even though you have something urgent to do or maybe you think the drivers dare not run over you. but do you know that rushing is at the cost of your life? so it’s not worth taking the risk.(绿灯)it’s safe to cross the road when the light is green. (
黄灯)when the orange light is on, you must wait and be careful, becau the red light will be on very soon.java开发培训
here are some suggestions to protect ourlves. first, we should follow the traffic lights and can’t break the traffic rules. cond, we’d better look left and right to make sure we are safe before stepping forward to cross the street. last but not least, don’t forget that it’s very dangerous to play on the street. from now on, not only i mylf will strictly obey the traffic rules but i’ll also call on my classmates and my family to do so.
利--- the internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. we can not only read news from home and abroad, but also get information, nd emails, make phone calls, attend on-line schools, read various books and study english by ourlves. what’s more, people can enjoy music, watch sport matches, play all kinds of games and go shopping on-line.
弊--- however, every coin has two sides. it’s risky to make friends and shop on-line. what’s wor, some students who are addicted to the internet don’t study hard or even quit school.
个人观点--- for my part, i completely agree with the latter view that the internet has more disadvantages than advantages. it results in various computer crimes.
what is more, it is harmful to the growth of the young. something should be done as soon as possible to protect people from the negative effects of the internet.
最好的旅游季节 ---
the best time to visit shenyang is in spring which is neither too hot nor too cold, so spring is regarded as the perfect time of the year to be outside now that everything ems fresh and new.
介绍名胜古迹 ---
i suggest visiting places of interest like shenyang imperial palace .it is worth visiting where there are royal buildings, fantastic artwork for people to enjoy. 说明注意事项 ---
before you come to shenyang, you need to know that it is of great necessity for you to travel with a map since looking for ways in this large city could be confusing. besides, you must be patient about waiting in line or large crowds becau shenyang is home to millions of people who come from different cities and countries.
十一 易错点整理:
(一) 审题:
(二) 时态:
(三) 主谓一致:
很多同学会用doing动词的现在分词做主语,在写的时候就往往会写成:doing more exer
ci have a lot of advantages.而我们知道这里的have由于受到前面doing 的限制应当用第三人称单数has。再比如我们常用的there be 句型,请注意比较:there are three boys and a girl.与there is a girl and three boys.里面的be动词要取决于它后面紧跟着的名词。
人事专用章 (四) 多个谓语
多个谓语也可以说是多个动词出现在一个句子中,由于很多同学分不清或者压根儿就不知道谓语与非谓语的区别,从而导致了很多时候写出一个词之后不知道往后要接什么,那么我们常说:一个句子里有且只能有一个谓语动词,就是这句话让很多同学摸不到头脑,那么我换一种形式来说这句话,我们所学的时态:一般现在时(do或者do),一般过去时(did),一般将来时(will do),进行时(be doing),现在完成时(have/has done),被动语态(be done)都属于谓语动词,而单独出现的doing,to do,done就是我们所说的非谓语了,所以一个句子中不能有两个谓语形式出现,除非中间出现了连接词。
(五) 一些小错