现代中西医结合杂志 Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chine and Western Medicine 2019 F eb, 28(6)• 579 •
电厂水处理血清25 -羟维生素D 与精液质量相关性研究
黎靖宇,黄品秀,谢伟,蔡军 (广西柳州市妇幼保健院,广西柳州545000)[摘要]
探讨血清2 -羟维生素D (2-0HD )水平与精液参数之间的关系。 测定2 023例行体外受精-胚胎移植助孕的健康男性血
清25 -0H D 水平,按其水平分为5组:A 组109例,25 - 0HD <50 nm 〇l /L;B
组 485 例,50 nm 〇l/L < 25 - 0HD 矣 70 nm 〇l /L ; C 组 664 例,70 nm 〇l/L < 25 -
0HD *S 90 nm 〇l /L;D 组 434 例,90 nm 〇l/L <25 - 0HD 矣 110 nm 〇l /L;E 组 331
例,5 -0HD &110nm 〇l /L 。禁欲3 ~7 d 后手淫法获取精液标本,应用精子质
量分析仪(CASA )检测精子,按《WH 0人类精液检查与处理实验手册》第5版
(P 均>0.05)。 在柳州地区,血清25 -0H D 水平可能与精液质量无关。
[关键词]25 -羟维生素D ;精子;精液质量;精液参数
魔兽世界多玩doi :10.3969/j .issn . 1008 -8849.2019.06.003
[中图分类号]R 698.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008 -884 (219) 06 -057-04
Study on the correlation between rum 25-hydroxylated vitamin D and men quality
LI Jingyu , HUANG Pinxiu , XIE Wei , CAI Jun
(Liuzhou Materna/ and Child Health Hospita/ , Liuzhou 545000 , Guangxi , China)
A b stra ct : O bjective It
is to investigate the relationship between rum 25-hydroxyvitam men parameters. M etliods The level of rum 25-0H D
were measured in 2023 healthy men undergoing in embryo transfer , the subjects were divided into 5 groups according to the level of 25-0H D , group A (n = 109
50 n m o /L ; group B (n = 485 ) , 50 nm ol/L < 25-0H D 70 nm ol/L ; group C (n = 664) , 70 nmol/L, < 25-0H D
90 nm ol/L ; group D ( n = 434) , 90 nm ol/L < 25-0HD ^110 nm ol/L ; group E ( n = 331) , 25-0HD ^110 nmol/L,. After 3-7 days of abstinence , the men specimen was obtained by masturbation method , and the sperm was detected by the sperm quality analyzer ( CASA) . The sperm morpholo
真正地英语gy was detected according to the fifth edition of W H 0 Manual for Human Semen Examination and T reatment. The age , sperm concentration , total number of forward-moving sperm , survival rate , and prcentage of normal sperm morphology were c ompared in each group. Results There were no significant difference in age ,沙丁鱼怎么做好吃
sperm concentration , total number of forward-moving sperm , survival rate , and percentage o mong each group. Conclusion Serum 25 - 0HD level may not be related to men quality in Liuzhou area.
Key words : 25-hydroxylated vitamin D ; vitamin D ; sperm ; men quality ; men parameters
D 受体(vitamin D receptor ,VDR ),且在男性生殖系 统中已发现维生素D 代谢酶[1]。动物实验表明雄 鼠维生素D 缺乏可能影响精子产生[2]。近年来,研 究显示维生素D 缺乏可能直接或间接地影响精子 的质量和数量,因而导致男性不育[3]。虽然大部分 研究结果提示维生素D 缺乏可能会影响精子的质 量,但要获得确切的结论仍需要进一步研究,同时由
梦见被狗咬手群是否存在不同水¥的维生素D 缺乏,和精子参数
相关性如何是值得探讨的问题。本 在分析中维生素D ( vitamin D ,VD )是人体必需的营养