COS(X) ——
GDIS(X,Y) 求以X为均值,Y为标准差的高斯分布,在使用蒙地卡罗法研究随机荷载和随机材料参数时,可以用该函数处理计算结果
MOD(X,Y) 求 X/Y的余数. 如果 Y=0, 函数值为 0
NINT(X) 求最近的整数
RAND(X,Y) 取随机数,其中X 是下限爱情的句子, Y是上限
SIGN(X,Y) 取 X的绝对值并赋予Y的符号. Y>=0, 函数值为|X|, Y<0, 函数值为-|X|,.
SIN(X) 正弦
SINH(X) 双曲正弦
TANH(X) 双曲正切
1. distnd( i,j) — I,j 两点的距离
2. node(x,y,z) — 提取距离位置(x,y,z)最近的节点号
3. kp(x,y,z) — 提取距离位置(x,y,z)最近的关键点号
GDIS(x,y) Random sample of a Gaussian (normal) distribution with mean x and standard deviation y.
VALCHR(CPARM)xxx72 Numerical value of CPARM (if CPARM is non-numeric, returns 0.0).
CHRVAL(PARM) Character value of numerical parameter PARM. Number of decimal places depends on magnitude.
UPCASE(CPARM) Upper ca equivalent of CPARM.
LWCASE(CPARM) Lower ca equivalent of CPARM.
5. kx(i) 勤快的近义词 表示关键点i 的x坐标值;同理 ky(i);kz(i)
6. nx(i) 表示节点i 的x坐标值;同理 ny(i);nz(i)
7. nl(k) 是节点k在就是1,不在就是0.
8. NDNEXT(N) Next higher node number above N in lected t (or zero if none found).
9. NELEM(ENUM,NPOS) returns the node number in position NPOS for element ENUM. Node number at position 1,2,... or 20 of elementN, where npos is 1,2,...20.
10. UX(N), UY(N), UZ(N) X, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum.
11. ROTX(N), ROTY(N), ROTZ(N) X, Y, or Z structural rotation or vector sum.
12. TEMP(N) Temperature.
13. PRES(N) Pressure.
14. VX(N), VY(N), VZ(N) X, Y, or Z fluid velocity or vector sum.
15. ENKE(N) Turbulent kinetic energy (FLOTRAN).
16. ENDS(N) Turbulent energy dissipation (FLOTRAN).
17. CENTRX(N), CENTRY(N), and CENTRZ(N) always retrieve the element centroid in global Cartesian coordinates, and are determined from the lected nodes on the elements.
遵义凤凰山18. ELADJ(N,face) Element number adjacent to face 1,2,...6.。Number assigned to the attribute Name, where Name = MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, PSTAT, LIVE attribute. A zero is returned if the element is unlected. If Name = PSTAT (valid for p-elements only), a 1 is returned if the element.
19. ESEL(N) Select status of element N -1 = unlected, 0 = undefined.
20. ELNEXT(N) Next higher element number above N in lected t (or zero if none found).
21. KSEL(N) Select status of keypoint N -1 = unlected, 0 = undefined, 1 = lected.
22. KPNEXT(N) Next higher keypoint number above N in lected t (or zero if none fo
23. LSEL(N) 家教心得 Select status of line N -1=unlected, 0=undefined, 1=lected.
24. LSNEXT(N) Next higher line number above N in the lected t (or zero if none found).
25. LX(n,lfrac) return the X coordinate location of line N at the length fraction lfrac (0.0 to 1.0).同理,LY(n,lfrac);LZ(n,lfrac).
26.生命之根 LSX(L,LFRAC) X slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSY(L,LFRAC) Y slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSZ(L,LFRAC) Z slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
27. ASEL(N) Select status of area N -1=unlected, 0=undefined, 1=lected.
28. VSEL(N) Select status of volume N -1=unlected, 0=undefined, 1=lected.
29. VLNEXT(N) Next higher volume number above N in lected t (or zero if none fo
DISTND(N1,N2) Distance between nodes N1 and N2.
DISTKP(K1,K2) Distance between keypoints K1 and K2.
DISTEN(E,N) Distance between the centroid of element E and node N. Centroid is determined from the lected nodes on the element.
31.角度函数 (缺省单位为弧度,单位变换用 *AFUN 命令)
ANGLEN(N1,N2,N3) Subtended angle between two lines (defined by three nodes where N1 is the vertex node). Default is in radians.
ANGLEK(K1,K2,K3) Subtended angle between two lines (defined by three keypoints where K1 is the vertex keypoint). Default is in radians.
情商高NNEAR(N) Selected node nearest node N.
KNEAR(K) Selected keypoint nearest keypoint K.
ENEARN(N) Selected element nearest node N. The element position is calculated from the lected nodes.
AREAND(N1,N2,N3) Area of the triangle with vertices at nodes N1, N2, and N3.
AREAKP(K1,K2,K3) Area of the triangle with vertices at keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
ARNODE(N) Area at node N apportioned from lected elements attached to node N. For 2-D planar solids, returns edge area associated with the node. For axisymmetric solids, returns edge surface area associated with the node. For 3-D volumetric solids, returns face area associated with the node.