earn a living造句
1、Try living outside of how you earn a living.
屏幕材质2、For the first time ever, it was possible to earn a living writing for the public.
3、First you should consider how to equip yourlf to earn a living.
4、We should also help the small handicraftsmen find ways to earn a living.
酱鹿肉5、Becau he doesn't need to earn a living by playing ball, he can say this strategically.
6、Therefore, your first consideration should be to study a subject which will best equip you to earn a living.
7、Politicians from all parties are keen to talk about new ways for Britain to earn a living.
8、He gave up his job in the factory in order to write, ie earn a living by writing.
9、Once I've got them off my hands I can get back to the city and earn a living."
10、He was virtually driven to this, becau he could not earn a living in any other way.
11、Your challenge is to ttle into one area to cultivate your ability sufficiently to earn a living and attain success.
12、She left Jamaica, went to Panama, then Cuba, and finally to the United States in order to earn a living for her children in arch of a job.
13、First of all, it should be a real rvice to my fellowmen and not merely enable me to earn a living.
14、While that is truly the ideal – to earn a living while enriching your life — I think people put too much pressure on themlves to find this ultimate job.
吸财树15、Seventy percent of the world’s poor live in rural areas. They depend on agriculture to earn a living and feed their families.
16、It is admitted that when they are put into prison, they should be given job training to learn basic skills which can help them earn a living.
手抓饭17、I mean the real rich, people with inherited wealth who don't have to spend their days huddled over computers in order to earn a living.
18、Unless you have some overwhelming passion that also happens to allow you to earn a living doing it, always remember that work should be a means to an end: living an enjoyable life.
19、 Although Xianyang is lively, as strange as people, it is difficult to earn a living. It is a shame that a wealthy family, a poor family and a rich man have also been frustrated and become a poor man.
20、When the introductions are over, the bride tells Pinkerton that she comes from a once rich family that later met with ill-fortune, whereupon she was forced to earn a living as a geisha.