Art - The Kiss - By Gustav Klimt
The Kiss was a painting done by the Austrian Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt between 1907 and 1908. The painting was created during the highpoint of his Golden Period when he painted a couple of works in a similar gilded style. The painting is on a perfect square canvas, depicting a couple embracing, their bodies entwined in elaborate robes decorated in a style influenced by the contemporary Art Nouveau style. Take a look below for 25 more fun and interesting facts about The Kiss painting. 《吻》是奥地利象征主义画家古斯塔夫·克里姆特在1907年至1908年间创作的一幅画。这幅画是在他黄金时期的鼎盛时期创作的,当时他以类似的镀金风格画了几幅作品。这幅画是在一张完美的方形画布上,描绘了一对拥抱在一起的男女,他们的身体缠绕在受当代新艺术风格影响的精致的长袍中。看看下面的25个关于《吻》这幅画的有趣的事实。
足球画法1. The work is made with oil paint that’s been applied with layers of gold leaf, which is why gives it its modern, yet evocative appearance. 这幅作品是用油彩制成的,上面涂了几层金
2. The painting is currently at the Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere muum in the Belvedere Palace, Vienna. It’s widely considered to be a masterpiece of the early modern period. 这幅画目前在维也纳贝尔维德宫的奥地利美景宫美术馆展出。它被广泛认为是现代早期的杰作。
3. The Kiss was painted after Klimt’s three-part Vienna Ceiling ries which created a scandal and was criticized as pornography and perverted excess. 《吻》是在克里姆特的维也纳天花板系列画后画的,这一系列作品成为了当时一桩丑闻,并被批评为过度色情和变态。
4. In the painting, Klimt shows a couple that’s locked in intimacy, while the rest of the painting dissolves into a shimmering, extravagant flat pattern. The background evokes the conflict between the two and three-dimensionality that’s intrinsic to the work of Degas and other modernists. 在这幅画中,克里姆特展示了一对情侣的亲密关系,而其画作则融入了一种闪亮、奢华的平面图案。背景唤起了德加和其他现代主义者作品固有的二维和三爱情的挽留
5. The Kiss and other paintings were visual manifestations of the fin-de-siecle spirit due to the decadence they showed by opulent and nsuous images. 《吻》和其他作品都是颓废精神的视觉表现,因为它们以丰富而感性的图像表现出颓废。呜咽的读音
6. The u of gold leaf in the painting recalls medieval gold ground painting and illuminated manuscripts. The spiral patterns in the clothes recall Bronze Age art and the decorative tendrils that are sometimes en in Western art before classical times. 画中使用金叶,使人想起中世纪的金地画和彩绘手稿。衣服上的螺旋图案使人想起了青铜时代的艺术和装饰性的卷须,这些在古典时期之前的西方艺术中有时会看到。
盆栽简笔画7. In the painting, the man’s head ends clo to the top of the canvas, which is different than traditional Western canons. 在这幅画中,男人的头接近画布的顶部,这与传统的西方经典不同。
红枣泡茶8. The two figures in the painting are at the edge of a patch of flowery meadow. The man
is wearing a robe with black and white rectangles and a crown of vines, while the woman is in a tight fitting dress with flower motifs. 这幅画中的两个人物在一片繁花草地的边上。这名男子穿着一件黑白相间的长方形长袍和一顶藤蔓树冠,而这名女子则穿着一件紧身的带有花卉图案的连衣裙。
9. People believe that Klimt and his companion, Emilie Floge, modeled for the work. However, there’s no record or evidence to prove this. 人们相信克里姆特和他的同伴艾米丽·弗洛奇为这幅作品做了模特。但是,没有任何记录或证据可以证明这一点。
10. Some rearchers suggest that the female in the painting was a model known as “Red Hilda”. This is becau she has a strong remblance to the model in his other work, such as Woman With Feather Boa, Goldfish, and Danae. 一些研究人员认为,这幅画中的女性是一个被称为“红色希尔达”的模特。这是因为她与他其他作品中的模特非常相似,比如《长着羽毛的野猪的女人》、《金鱼》和《丹娜》。
11. Klimt’s u of gold, as en in The Kiss, was inspired by his trip to Italy in 1903. He visited Ravenna and saw the Byzantine mosaics; their flatness was enhanced by their gol
池州清溪den brilliance which made him want to u gold and silver leaf in his own work. 正如《吻》中所看到的,基米特使用黄金的灵感来自于他1903年的意大利之行。他参观了拉文纳,看到了拜占庭式的镶嵌画;它们的平面性因其金色的光泽而得到增强,这使他想在自己的作品中使用金和银的叶子。
12. Some rearchers have also argued that the painting is suppod to reprent Apollo kissing Daphne, following the metamorphosis of the Ovid narrative. 一些研究人员还认为,这幅画应该代表阿波罗亲吻达芙妮,在奥维德叙述的变形之后。
13. In February 2013, Syrian artist named Tammam Azzam superimpod an image of the painting onto a bombed building in an unidentified part of Syria, in a work called Freedom Graffiti. It was his call for attention to the plight of war in his country. 2013年2月,叙利亚艺术家Tammam Azzam在一幅名为“自由涂鸦”的作品中,将这幅画的一幅图像叠加到一座被炸毁的叙利亚不明地区的建筑上。这是他呼吁人们关注他国家的战争困境。
14. Before painting The Kiss, Klimt’s career was on the downswing. This was largely becau of his work on the University of Vienna Ceiling. 在画吻之前,克里姆特的事业处
15. In 1907, Klimt was sketching a lot but he was in a creative panic. In a letter he wrote, “Either I am too old, or too nervous, or too stupid – there must be something wrong.” 1907年,克里姆特画了很多素描,但他陷入了创作恐慌。他在一封信中写道:“要么我太老了,要么太紧张,要么太笨了——一定是出了什么问题。”
四点水16. In 1908, the Austrian Gallery displayed The Kiss for the first time, even though Klimt hadn’t even put the finishing touches on it. 1908年,奥地利美术馆首次展出了这幅《吻》,尽管克里姆特甚至没有对它做最后的润色。