教学步骤 | 多媒体应用 | 教师行为 | 学生行为 | 设计意图 |
前置性作业 | T: Group work: arch some information about an endangered animal. | Search the information. | ||
Step Ⅰ Greeting | 荷花水粉画1.Greeting T: Good morning, class! | 石斛野生 Greeting T:Good morning! | 师生问好,营造良好气氛。 | |
StepⅡ lead-in 创设情境 实物导入新课 | T: Surpri, a gift for you? Friday. Guess what’s in it.() | Guess: Is ? | 猜物游戏活跃气氛,调动学生积极性并且自然导入新课话题大象,形象直观。 | |
StepⅢ Before reading 呈现课文背景,解决认知 Step IV While Reading 1.Fast Reading 2.Careful reading | (1) (2) (3) | 1. Question T: Do you know the people in which country like elephants best? 2.Brief Introduction Introduce elephants in Thailand 3.New words 1(1)T: Look at the article.Oh!It has no title. First, let's check the best title. (2)T:How many paragraphs? What are they about? Let’s find the topic ntence. (3)T:So the main topic of each 2(1)T: First,look at the importance. Read and answer. T: Let’s review Para1. Retell according to the pictures. (2) T: Why are the elephants so popular? What can they do?Read Para2 carefully,and find it. Game: I so you say T: Elephants have good memory.How about you? Now I am an elephant. I do, you say. U the ntence pattern. (3)T:Elephants are so smart. But now they are in danger. Why? Para3,find the reason. T: So how to save them? Pair work T: With the pictures, Retell Para3 . Now begin. | 1. Guess the country 2. Listen and read the new wors. Read and check Underline the topic ntences. Find and read the topics together Read and choo the answer. With the help of teacher, retell Para1 Read and write T for true or F for fal Look and say. Read and fill in the blanks. Read and answer. Retell and show | 图片辅助,介绍背景, 在背景呈现过程中解决部分生词,降低阅读难度。 通过快读、细读,逐层升文章。 通过快读选标题整体感知文章。继而找中心句确定每段主题,建构文章整体结构。 鸡蛋炒蒜黄在细读环节,首先通过几种不同的题型了解文章细节,然后每段后面再加一个巩固复述环节,加深学生对段落的理解。 根据图片复述、我做你猜游戏、同桌练习,级调动学生的积极性,又扩大了学生参与面。 |
StepⅤ After reading Group work 小组活动 情感升华 | (大象声) T: What’s that? Is the sound happy or sad? Maybe cry Play the video. T: They are all need help. Group work.Now take out your information, discuss how to introduce the endangered animal. T: So many animals are in danger, and we must take actions now. | Look at the video Discuss and show the introduction | 刚性宪法通过数字故事将学生由课文中的大象拓展到其他濒危动物,触动学生情感,引发思考。 小组合作,加深学生对濒危动物的了解,让学生自己发出保护动物的呼吁。 | |
StepⅥ Homework | 1.Retell the article 2.Writing. | 进一步巩固和拓展本课所学知识。 | 外铄论的代表人物||
带心字的成语 |
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