The best way to win the battle is to defeat the enemy.
—George Smith Patton Jr
会计核算期Born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, CA, George Smith Patton, Jr. was the son of George S. Patton, Sr. and Ruth Patton. according to military history, he was an avid student. the young Patton was descended from Revolutionary War Brigadier General Hugh Mercer and veral of his relatives fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. During his childhood, Patton met former Confederate raider John S. Mosby who was family friend. The old veteran's war stories pushed the passion of Patton's desire to become a soldier. later on, he departed from home, enrolled at the Virginia Military Institute in 1903, the following year he transferring to West Point by admission qualification.
He was Compelled to repeat his flat time due to poor grades in mathematics, Patton reached the position of cadet adjutant before graduating in 1909. Assigned to the cavalry, Patton went on to compete in the modern pentathlon competition at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. Finishing fifth grade overall, he returned to the United States and was posted to
猪肉饺子馅怎么调Fort Riley, KS. While there, he developed a new cavalry saber and training techniques. Assigned to the 8th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Bliss, TX, he took part in Brigadier General John J. Pershing's Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa in 1916.公平的近义词 Mandate to form armored brigade in 1939, was promoted to brigadier general. In 1942, the First Armored Corps, the rank of major general in August of the same year, the rate of 40,000 cavalry crossing the Atlantic landing in North Africa.
1943 in North Africa, the Anglo-American Allied was counterattack by " the Dert Fox" led by Field Marshal Rommel's German launched a large-scale fighting, the results of the U.S. military failed mirably and get into big trouble. In order to rever this situation on the battlefield, to revive the US military forces, the U.S. authorities to nd George Patton to the cond special Corps rved as a commander, Major General Bligh Terre talented as his assistant. over the age of 50 ,but patton was ambitious, took office rectify discipline, command the kitchen must be on time to dinner, the officers and men to dress neatly, has also developed a rigorous training program. Resolutely rectify the officers, all the pessimistic mood of fear war sweeping away, the troops became disciplined, high mo
rale, brave and skilled.
Patton led the U.S. Second Corps met the German Rommel's corps in a fierce battle, the Germans defeated. Montgomery forces win follow up a victory with hot pursuit.last of remnants from the African battlefield.
In July 1943, Patton was nt to the 7th Army as a commander. He decided to attack Palermo, the British General Montgomery took it Marcos landed from the south of the Sicily to pin down the enemy. But plan was Montgomery opposition. So the US-British coalition forces supreme commander Einhower for both the maintenance of the face, including Montgomery emotions, then take adoption of the operational plan of the British side, Patton felt greatly angary , he did not want to make the supporting role of the British forces, but as a soldier, he had no choice but to obey.
In July 1943, the Anglo-American coalition landing in southern and eastern Sicily. However, due to the stubborn resistance of the main German defens, Montgomery forces unable to break through enemy lines Barton under the jurisdiction of the Second Ar
my High Command ordered the road to the British advance, however, give way in the German heavy artillery fire, the Second Army casualties so heavy, headquarters and command halt, patton was traveling at full speed to catch in front of the Montgomery forces, capture the enemy lines, Barton was excited at a news conference.
Patton forces continue to overcome Messina, but becau of the German heavy artillery counter-attack, but also due to Patton insists operational plan, the forces promote slowly, heavy casualties. Patton had to personally forward, visit to the army hospital, he begins to beat a cowardly soldier, a shock, but the soldiers or to obey orders, captured the last German stronghold Messina heavy price.
法国申根签证Patton won the "the blood bile general" in the world, but becau of the unfriendly attitude to Montgomery, and brutally assaulted soldiers, then ri to much dissatisfaction. Einhower ordered Patton no choice but to make a public apology to the parties. His review is still not the understanding of others, he was removed from the military.
Landings in Normandy, Patton and Einhower appointed. In this battle, Barton only play
the role of "diversion" supporting role. He felt grievances, frustration, rentment. Then he took advantage of the public, put his anger out on the Russian people.
义不容辞的近义词>世界杯解说员Soon, Patton was appointed commander of the Third Army. June 6, 1944, the Normandy battle started. Patton lead the Battle of the Bulge, just when he appeared to obtain a completely victory on the personal and military, but his actions stopped by the Einhower constraints. Einhower out of political pressure, has decided to give priority to Montgomery's northern front, and allow the Russians to enter the occupation of Prague, Patton has gone deep into the territory of Czechoslovakia.常怀念
厦门白城沙滩At the end of the war, his chest covered with medals. After the surrender of Germany, the United States, the Soviet Union troops celebrate the victory banquet, Patton even indifference, hatred of the Russians, and declared that the hope and the Russian war, becau he believed that Americans must not show weakness to the Russians.