Broad-Banding Technique for In-Pha Hybrid Ring Equal Power Divider
Ban-Leong Ooi,W.Palei,and M.S.Leong Abstract—A broad-banding technique for in-pha equal power
divider is described.Detailed comparisons between the propod
variants of power dividers and the conventional in-pha power
divider are also performed.Bad on the15-dB input and output
return loss criteria,it is noted that a maximum impedance band-
width of44.3%for an amplitude error of
Fig.3.S simulated results of Fig.
Fig.4.S simulated results of Fig.1.
are to be fully matched using the
and and thus,
the result
is not given in this paper.In here,we have intentionally kept the overall length the same for all the structures and varied the respective arm impedances so as to investigate the effect of the impedances on the overall power divider’s performance.As noted from the figures,the variation of the
but with a poorer
培养的近义词isolation and return loss at ports 2and 3.
怎么写申请书A slight change of the overall length of the ring impedance transformer such as Designs IV–VI as in Fig.6,is also investi-gated,and the measured and simulated results are prented in Figs.7–10.From the figures,we e that Designs IV–VI
bandwidth of 53.2%,40.3%,and 29.4%,respectively.As
compared to the conventional
bandwidth of about 25%,one can conclude that the increa of the overall length of the ring impedance transformer can help to improve the
bandwidth and isolation at all ports.The measured results and the HP ADS simulated results,as shown in the figure,agree reasonably well.Thus,with a combination of the changes in the overall length of the ring impedance transformer and the arms impedances,one can achieve an ultrawideband divider.
Fig.7.S simulated results for Fig.
6.Fig.8.S simulated results for Fig.
Fig.9.S simulated results for Fig.
Fig.10.S simulated results for Fig.
Variants of Gyl power dividers with stubs and lines matching.
The approach of broad-band design would then be to first
design the power divider with the
bandwidth,good isolation loss,and with reasonable return loss at port 1at the initial stage.Subquent matching networks are then added at ports 2and 3to improve the respective return loss.
Three new structures with different matching networks as in Fig.11are propod in this paper.In Design VII,additional center stubs and simple tapered lines at each end of the ports are added to improve the return loss.A variation of the stub matching is given in Design VIII.Lastly,a tandem divider as in Design IX is also propod.The structures as propod in Fig.11are kept at relatively the same dimension as we would like to u the same fixture for measurement.All the physical dimensions are as shown in Fig.11.All stubs locations are -lected to make the structure symmetrical along the center line along port 1.The impedances of the stubs are prefixed
Fig.12.Input return loss for the structures in Fig.
Fig.13.Output return loss for the structures in Fig.11.
and a thickness of
0.508mm.The design frequency is from 2to 6GHz.All the lengths of the structures are as shown in Fig.11and they are mainly compod of
-parameters of all the propod structures are obtained by using the HP8510C Network Analyzer.Appropriate de-em-bedding has been performed to remove the connectors’effects.The measured coupling,output port isolation and return loss at ports 1and 2are respectively shown in Figs.12–15.As shown in the figures,comparing with the conventional power divider as in Fig.1(a),all the propod structures卵石画
0.9dB and a pha error
0.9dB and a
pha error
in-pha hybrid power divider for monolithic microwave inte-grated circuit(MMIC)implementation.This work will be re-ferred in our future paper.
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Ban-Leong Ooi received the B.Eng.and
grees from the National University of Singapore,Sin-
He is currently an Assistant Professor of the Elec-苹果制作铃声
trical and Computer Engineering at the National Uni-
versity of Singapore.His main rearch interests in-
clude active antenna arrays design,microwave mi-
conductor device modeling and characterization,mi-
crowave and millimeter-wave circuits and fast elec-
tromagnetic numerical methods.
Dr.Ooi rved in the Singapore IEEE MTT/EMC/AP as the Chapter’s cretary in2000and2001.He w
as also actively involved in organizing the1999Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference in Singapore and rved as the Publication Chairman for the1999 Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference in Singapore.He was a recipient of the 1993URSI Young Scientist Award.
W.Palei,photograph and biography not avavilable at time of publication. M.S.Leong,photograph and biography not avavilable at time of publication.