To purcha individual Abstracts, personal subscript ions or corporat e solut ions, visit our Web sit e at or call us at our U.S. offi ce (954-359-4070) or Switzerland offi ce (+41-41-367-5151). getAbstract is an Internet-bad knowledge rating rvice and publisher of book Abstracts. getAbstract maintains complete editorial responsibility for all parts of this Abstract. T he respective copyrights of authors and publishers are acknowledged. All rights rerved. No part of this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwi, without prior written permission of getAbstract Ltd (Switzerland).The McKiny Mind
Understanding and Implementing the Problem-Solving Tools and
Management Techniques of the World’s Top Strategic Consulting Firm
by Ethan M. Rasiel and Paul N. Friga
© 2001 McGraw-Hill
218 pages
4. Managing. Asmbling a problem-solving team and keeping them motivated is the key to success. Individual team members must be able to balance their lives and careers so they can meet the client ’s expectations without burning out. This is critical if the team is to keep the client informed, involved and inspired.
5. Implementation. Once a solution has been identi fi ed, the team must dedicate suf fi -cient resources to the organization, and the organization must respond in a timely way to any obstacles to implementation. All tasks related to implementation must be completed in a timely manner, and the organization must develop an iteration process that leads to continual improvement. To this end, the team must reasss the effec-tiveness of its implementation and make additional changes as necessary.
6. Leadership. This model requires strong leadership from the head the organization. This leader must express a strategic vision and inspire tho in the organization who will implement the solution. He or she also must make the right choices on how to delegate authority to make the implementation happen.When you apply this model, you ’ll often fi nd a tension between your intuitio
n and the data. Generally, it ’s impossible to have all of the relevant facts before you reach a decision, so like most executives, you need to make your business decisions bad partially on facts and intuition. A good decision requires being able to balance both.Framing the Problem The fi rst step in the McKiny process is framing any business problem so that it can be subjected to a rigorous, fact-bad analysis. To do so, u a structured framework that will generate fact-bad hypothes. Once you ’ve arrived at your hypothesis, gather data and analyze the results to prove or disprove it. Your hypothesis will speed your rearch, since it provides you with a road map to guide your analysis and prentation of the solution. In framing the problem, ud a structured method that identi fi es its boundaries and breaks it down into its components. MECE — mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive — will help you parate your problem into distinct, non-overlapping issues, and will prevent you from overlooking any issues relevant to your problem.When attempting to break down a problem, McK iny often us logic trees, which create a hierarchical listing of all of the problem ’s components. When forming a logic tree, start with a broad, 20,000-foot view, and move downward to get clor to the problem. You might start with an overview of a company ’s products, move down to revenues and expens broadly, narrow that perspective to particular sources of revenue, such as sales, leasing, and rvice, and then look more cloly at one of the areas, such as dividing sales into the parate regions of sales activity.Once you have determined the esntial
components of a problem by using the appropriate frameworks, you can form a hypothesis or ries of hypothes about a likely solution. Since you don ’t have many facts at this point, u your instinct or intuition to help you generate the hypothes. Just take what you already know about the problem, combine that with your gut feelings, and imagine what the most likely answers will be. The answers may not be correct, but they are a great place to start.Designing the Analysis
锐利的近义词是什么To start the analysis, fi nd the key drivers by drilling down to the core of the problem, instead of looking at everything parately. Look at how solving this problem fi ts into the big picture and don ’t waste time trying to analyze every aspect of a problem. Determine “The most
common tool McK-
iny-ites u to
break problems
apart is the logic
tree, a hierarchical
listing of all the
components of a
problem, starting
at the ‘20,000-foot
view ’ and moving年月日评课
“Let your hypothe-
sis determine your
“The 80/20 rule is
one of the great
truths in business.
It is a rule of thumb
that says that 80%
of an effect under
study will be gen-
erated by 20% of
the examples ana-
what analys you need to prove or disprove your hypothesis. In some cas, you may not be able to come up with a hypothesis initially becau the problem ems too confusing. In that ca, u yo
ur analysis of the facts to guide you to a solution.Generally, though, your hypothesis will determine how you conduct your analysis. Get your analytical priorities straight by deciding what not to do, so you can concentrate on the most important facts to analyze. For instance, decide which analys are quick wins, since they are easy to complete and can make a major contribution to proving or disproving a hypothesis. Don ’t worry about absolute precision — you can ’t be perfect at this stage. Triangulate around the toughest problems by analyzing other issues that will determine the limits of the sticky issues.Gathering the Data Now is the time to look for the facts. Don ’t let people you interview tell you, “I have no idea,” which is an answer that communicates a lack of time, incurity or just plain laziness. Instead, probe with a few sharp questions. McK iny-ites u three high-impact techniques in data collection. They start with the annual report. Next, they u computers to identify outliers, the key subjects for later investigation. Generally, the outliers are uncovered by comparing ratios or key measures like high and low performers. Finally, they ek relevant best practices to glean insights from a competitor or top-performing organization.Before you interview anyone for information, prepare a written interview guide. Once the interview commences, u active listening and guide the interviewee to stay on track. Some other tips for successful interviewing are to interview in pairs, u the indirect approach in asking questions, and don ’t ask for too much. Avoid nsitive subjects at the beginning of the interview and recognize where the interviewee may
have a con fl icting agenda like a job that is threatened by cost-cutting measures.Interpreting the Results Once you have your data, you must understand what it says and decide what steps you should take bad on your results. Asmble the fi ndings into an externally directed end product that provides a cour of direction for your organization or client to follow.A chart that identi fi es the three most important things you learn each day will help to focus and direct your thinking. Be receptive to facts that prove you wrong. If the facts don ’t fi t your hypothesis, be ready to change it. Don ’t try to change the facts to fi t what you think is the likely solution. Remember the 80/20 Rule: 80% of the effect you are studying will result from 20 percent of the examples you analyze. This rule was originally propounded by the economist Vilfredo Pareto, who found that a small fraction of the elements in any study usually account for a large fraction of the effect. In creating the end product, tailor your solutions to fi t the needs of your client. Look at the results through the client ’s eyes and ask how your recommended solution will add value. Respect the limits of your client ’s abilities to ensure that your solutions are realistically actionable bad on the client ’s current skills, systems, structures, staff and budget.Prenting Your Ideas You must prent your solutions in a way that your client understands and can accept.
To do so, make your prentation clear and convincing. To do so, u a structure that your audience can easily understand and follow. McKiny recommends keeping it “Having reduced
the problem to its
esntial compo-
nents through the
u of appropriate
frameworks, you
are ready to
embark on the
next step in the
process of framing
it: forming a
hypothesis as to its
likely solution.”
“When it comes
time to prove your
initial hypothesis,
ef fi cient analysis
design will help
you hit the ground
running. You and
your team will
锦麟天地know what you
have to do, where
to get the infor-
mation to do it,
and when to get it
“Interviewing is
part of every
McKiny engage-
ment, as it not
only generates pri-
mary data but can
also identify great
sources of c-
ondary data.”