英语即兴演讲题目( 09 年 cctv 杯半决赛即兴题目)
2009 年 11 月 12 日第一场比赛
1.should a ban be impod on uestricted advertiment to nd text mesges into mobile phones? ( 长秋是否应该限制手机乱 发广告信息 )
2.wouldnt it be fair for men to retire earliar than women? (男性比女性提前退休是否公平?)
3.is it patriotic to pay to bring back artifacts stolen by other countries?
( 购买国际市场上的中国被盗古董是否是爱国行为? )
4。 are people who have owned more than a home being lfish?
( 拥有一套以上房子的人自私吗? )
5.does an all-star cast enchance or distract a film message? (一部电影都是大牌演员,是否真的能表现电影内容?)
6.should a pedestrians injured in crossing the street in a wrong place
培养男孩be procuted?
7.are pre-university students too young to live in a foreign countries?
语即兴演讲题目( 09 年 cctv 杯半决赛第二场题目)
1.are criticism levelled upon post 80s generation justified?
对 80 后的批评真的很公正吗?
2.chine names for chine things : narrow-minded or
common n?
hr的六大模块3.do we have to u our real names online?
4.in times of economic crisis, is it justified for some countries
put their interest first?
5.what comes to us first: loyalty to the family or respect for the
social rules? ( 满文军揭发老婆吸毒问题引出的思考 )
6.should salary caps be impod on nior management?
( 限制国有企业高管工资应该吗? )
7.should state institutions be obliged to purcha green vehecles?
( 比亚迪研制出电动汽车,政府应该率先购买吗? )
英语即兴演讲题目( 09 年 cctv 杯半决赛第三场题目)
1.is it the right time for china to introduce two-child policy? 面
2.does the growth of online shopping will herald the high street shopping? ( 网购是否能取代传统购物? )
3.what is the domestic travel tool for china: train or plane?
4.does breakdown in gender sterotyping will benefit the society progress?
5.are we surrender our privacy to technology?
6.should education in chian be less academic and job oriented?
7.should internet addiction be treated as a genius education or irresponsible behavior?
8.do we spend too much time on learning english?
should university students start their own business as soon as they graduate from universities?
should parents t limits on internet access for their teenage children?
smoking should be prohibited completely in all countries. people have been alienated by the internet.
系向牛头充炭直science is a threat to humanity.x education should take place at home.
should photos of pickpockets be pasted on the windows of bus as a warning for pasngers?china should restrict private ownership ofautomobiles.
historic buildings should not be sacrificed to make room for 1. disquiet over student drivers 有车“族 ”驶入校园,是喜还是忧
我的前半生简介2.cars should be absolutely forbidden on campus 校园内应禁 止行车
3。 should a teacher dress well elegantly or gracefully so to attract attention?
4.shall we diet to keep fit or diet to keep healthy?
5.some say music training in college is unnecessary, while others do not believe so. what is your opinion on this issue? why? give specific reasons and examples to support your answerurban development
1.universities should abolish the practice of cutting off electricity at dormitory at night.
2.p.e. class should be made elective in universities.
3.english band 4 and band 8 tests should be abolished.
4.high school students should be allowed to choo their major after entering universities.
5.the eollment quotas of college entrance examination should be bad on the population of each province.
6.celebrities don 'avt eh rights of privacy.
7.chine calligraphy should be made a compulsory cour to all primary school students.
8.classical chine should be made a compulsory cour to all university students.
9.advertiment degrades people 's quality of life.
1.junk food should be taxed.
2.we should not protect a dying language.
3.image of children should be prohibited in advertiment.
4.cyber manhunt ( 人肉搜索 ) should be made illegal.
5.china should ban the production and sales of tobacco.
6.international working women 's day should be cancelled.
7.cultural relics should be returned to their countries of origin.
8.gambling should be legalized in areas afflicted by economic recession.
9.who need more care in our society, men or women?
10.men and women should retire at the same age
1.government officials should reveal their property information to the public.
2.teacher 's pay should be bad on his/her students performance.