飑课程意义: 西方节日/纪念日是西方文化的组成部分,是西方人民族心理、道德伦理、价值取向、精神气质和审美情趣的体现。在物质生活进步、精神文化需求提高、信息交流很快的今天,具有基本英语知识和运用能力的当代高中学生,应该了解西方节日的文化内涵,以探索其文化底蕴,提高自身语言能力和社会文化意识能力。
教学安排:由于教学任务比较重,准备资源相对复杂。本课程前5周又Yvonne上,后五周由Sannie 上。
著者:朱子仪 |
出版社:上海人民 |
ISBN:7208059012G.1034 |
版次:01版01次 |
开本:16 |
装帧:平装 |
页数:233 |
一、 新年
二、 主显节
三、 圣瓦伦丁节
舆情报告四、 狂欢节
五、 耶稣受难日
六、 复活节
七、 愚人节
八、 耶稣升天节
九、 母亲节
十、 布卢姆日
十一、 圣灵降临日
十二、 独立日
十三、 圣福明节
十四、 巴士底日
圣诞节图片十五、 萨尔茨堡音乐节
十六、 圣母升天节
十七、 十月节
十八、 哥伦布日
十九、 万圣节
二十、 盖伊·福克斯之夜
二十一、 感恩节
二十二、 圣露西节
二十三、 圣诞节
音像制品:DVD, MP3
教具: 电脑,,投影器,书,PPT以及相应的视频音频。
教学安排:第一课:(2课时)Introduction of this cour,New Year’s Day
第二课:(2课时)Valentine’s Day
第三课:(2课时)Good Friday/Easter/Easter Monday
第四课:(2课时)April fool’s day
第五课:(2课时)The Passion of the Christ耶稣受难日(电影)
第六课:(2课时)Mother’s Day ,Father’s Day飞机托管,Labor Day
第七课:(2课时)Halloween’s Day
第八课:(2课时)Thanks Giving Day
第九课:(2课时)Christmas Day
Introduction of this cour
1. A brief introduction of the content of the cour.
2. Show the students the meaning of the cour.
3. Tell them what they should do before the class, in the class and after the class.
4. tell them to way to evaluate them at the end of the term.
New Year’s Day
1. A brief introduction of New Year’s Day. Prent a table of the New Year’s Day to let the students have a concept of the day.
2. Ask the students to do prentations.(divide them into 4 big groups before the cour and give a group in turns the topic for prentation beforehand).
1. How does New Year’s Day come?
2. What will people around the world do in the New Year’s Day?
3. After all the groups finish each question, the teacher makes a complement and emphasizes some main points.
4. Move on to the New Year’s Eve. Show them the pictures of it.
5. Introduce the most famous place to spend the New Year’s Eve-Time square, New York.
6. Discussion time. The whole class has to join it. Discuss “What do you do on New Year’s Eve?”
7. Introduce the other New Year’s tradition: New Year’s card.
8. Assignment for the students: to make a New Year’s card for an old friend.安全教育心得体会
9. Ask the group 2 students to prepare the prentation.
Valentine’s Day
1. Give a brief introduction about Valentine’s Day.
2. Introduce the symbols of Valentine’s Day: the heart shape, Cupid and the color.
3. Prentation time. The group 2 students have to give their prentation:
How did Valentine’s Day come?
What do people do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?
4. Emphasize some main points and demonstrate the ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
5. Assignment for the whole class:
Choo one of your favorite romantic movies, and write a 150-word composition to recommend it and tell why you like it.
6. Give group 3 Prentation topics.
1. What is prayer?
2. What is fasting?
政府扶持的创业项目3. Find some information about Ester Egg.
7. Whole class activity: let’s learn to sign the song “Dreaming of You”
Good Friday/Easter/Easter Monday
1. Briefly introduce Good Friday. Show the table of the day.
2. Prentation time: What is prayer?
What is fasting?
3. Move on to Easter: brief introduction about it in both English and Chine version. The origin, the celebrations, and so on.
4. Ask the group3 students again to prent the information they find about Easter.
5. Show them the pictures of the beautiful and creative Easter egg.
6. Move on to Ester Monday. Give a brief introduction.
7. Link to the website about “Egg Rolling”, and let’s get to know about it together.
8. Assignment for the whole class:
Find a partner and make an Easter egg together. Show it to the class and introduce it next week!
9. Give group 4 students the prentation topics for next class.
10. Watch the short video of “Jesus Family” as a warming up of next week’s movie.
April fool’s day
1. Tell the students next week they will have a mid-term exam. Then show them a comic
about April fool’s day and say: “April Fool” to them.